3 minute read

Warriors Busy With Science, Horse Show, Beauty, Speech Contest, Prom

:\Jr. HnrlE')' Westside's biology teacher. ls to be one of the guest. speakers at. Lhe Senior .Academy ot Science held at Nebraska's Center for Continuing Education, today and tomorrow.

April 7, Westside's Scieoce Club took part. in t.he Junior AcademY of Science held at Omaha University.

Nf>1gh·b·b·h h -h h h I Everybody

WHS Ranks High in Math Contest

Flash! Westside comes out 011 top again!

Allan Horwich, Marilyn Mantel, and Terry KYam, WeHtalde math students, ba\·e been seleeted as the top team ln the Nebraska Contest.

Over SO Btl.ldentt! entered from Westside. Allan wns third In the state, MarUyn has ranked In tbe top 20 for three years. and Terry was also In the top 20 tll.lli year.

Tbis is the fttth year Westside has entered, placing 12th In 1958, 9th h1 1969, 3rd In lOGO, 6th in 1961. and let. ln 1062, Miss Anna McConnell, math teacher, attrlbuled to both student talent. and Westside's fine Math Department.

She remarked. "There bas been no change In the math program reeenlly. Our !lve-yenr program gives studenLa more math than some high schools. but Is similar to tho pro&rn.m ot mn ny other hlgb schools In this uren. These students have done "'orlt In math outside class assignments, pursuing problems of interest to them, strictly on their own volition."

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P rom a n d Wedding Center of Omaha HOLLYWOOD get off your high-horse and come to the Westside Red Cross Horse Show, May 13 at Hillside Stables. Anyone interested fn helping may contact NancY Simmons or Cathl Eaton or come to the horse show meetings.

M!ss Omaha ls W.IIS grad. Sandy Hancock, '61 graduate or Westside, was crowned Miss Omaha April 8. Second runner-up was Westside senior Janis Kaufman.


" l''asWon Is truly u natural career for a woman," remarked Gloria Gelfand, styUtll and Ylce-president {)f House ot Suburbia. Mrs. Gelfand added that, "Gimmicks will not easily entice today's American buyer. Most women know what they want to buy and are not in1luenced by radical changes in fashion trends.''

At the speech festival at Central 10 Westslders received these ratings:

Superior-Jeff Parish ond Greg Eden. EK'cellent--Com Lucas, John Milne, Eldon Franz, Bob Corson, Jon Loltos, John Wupper, Nick Kostas, Kenny Ploss, Judy Smith, ond Janke McConkle.

At the state contest at Lincoln Westside tied ror fourth place rrom 37 entries. They also received the second blgbest total speech points ln the tournament.

First West Side Bank

Buy a nuu>cot l Don't forget to have your car washed Saturday! Perhaps you ·ve beard these phrases ln tbe vast two weeks from th.e juniors as they raise money ror this year's Junior-Senior Prom. At last report, treasurer Roxt Freeman stated, ''We have over $1,000."

Drama Class To See OU 1s· 1Li 11Abner

At>proxlmately 33 drama students will attend the Spring Fine Arts F'estivat at Omaha University tomorrow.

Lectures and presentations wiU precede a luncheon given to all participants and sponsors in the Festival. Arternoon sessions

Hale .Aust, Jlm

C. N. Robinson.

Student Council has rescheduled the annual "Swing Into Spring Dance" for May 6 two more sock-hops are planned before the dance See you at the Talent Show April 16!


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Ac ross from U. P. Bldg.

by CatlrieFilkins

Exciting, mysterious, and full or fun w1ll be this year's prom. The juniors will look forward to the culmination of a y-ear of work. Tile bake sales, car washes, tile style show. the play, and the Warrior mascot for 1962 will all be long-remeJDbered projects of the Junior Class.

To tlte se nJors the p rom is m o?e than a dance. It is a. final tcl bute from t h e juniors and the under• cl ru.smen. I t remains in a cloud o f anticipation, as the underclassmen l ook toward the future.

The main problem, but th.e most tun, w111 be the choice of the perteet dress. Sor.t lights and a. faint breeze will give a new look to the gauzy chlttons of every rainbow color. Mirror-like satins will reftecl tile gaiety or the evening. Gold and silver brocades will shlno from every corner ot the ballroom. The magic of the night will be represented as silhou ettes of black appear.

Known f or s imp l e elega.noo and o riginal s t yl c, l\lort adds two ftuld p a.nels of black crepe ro soften the skirt ot the f ea.tured dress. Made of rayon a.nd acetate, thls young sophisttcato wm go ellii Uy ro llll social functions.

The Nebras.ka, long patronized by prom-goers invites you to choose your lovely dress from the convenient Crossroads or Downtown Nebraska.

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