9 minute read
rejection '62' A Into the
J etmn e Ence ll is going to Ne- Iowa State. lng Omaha u. ool bells and more homeawait many next tall, when chool 1s left tar behind and 0 per cent of the 1962 WHS e Alle n plans to accept a arship lo Harvard. He also t ed the Nebraska. Regents l scholarship to Chicago Unity.
Beuterbangh will go to braska U.
(,"hery l Bird plans on attending Omaha U
Steve l31 och is going to Neb r as- ka U. RtL'lS B orneman will attend Brigham Young U. in Utah l\fike Bot h el is t\ttending Oma- ha U. l\la.ry Kntb eryn Boyd plan.s to attend Omaha U. Gary Brtmdt wlll take night
Fosl e t· plans to attend Jon es is going to IllLnois Janioo Kucera will enher go to Colorado l1. Institute or Teehnology. He re- MJddleton or In to Com.tne r cial ExEldon H Franz attending ceived a N R O.T.C Scholarship. tension Grinnell College in Iowa. He re- Blaine Jungers will be attend- Gary l {unkler is going to Neceived a Grinnell Honor Scholar- ing Omaha U. braska U ; be rilceived a $300 ship. Kallhoff ts golng to scholarship.
H odge Jones liT is planning Jim Kri eger ill planning to atOmaha u. Ed E.-v.ln will attend Omaha U. to go to Dartmouth tend Omaha u. ates f ace the challenge of r slty and college life. A tota l 8 seniors list college plans. Adams ls as yet u ndecided.
Caro lyn Falkenroth Is going to Omaha. U. Terry Kvam will atend either Valparaiso U. in Indiana. She re- W Ayn e n :nbat will go to Nebras- Iowa St!lite or U. C. at Berkeley. ceived grant-In-aid. ka u. Jan Larsen will be going to k e will attend Omaha school at Omaha U. Omaha U. or Nebraska U. ve e vitch Is planning to
Katht Favol' is going to Doane 'l' Colorado State U.,· he is a Regents om Kmn l n is going to Omaha. College. U Alternate.
1 Anderso n will attend OmaAnderson is p l anning on ng St. Olaf's College.
Ya le Fink l e plans to attend J Jolm A L ea ry plans to at•And a nls K aufman plans to go to ""
Steve Broclcy will go to Ne br as- Georgia Institute of Technology Omnha U. Omaha U. ka U. He. Is a Regents Alternate. Danny Firestone will go to Re n Ka .Jean Lewis Is planning to at-
J\Jarii)' U Brown Is planning on attend Omaha u. tend Duke University. going to Omaha u. Mlles Foster will attend Ne- Harvey Lem on will attend b k U Linda Keating will be attend- l>lana Burton will attend Colo- to Nebraska U. WUI.ia:m J\J.ng plans to attend Kat h y Lterley is planning to atKay Fuchs will go to Nebraska Omaha U. tend Hood College in Maryland. y Ande r son will attend BradCollege In Massachusetts. t''e Anderson plans to att.end ha U. nita Arms trong will atten4 a City u. 1atn e Art> ls currently planto go to Wayne State Teachollege. n Aaerbaek wlll attend Oma-
Joe Brnecks is going to Omaha r as a · Brown. Ile received an Air Force u. $ h a r on Ann e Freed plans to go ing Nebra,ska U. Scholarship. e Ande r son Is going to NeaU.
•Lve Auld Is go in g to Omab.a U. Aurlnge.r will be at Omaha ndy Bau ghman Is planning maba U. Beck will attend Omaha U. ft B e nn e t. is going to Omaha plans to attend
Inn BerrJs wlll be attendin g J ose State College In Oallfor- rol Berry Is going to Omaha rndo State College. l>lck Cofrey will go to Omaha u.
Gluny 0 1\lame Is planning on attending Iowa State.
Roger Carlburg is curr ently planning on going to Omaha U.
Dill Ca rpenter will attend Omaha U.
Bob Otlrson wm atten d Amherst.
Anita Oatlatt Is going lo Central Missouri State.
.Linda Olui.sten sen 1B attending Nebraska U.
Anth o n y Joseph Ciull o will , go to Omaha U.
John W. Clapper, Jr., will atlend Montana. Eastern i n Billing s, Montana.
Burb Ol em is aLlending Neb r aska U. B ru ce Cough plans to go to Colorado State U nl versJty.
U S andra Klabunde will be seen She received a scholarship. Bob Garrett is attending Has- at Wayne State Teachers' College. Oltlp Lockwood will go to tings College or Nebraska U. Be }{aren xo7.ak is planning to go Omaha U. received an athletic scholarship. to Welles l ey. She received a Sara Long plans to attend Ne- ka U.
IAIHla Gates will attend Nebras- scholarship to GrLnnell. braska Wesleyan.
