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Baseball, Golf Men Show Skills In Wins

"Strike three you're out!" Spring sport.a have br ought the national pa.st--tlme, baseball, to was once again.

W estside's tJ.rst Tenture lnto the to-port produced a 5·0 l oss at the hAnds of North. A b!ghllgbt of that game waa a pitching exb!bltfon by Westside JunJor, J'ohn Samson. John pitched G hltlesa lnnlngs before the North Wgll VikJn gs exp loded tor several runs.

Elkhorn St. Johns has been the one and only victim or the Warrior basebnll club.

Rain postponed .the April 27 meeting with Central. The day following the proposed Central game, the WHS buseball team met Council Blutb for a 4-2 loss. Excellent pitching from John Samson and Freshman AI Zimmerman was not enough to pull the Warriors away from the CouncU Blulrs club. A triple from Junior Paul Matt and a single from JunIor Steve Pedegana were the only hils to come from the Warrior baseball club.

The first four golf games of the aeason proved victorious for the Warriors. They defeated North, 335-343; A. L., 309-371; Benaon, 319-828; and Lincoln High, 304-308.

Senior members of the golf team are Ken Seddon, Dalo Anderson, and John Schenken. Fonr Janiors, who participate are J'ohn ADen. Jerry Jansen, Nlclt K ostos, and Bob Tarlor. Steve Wilson, sophomore, and three freshmen, Howard Katzman, Tom and Barry Zoob complete the '62 roster.

Ringwalt Holcls Several Tennis Tit

'Tennis anyone!"

This Is a tamlllar cry to Margie RlngwaJt. Busy Margie ha.s playing tennis tor nearly six years and currently holds several She got Interested In tennis through her lather who was the champion ot Omaha, the Midwest, Missouri Valley, and Iowa.

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