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Trackmen Set School

Recordsi Tennis Tearn Wins 4 out of 5

The Warrior ten:nts team looks like it's oil'

When aaked what titles she holds, Margie commented that aht preaently the Nebraska junior women's champion, Iowa junior pion, and holds the Women·a and Mlxed Doubles title ot Omaha. has also won tournaments In and Texas.

Margie laughed and stated that she Is going to be so busy tournaments thle summer that she won't be able to practice her She wlll go on a three-week tour which Includes going to tbe ...,=,,...• National Tournament In Ottawa, the Detroit opens and the Mic:hiPII State opens, traveling to Missouri Valley to defend the doubles abe wou last year, and trying to win the singles match (in which MardiJ(>n placed last yenr). Also on her busy schedule are several mal.alltiiO In Nebraska, Iowa, nn(\ Kansas.

Margie admitted that sbe wants to continue playing In college cause "I enjoy It and think It's a great game; besides;• she added ing, "It.'s a great exercise." She said abe practices five days a three hours a day during tbe school year, and every day during summer.

Joining Margie on the tennis team are Lee Bovett, Tish OaU Hubbard, Krlsty Isaacson, Judy McClendon, Rita Peterson. Kathy Reea.

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