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Pep Club, All Sports Feasts Highlight Year

Tomorrow night lhe annual All Sports Banquet given by the Pep Cluo wm be held in the cafeteria. All those boys who have acuvely po.rllcipated in n aport this year wUl be guests o! honor.

Football coaeh Robert DeVaney from Nebraska University wlll be the guest speaker.

:Pep Club officers and varslly cheerleaders will serve.

Committee chairmen In charge of the banquet are: Programs, Judy Nelsen; decorations, Sandy Clifton. "We hope the banquel will be a great success," exclaimed Judy Nelsen.

It's a busy time of the year for enth\.lslaatlc Pep club members who are hol,llng to be future drill squad members. Eager prospecUves have been meeting in mass groups lo prepare themselves tor lTYOUls which will be ln April before cbeerleading tryouts May 8. Plans are being made to blghUgllt lb.e rear with. a :MotherDnufl'hler Banquet, May 3, In Pe-

Girls Tennis Tearn Wins First Game

The 11ard-hltttng glrls' tennis team won thelr first game of tbe season last Friday against. Thomas Jetrerson. The score was 3 to 1 and took place at Westside.

The elghl member team has been pracUcing together after school. Practice began on March 26.

After a season of team compeUtlon With other schools in the area, Individuals will compete In the Interctty Tennis Championships.

Girls participating on tbe tennis team lhis year IU'e Lee Bovett, Tlsh Heacker, Gayle Hubbard, Krlsty Isaacson, Judy McClendon, ltltn. 1'aterson, Katby Rees and Margie Rlngwalt.

Jr. High Takes AAHPER Tests

Pull-ups! Now sll-ups! I don't. know If I'll la3t. What jumpins? You say running? And do It mighty fast?

What next will they lhink of to cause me so to ache?

Don't they know I'm fragUe? Woh knows, why , T might break!

Jim Moore Sets Hurdle Recordi

Tracksters 3rd in OU Meet

'The Clowns' Take Bowling Trophy

ony Park's ballroom. Each year members who earned a. letter, bar or chevron are houor.ed at the annual dinner. Invitations are also extended to seniors, who have remained active, with four points this !*mester. Entertainment will be provided by club membera and new officers will be announced.


April 18-DnAl ! f eet 18--Doane Reln yB

21-T :r 24-D t m l F r emon t there

28-Do tcll W b.lte Rel ays

Baseb all

April 18-Weststde, North at Boyd Pur k

2'1-Westsde, Ocntral at Brown Pa r k

28-Westslde, A L at Co.

B l uft's Golf Ap1'11 16-Westsid e, A L at Elmwoocl

1 9--Weststd e , Lincoln at Elmwood

2 7-Weststde., Lincoln at Pioneer

Perhaps the reason tor some of these student groans Is due to the AAHPER (Association of American Health, I'hYsica.l Education, and Recreation), tests now being given In the junior high boy6' at1d girls' PE classes. According to Mr. Wayne Wagner. boys' PE teacher. t.he test consists o! se,•en pans. They are pull-ups, slt·UllS, standing broad jump, 50-yard dash, 660-yard runwalk, soft ball throw, and the shuttle run.

Mrs. Dlane Peterson, girls' PE instructor, relates that her classes have been working on an "intensity program,'' or four timed exercises designed to Improve the scores on the AAHPER tests.

It 's o pleasure to shop at BEN FRANKLIN ' S 5 & 10 Westga t e Plaza Try

"The Clowns" have copped the cbampionslJll>l This (}AA bowling leam, comprised of seniors Marsha Rosenblatt, Jan Rollck, Sally Saklar, and Judy Welstead, won the most gnmeA and bad the highest set·Jes over seven other GAA teams.

Sponsore<l by Mrs. Diane Peterson, glrla' phyalcal education Leacbl'!r, Lbe bowllng groups conlpeted at the Ranch Bowl for a number of Last TJmrsday wna the finale !or the activity as each member of the winning team received a trophy.

Senfor lllarsha Rosenblatt commented, "It was a tlne ex.perience. Dowling IS a wonderful type ot good, clean competltlon, and I know r learned something about good svortsmansblp through lt." * For those who core Rockbrook Barber Shop Derrell A. Small, Prop. 1 0 80 3 Ce nter Omoho, Nebrcuk o

Countryside Phqrmacy 3

Sophomore Jim Moore made a new WHS record for the 120-yard blgh hurdles at the dual-meet wllh Bellevue last week-end.

At the Columbus track meet last Saturday, lhe Warriors rounded up only 8JA! points, and placed next to last In Class A competJLion. Westside snatched Ulird place In the Greater Omaha Invitational Track Meet held at the Omaha. \Jnlversrty fteldhouse two weeks Over 20 teams partlcJpated. Trackmen to watch a-re Bl)niors Mllte Deuterbaugh a.nd Dave Allen, and junior Bob Grant. Mike broke the school record ln tbe shot-put during a practice session, and Dave is ranking very high In his running performances, :;o far. Bob is raled among the Lop In the state tor the 1 00-yard da11b.

Last Tuesday, Weslslde competed in the Midland Relays In Fremont.



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