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Want Results Of Safe-Teen Rodeo, DE Trip, Horse Show, Club Elections?

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Here We Comel

Here We Comel

Eden, Rn.Ce-Teens' president. announced that there were no ftnallsts ln tho Rodeo held 6 at -tOlb and Center streets. P. r ep won after totalling the highest

Fielcl Trips Filling

Last Days 01 School

Field trips are fllllng up Weetsldel·s· days. ·rho sociology and psychology cla!lsea are plannlug a field trip to the Greenwood Mental Institution May 28. The Modern Problems claHs trip to Washlnglon. D. C. and New York Is scheduled ror June 2- 9.

The anti-communist school May 9 saw close to 100 Westside seniors attending.

Sociology clal'lses visited the Nebraska Reformatory and State .Mental Hospital May 21. Field trips to Weatern Electric, stockyards and Kitty Clover are also scheduled for economics classes.

Spirit o' '66 'or Variety Show I

"The Sp ir it of '66" w as lhe Cleaves, Joe Cohan, Mickey Ellley, for Westside's annual va- Kathy Favor, Chuck Hester, Charr lety show, held last Friday and lotte Jones, Neal Jones, Carole Saturday evenings. Mr. Wflllam Kellogg, director, said of the main theme, "I think real flne. l likE> the way It lied the show to.l!:etber."

Seni ors C hip Lockwood and llll ckl') "Til ey w et'f' ins tmm l' ntal in t he !'u ccess of the sbow. f'bJp acWcJ as m aster or cermnonies and Micke) wrot<" and ronducted th e OIX' nlng num ber, "Spirit o r '00."

In addition to the Top Choir, those who performed were Carole

Kaiser, J ohn King, Susan Lockwood, Dan Loring, Shirley McMaken, Kenny Ploss, Gall Rowden, Gary SaxYik, Brent Warren, and Wade Wright.

Under decorations based on carniva l gaiety, the 1962 JuniorSenior Prom was held May 11. Over 250 couples danced from 91 2 In the ballroom of the Sheraton-l''ontenelle Hotel. l\1uslc was provided by Eddy Haddad and his orchestra.


points in tbe written and obstacle lest. State con1peUUon Is at York.

Greg appointed Rod Anderson to succeed him. Rod in turn will appoint a vice-president.

Committee, work groups, conteats , and l eadership sessions were the main events at the Distributive Education Convention held In Chicago from April 24-28.

Bonnie Jensen, Dave Rigdon, Tom Talty, and Gigi Tlce, sponsored by Mr. Dale Fuerst, Westside's Distributive Eduallon teacher, represe!lted Westside. They became eligible by winning State contests in essays and window displays.

Ramsey Swenson, apparently following in the footsteps of her slater Mickey, '61, won the Westside Challenge Trophy at the Westside Red Cross Horse Show.

May 13. The trophy is presented

Co nti nued hom Pog e 4 is golog to will attend to a student from. Westside or Westbrook Junior Hlgb who wins the Westside Championship Pleasure Class. It must be won three consecutive years before ll can be retired.

Ken Seddo n Is planning on Nebraska U.

Jn son Vonu sek will attend Cr eighton U. Mari e W eber is going to Omaha u.

Pame la Webste r Omaha U.

Jud)' W eJ:;t eA d Omaha U.

J{ttthy W esterlng is -plnnnlng on Milwaukee Downer.

C'tUld:y Wh eeler Is undecided.

Lori Wld ttetl Is going to Denver u.

J elUJ W e U<c plaos to work a yea r before attending Omaha u.

Bruce Wingend el' will be drawIng for a building company.

DiU Wilson will work.

Nancy W ortlco will work for the city.

Donnie Rothschild was Reserve Champion with her horse Mousy.

Seven Westside clubs have already elected their officers for the 19G2-63 schoo l year. Th e cl ub s and their new officers are:

Contemporary Po litica l Affa irs Foruprc sldcnl, Joy Borton; vice-president, Boll Ro binson; secrcrory, Steve Wolson; treosurer Keolh Bell.

HI-Y--9resodenl , Wode Wnght; viceDock lmog , secretary, Dick Theis; J im Brown nurb Wolcott is planni ng on Omaha U. Jew WolfT plans on Kansas City U. l>e nnf e Yo ung will be present at Omaha U. l.'onng will attend Nebraska U.

Key Clu b--president, Bill Foster; vicepresident, Gory Groy; secretory, Bruc;e Bacchus; treasurer, Rich Vosler.

Pep Club--president, Ccrol Bloom; vic;eprc-.idwnl Kathy Zoroyo; secretary, Mory Goy Wnterono. treasurer, Knsty lsoacson. Student Councl!-1>residenl, Rod Ander· son, voc;e presodcnt, Wode Wright; secretory, Kristy lsoocson; treasurer, Gory Groy. Mory Meod; viceprnidcnt, Shor1 Dovos; secretory, Meredilh Henono , treasurer, Koren Nelsen. % Clul>-ilfestdO<It, Toffy SQuires; vicepros ldcnl, Coral Bloom; secretory, Phyllis Sharp; trcosuror, Judy Thomas.

) •oyton White l y will a ttend Omaha u.

Jny Wolfe will attend Nebra-ska u.

,Jn n will atten d USC.

,Jo hn Wup (K'r will attend Doane on a scholarship.

K ay Ztn lt z. will go to Omaha U.

W alt Z1mmcnm\rua will go to Wyoming U. Cont in ued o n Page 5


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Golfers Rank High

. In State Meet

Westside golfers shone ror the Red and Black In the state golf tournament when they snatched ninth place out or 27 teams. Senfor Dale Anderson had the best score or the Westside team with a 7 8 In the state meet.

In the Intercity meet, tho team tied ror second placP with North.

Nine gaml•S comprised the golf season the \Vanlors won six over North, A. L Benson, Lincoln, •rech, nnd Central, and lost three to Prep, South, nod Lincoln.

Sophomore Steve Wilson, who letterecl as o. freshman, wa s one of the team's outstanding members, according to Coach Jim Tangdall. Steve and Senior Ken Seddon are the second-year lettermen. The flrst-year lettermen are John Allen, Dale Anderson, Jerry Jansen, John Schenken, and Bob Taylor.

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