Gwen Gibbs is going to Iowa State.
Darle n e Gllsar i s planning to attend St. J oseph' s College in Colorado
Lem m e Goldberg is going to Nebraska U
Art Goodwin Is p l anning to go lo OmAha U.
B ette GrafT plans to attend Omaha U.
S u s .le Gras mick Is attending Nebraska. U.
George Gu.-vin will to go Omaha U.
Tis h Haeck e r is attending Omaha U.
We see ourselves in new towns, With new friends and new ideas
Art Lore u z plans to attend Kansas U. He is a Regents Alternate.
John Lnckasen is nndeclded.
Be bas received scho larship to Hastings Co ll ege, University ot North Dakota, and Nebraska U. He Is also a Regents Alternate.
Cam Lucas will attend Yale lJntver.sity. He r eceived an Ya.ie National Honorary Scholarship.
Dick l\lcKen n a is going to Ar izona U.
Diann l\f cNen l plans to attend Omaha 13'. Rtcbnrcl M e i e r will go to Nebrask a U. He Is a Regents alternate.
1\larsha ll J\l e imau wm attend e ither Illlnois or Minnesota. U
Kay Melchfors plans to attend Wisconsin U.
<"reigbton 11. Is going to
Conn ie OoJUton
Seniors hope, plan, wait and
Toward Colleg
.ttend WyomLng U. fn.ry H e l e n Durham is going to raska u.
psan Dean Is going to Cottey orma Deets wlll attend Val- t'ggy D eLong is going to Om.a-
:ege In Missouri.
Liso U. She bas received a llarshlp.
0 She is a Nebr aska Regents
·at DJ etz Is attending Wyoming
L ewis Donn e will be at Nebraska U.
Db1all Donovaa IJt attending Riverside City Colleg in California.
E Uey wllJ attend Denver 0. lie receiveu a rull music scholarship.
Catbi Eaton • HI attead St. Mary's College. S e Is a Nebraska Regents Alterna-. Greg E d en Jtt Dantr mouth Co ll ege I ;New Hampshire. He received 11 N.R.O.T.C. l!Cholar-
xlO Oil u.
B a rb Hand sc huh will go to Nebraska U.
Jo sle Hapne r is going to Lindenwood in Missouri.
Doug Hart wlll attend Omaha u.
She rry Hay es plans on attending Nebraska U.
Barb Rebnroa will go to Kansas U.
R o n H e nningsen will attend Nebraska 0.
C huck Heste r is g o i ng to Creighton U.
ReJd H e ld plans to attend Omaha U.
Kare n Wll ls planning to go to Omaha U.
J'oltn H end e r s on will be seen at Omaha U.
Slutrry Hogzett is att.endfng State College- or Iowa.
PhJI Jlolly wlll go to Nebraska.
Rick Holt Is planning to attend Jllinois InsUtute of Technology.
D oc Horwich will be going to Princeton.
Don Hosford will atten d St. Olaf College He is a R egents A lternate.
W oody Hovland is going to Omaha u.
Pat Hronek is planning to attend Omaha U. Huber wUl go to Nebraska U.
P ellDy Hula c ls going to Nebraska U.
.Tulle Ive r son plans to att end Omaha U.
Iren e J acobs plans to attend Omaha U.
T ekla Ja cobson will be attendIng Omaha. U.
Bonn ie Jen sen wi11 go to University or Kansas Medical Center.
Susan Johnson will attend Omaha U. She Is a Regents Alternate.
Ranch Bowl
1000 South '72nd Street Phone 898-0900 l\fnrilyn Mnntcl will go to Nebraska U. She received a Regent-s scholarship.
Steve I u dington plans to go to Stan ford He received an N.M.S.C. scholarship.
Hob Lundstrom plans to attend Nebras k a U.
Bob Maddox is planning lo attend B r ow n He received a rull sclto l arshlp.
Pam Mahnke is planning to go to Omaha U.
J ,!Jtda S h cebn:n is planning on Omaha U.
Put l\la.y<U' plans .t.o attend the University of Oklahoma.
Lots 1\lcOo nkle will attend Nebraska U.
E d l\l cCu rtain Is planning to attend Oklahoma U.
Chris McE lroy wlll go to Peru
Sus i e Mellor will be going to Nebraska U.
Nancy l\l etz Is ntten dln g Omnh.a u. MArilyn Mlddl etou will be going to Central ?dlssouri State College.
Patricia Frances ?tliller will attend Nebraska U.
Pat :\llller will go to Iowa State.
Gary l\lillett will be going to Williams College.
Jel1 1\Usko hasn't decided yet.
Barbar a Mon tes will be going to George Washington U. Craig J\loore plans to attend Nebraska U.
D eun y Moore Is go in g to Nebraska U.
