1 minute read

ew H9bby To Hit WHS Tell 'kld/S dliyh Warriors Pet Peeves Activity Program

I" that the new school yuar larted again, many atudenta been heard to voice the tacomplalnt about becoming ss in the lon.c tedious clnsscs. >mbat this dread situation, not do what many students s the country have dono?

senl'ational new hobhyer wat<'bfng.

cher!\ are a near human ot lite. 'fbey bnw• severn! on traits. All ot thom Kl•om joy telling 20-yettr-old jokes, g long-winded ll'Clurell on B it was In tbl'lr day, and tor studentll.

y cun be to u nd In t hf' hulls, •.., loung<•, nnd 1\l \'ttrlouw fun<'tlon.... Htm r hnbltat i " da. room, hi" [;; th('; b(',t plnce f or the J('r-watcht•r lO ob-.('nf' tlwtr F. \'ariou!l lecturing methods achel">' are an Interesting !h of this exciting fteld ••\n student can some useowledge by being observing

For example, many teachers clues wben they bring tho to order and start to lecture. .e male of this species may is face wtth a. hard frown or hig keys from one pocket nnd

ctivity Ticket les Increase

les a r e ls year about 1,43& Westside rots and G0 \YeAtbrook J unlfgb students hue bought ar.tickets owntnK an activity ticket, .on may attend all athletic rsts at school free, and those from 11chool at half price. ay attend all school eonvoca!ree, too, while tbey are the Student Connell $50 tOO. This year, a subscription hi' Lnnce Is also Included.

io Club Plays Music, News

tve you noticNl nntsic non.Ung the hall from an empty Or maybe you've enit the mu!!lc tbat plays contlnly In the Student and Teach· Lounges. If you hnve noticed ou probably wonder where tt .IS !rom romP-< from StaUon K\\'HS e mafn office'. The music I• 1 into the clft.:'""l'OOm" by tho o Club durl:n$t tho ho11J111 that lt to be f<L Xe'W"- 1'4 ghcn on thf'! hour John Collin'i or tho «taUon ::he.; OH!r to rndlo 'taUon for U1e new lother project sponsored by Radio Club Is the dn.Uy rend· f the announcements by Greg !lY teacher who would like to music piped Into his or ber sllould contact Lbe Radio and anyone wishing to l)lnce cement should 11ubmll put 'hem Into anolher. The female Instructor mar ftuft up her hair. This tells the student to whip out a notebook and look ronlldl!nt and ready tO recite. The teacher, thinking you are prepared, calla on a less-ready classmate. l .A'et urlng m et hods \'a.ry wldl IY from tt·nclwr to te ncher. One common t )' IW 111 •• n ervous pacer."


Conceited rcople? Green eye make-up? Cold oatmeal? Pet Jleeves are many and \·arled among \Varrlors. Jt'rom some of the "grand old Senlora" come these .•.•

Sharry Hogzctt-"peoplo who are conatanlly criticizing otlwrs."

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