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Jon Colllns plans to attend Brown Institute ot Technology.
Ann e will atlend Capitol Beauty School.
Joan Edson will work at Key Finance Corporation.
Connie Gibson will be doing one year of on-the-Job nurses trainIng.
George Glock e Is planning to get a job.
H encke wlll journey to Germany with her parents. Upon braska U. on a scholarship.
'l u ck S addl er Is going to Nebraska U George Russe l Is moving and 1s planning to work. ' Sue Spencer Is going to attend the C. E. Schoo l of Commerce.
J ean Swan1>on will attend
Method i st N u rslog School.
Nancy Swanso n will attend the her return she will attend B School. ru\tble Hybl is undecided.
C. E. School ot Comme r ce.
Dick J ense n plans to work.
E rmn J o n es plans on ma after graduation.
Camellia Kellogg is p lannloc work.
Jud y Leypoldt is plan nior; attend Beauty School.
E dward wve will attend C.E. School of Commerce.
Judy J ,lnder is going Capital Beauty School.
JoiUt is going zona to work f'lndy Qul.'rry will work a Jflll 1 and then atten d Omaha U.
Rmnona Norcl will attend Co ruerclal Extension.
When your d oss picture appears in the 1963 "Sh ield," you ca n be confident that it is the fin es t photo possib le if you have it taken by Brandeis Jean Sardou Studio. Here's good news: o n e yearbook pict u re costs o nly $1. HOWEVER , for each student who takes advantage of ou r specie I offer, the $1 is applied to the ord er, and th e re will be no charge for th e yearbook photo.
Avoid la st m inute confusion! Pictures for th e "Shi e ld" ma y be made thi s s ummer And re member, at Brondeis you r sa tisfaction is fully guaranteed
Studen ts! Don't 1russ t his special offer
• You g et 12 mini at ure comp lete with fo lde rs tographs ,
• You get one 8 x 10H delux colored sepia portrait in a 241<\ plate frame