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Girls 1 1 8oys1 Tennis Teams
Finish Successful Season
"l thought we had e. pretty good season b ecause we tied with :-lorth," commented Judy McClendon about the girls' tennis team.
Judy was referrin g to the Westside Girls' Team vs. North Girls' meet 7. Tbe teams tied 2-2; this was the first Ue tor North. rated number 1 In the Intercity.
Tenm nwmbc r s m·e L(• lg h Bo· vett T is h •trw<:ker Oall Uubbu.rd Jud y McCic•ndon , IUta J> l'f,('f'M' n , Kat h y nncl J\fiu·glcl w a lt T lw lr r eco rd wn 'l t hrt'{•
ball Team Meets South For Last Game
Westside's ba.seballtng Warriors will close out the season Friday when they meet Omaha South w i th the exception of distric t play.
Results of the Denson and St. Johns games May 18 and May 22 were not available when the Lan ce went to press.
At that Ume the season r ecord stood with one win and six losses.
The Warriors posted o. victory over St. Johns' of Elkhorn.
Seniors playing their I a s t games for Westside are DaYo Auld, Bob Maddox, Ron S t ave, and Steve Urosevfch.
To Be Tomorrow
a close on spring sports, the hardworking sportsmen will be ho nored tomorrow at the spring sporta convocation.
Letters will be p r esented to 25 trackmen, 8 tennis players, 7 golfers, and 12 baseball playertf. Honorary team capt.alns, the baseball Kiwanis Award, and other lndh•ldual honors will be awarded.
Juniors and sophomores returning next year: Pa ul Motlo, Stove Pedgana, John Sampso n , Earl Beam, and Daryl Olson.
*For those who care
Rockbrook Barber Shop
Derrell A Smoll, Prop 108 0 3 Cente r Om a ha , Neb ra ska wino;;, two losses, and o n e tJ e. b.>nt A.J,. 3-1; Tecll, 3-1; Sout h 3·1 They were downed Bcn'-on, 3·1; and Centrn l , 3 1. Jn the Interci ty tournme nt exc.-<"pt )largle Ringwalt were i s playJ ng toni to try to wJo the singl es title.
Boys' T ennis
'rhe boys' tennis team Is ra seeond in the Intercity with Intercity record of five wins two losses: their total seco nd r ord \vas seven wins and th l OI!Hes Acco r ding to j uni o r tennis p e r Tt'rry Petersen, three me or th e t.enm will be pnrticlp in the Bo3 H' State To nrllt1Jilellt Li n co ln oo nl ght. T h ese bors Rid• Young in the s ingles and f harll e Perrigo and TeiT)' the doubles match.
Other team members are J Andreason, Dave Bradley, J Durham, Paul DeFreese, Gary ll Clendon, and Mark Renner. Westside wins when the s was over: Boys Town, 6-3; T.J. 0; A.L., 3-0; Prep, 2-1; Tecb, 3South, 2-t; and Centra l, 3· Their losses were to Benson, !· Lincoln High, 6-1; and Centr 3-0.
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