Pat Moore Is planning to attend Marietta College.
Continued on Pog e 4
by Catlde FUJdns
Reviewing fa.sbldn '61-62 is the content. or the Nebraska's final column. As fall and school started simultaneo u sly, tile f all fashion for Westsiders revolved about the traditional shirtwaist. They r ange d rrom pastel soJlds to dark prints. Skirts and sweaters, the eV'er constant basic or an.y girl's wardrobe changed main ly in color this year. Challenging the soft pastels were tlte vivid colors magenta, teal, and re d-orange plaid. Monochroma.Uc swelliters went out o r style as new ones were quartered by color d ivisions Slow to gain its popularity was the ftower-prtnted sweate r
1n the wonderful realm of party dresses ther e were several trends. Early fall reatured the r oaring 20's twist dresses with lots of fringe and sequins. Next in line were ftowing chiffon c r eations influenced by Grecian design. Spor tsweal', the mainstay of week-ends, stayed constant with slaek-s, sport skirts, bermudas, and Standing out as a. leading manufacturer ot original out11ts is Thermo-Jac. Teenagers were kept busy buying "hot. dogs," "poor boys," "blue poohs," "Uncle Osca r 's," and a host or summertime eo-ordinates.
T hope tile column has been inrorming, Informal, and fun for yo u as ll bas for me. The Nebraska hopes lo see and serve you this summer and until next fall, J wish you a happy summer f!Ued with fashion tun :
We're in the Army Now Warriors Enter Business World Or Is it the Marines?
Westside will be well represented next year In the Armed ServIces as 14 seniors plan enlistment.
lfike Bilker will join the Marines.
J o hn Ch a dwe ll Is entering the Naval Mechanic Sc ho ol.
OU U Co nrud wtll go tnto the Marines.
Gary Ern s t. is going into the Air Force.
Bob Hn.y e-. will joi n the Navy.
Dick John s on wlll en t e r the i'\avy
.TJm Knott will join the Navy.
Tom Kreamie r will enter the service.
Luther Petenoon wUl enter the Navy tn the fall.
Blll R edick will enter the Navy also.
Lo nnie Schatfoth will enter the Air Force.
S tuurt. Sherma n Is planning on enlerlng the Navy.
Jim Toll efso n Is going Into the Navy.
Continued from Pogo 3
J ane will be going to tend Creighton U.
Iowa U. ArnJc Peterson will be attend-
J udy Ne lsen will attend Scripps lng Nebras k a U. College.
Susan P ete rsen plans to attend
Don N e wman will go to Ohio Vassar on a Seven College ConWes leya n. terence Scholarship. She also r e-
Car l Neumann wlll be going to calved a Regents Alternate and Omaba U. scholarships to Northwestern and J ack Nl cbol6on is attending Valparaiso.
Omaha U.
Karen P ettegrew wUl attend
Janet N ic h olso n plans to attend Nebraska U.
Omaha U.
Kenneth Plper plans to attend
.Joan Is planning to at- Omaha U. tend St. Olaf with a scholarship.
Dlmltris Portolos Is planning
Gall Os ter will be attending on London University In England.
Omaha U.
Clarke Powers will enter OmaRalph Palmer plans to go to ha U
Omaha U.
G le n Par<Ico plana to attend U.
Omaha U.
Don Pugh will go to Nebraska.
Linda Randall will attend Ne-
Jett Paris h will attend Yale. He braaka U. r eceived sc hol ars hip s to Yale, Princeton and Grinnell.
D ennis Is planning to at- l\larg l e Reed Is planning on
Andrea Is going to Iowa U.
The plans of 29 of this year's graduates Include beauty school, commercial extension, r adio work, and many more
S u sn n Ba ll plans to atten d business school.
:\fAr) P o rtla B e nn ett will wo rk as a stenographer.
Edwi n Jo"4"ph Blumb Jr. is planning to become a plumber.
Rutl\ ('nntr ll plans to go to Texas to work and perhaps attend college.
Omaha U.
Pete Rldgc wny will atlend Nebraska U.
Davo Is going to Nebraska U. Le lJ Rnl Rin g is attending Nebraska U.
Jnn e t. U o ll ck will go to Nebr aska State Teachers' College.
J e rman Hose Is going to Dartmouth College.
) l arslm will atten d U.C.L.A. or U.S.C.
Tei'TI Rope wlll attend Nebras-- ka u.
Nancy S immo n s plans on Omaha U.
Bonnie Smltb will go lo Omaha u.
Sandy Sm iUl wlll attend Omaha U.
Skip So r e n se n will go to Nebraska U. He Is a Ne braska Regents Alternate.
Ro n Stuve will attend Omaha U. on a football scholarsblp.
Ptwl fil.('i n e rt plans to atten d Omaha U.
Karen li und Is attending Ne-