8 minute read

Gets Underway

By Connie Colliton

HI! .Junior High!

This is you1• column. In it goes ncw11 aboat you and for you.

trial Arts for Girls are just a. few of the now clubs added to the .Junior !Hgh t111t o! actlvilties.

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Eighth Graders Study Languages

f'rench, German, and Spanish on the school level being taught to special eighth gradel"!'C In three experimental classes lhls year

German Is taught by Mrs. Betty GrlfiHn, Spanish by Mrs. Bette Heckman. and French by Lois Lucas.

"I think the l'tudents are marveloua," 111ald Mrs. Lucas. "They're able to do the wol'k. "All the teachers feel the same."

The purs>olle ot the classes i!l to oll'er tJUnllfled students the opl!Ortnnlty to get three o r !our year" of n language out of the wo.y bctore they get involved iu Junior and senior subjects. Il also enable11 students to get tn more y('nra or a language

The administration bas incorporated tbe languages to give continuity to the grade school language programs.

Students will receive high school credit for the courses.

All three classes meet at eight a.m.

WHS Journalists Attend Conference

"Every Individual is unique; usually, be does or has done somelhlng that puckers everybody else's curiosity "

Thla Is one of several statements presented to Omaha's high IICbool 1\nd college journalists at WOW-TV's Editor Conference, held Sept. 23.

Judy Nelsen, l ..ance editor, and Ulck Diegel, a ftrst-year journallam student, represented Westaide's journalism department at the conference•

The conference Is held annually by WOW to encourage st.udents to bring the- human relations element Into school papers. HunulD relation s authorities, such as WOW'11 Len Zajicek and Jlm Gamn, spoke to the journalists on this topic. Afterward. editors from the schools met ln panels to discuss the problems and advantage!! of tbelr papers. A tour of WOW concluded the conferonce.

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Susan nenn-"drlvers who don't signal betore th ey turn."

Dkk Cefl·y. ••uonn I •m vPry satisfied."

Gwen Oll.lbs- "peo ptfl who shO\V faltle emotions."

Gregg Eden "peot>le who aren't prompt for a))polntments."

Carolyn Falkenrol11- "conceited boys."

Bill Redlck-''llttle brothers."

Marilyn cafeteria."

Elley-"women In general.''

Melman - ''Pep Club membcn1 that leave before 11n athletic contest Ia ovt!r."

Xorma Deets- "7th and sth pade students who run 11own halla.''

Tony Clullo-"belnR ealled the 'Italian Cowboy:"

F.}ldon Franz "dirty ftngernalla."

Bonita A rmstronv· "IH'Ople who unclermlne team spirit"

Doll Hosford "people who a1·!' conceited, ond show H.'' Dennis Passer -"drive rs who cut Innes In trout of me."

Sunny Durham-"back-soat drivers."

Jim Rhelngro\'er-" 1 don't really have any; I love cvP.rythlng."

Pep Club Grows

Be.>ldcs belnr; the largest orKnnlzatlon In s<-bool. the Westside

Pep Clnb is olso tho fa stest grow-

"Five years aRo," according to Dunn. Pep club sponsor, "the club's membcrahlll totaled 1:!5, and lacked IIUil\clent organization." Since then she has witnessed n "complete evolullon" In tho club's memhorshiJI (which hns to over 600 t.hlll past yenr). and the nttlludo or tho members.

"H 11eoms lho KlrlA have Iuken a much more Rorloull vlow of lhe club, nud are working harder than ever before."


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U any of you have bits or news that you think would be or Interest lo you:r J:ellow clMsmu.tes why don'l you jot Lllem clown and 11ut them in Miss Mmer's bo:\. In tht• office. The Junior High Ten<:berA n1lght give their suggestions to Mr. Farrar. rd appreciata It Vl'ry much.

• • • Boys Coolrlng, Travel Cluh, Hunting and Fishing, and Indus-

WHS Debaters

To Attend Clinic

Debate tournaments are drawnear, with debaters stu· dlously for the event.

Tbe debate squad at J111.'M'n t <·onsists o r ,Jeff I'arrish. l>two J\ lIen, 'J'om lmig, C'ru11 Lu cas, Gregg Ede-n, Ste\e ( ' uriOJl, lllldon F ran z. In QthCI' !i(X'aklng el'cnts ( lnt crtll'f'l h t1 t'<'ndlu g, radio newsCAsting, nnd t '.\• t em J){)l'aneous s pe akin g) will b<· lh (' nboYe, plu-s se nl on; Su'<lf' t•NN·and Bob Can.on.

Beginning debaters 1h Ia year are the following. Rod Anderson. Scott Crabt r ee, WUson, Bill Boelter, Jerry l::lt<'vens, l!lke Downs, !\tarttrn ::'\lcDonald, .Jan Laitos. Rich Vosler. Rar Drieda1. Ste\"e Skaua. Mark lleuner. .Tohn ;\lllne. and BrucP Racbus.

) f r. Hod Hanwn, dt•bu tt• ln'lrtJClor-, announced Oct. 21 a" Uw date for tbe ])(>batt> C'llnJc. For• both and l''l.fJC•dence. l da""l''>, It \\ill f)(' In Llnrnln, !\f·braska.

Mr. Hansen also told of Inviting surrounding school debate teams to Westside for practice dl>bu.tlnl( l'lessions, sometime in intnH',uat e future.

Two wt•eks ago each Junior lllgh made a select.ion of th<• clnh he wanted to belong to. MembcrahiJl had to be regulated In thiK manner because ot the lack or tuollltles, also because this Yl!llr the fltcully feels the clubs work better IC the membership is kollt down to a workable size. IIowevt>r, there are stll a few vat·anl'fl'.s. If you are interested get In contact with your home-room tt•acher.

The week of September 22 the following clubs got underway: West Cadets, Came ra Club. Oramn and Speech, and Science Club.

The Wl.'ek of October 2 Math ('lub, Y-Tcens. Hunting and Fishlug, and Doys' Cooking got underway.

Nul the other clubs will oftlclally begin to function. Thc>llt' dubs l!hould strive to: 1. Croote grourl participation. 2. Bring nbonl traits of JeadershLp. :l. IOn courago decision making. 4 I Iolii ns a guidance function. 5. Develop ''followers" abilities. 6. T en<'h 11t11denta to organize their time 7. Teach Parllamentary Proredure


T >t J.anct- wisbes lO correct an error round In the Sopt. 2:! issue. Conner's lnvttation was dlrt!Cted to aJI senior high vrls, nnd not jUBt lO sen iors, as stated.


391-9899 82nd and Center


Athletes of the W eelc Brian, Jerm, Ron Excel

Treasurer ot W·Ciub this year and heading the list ot athletes ot the week is Jlrlan Berrls.

Brian plays first--string quarterback for the Red and Black his senior year. What does Brian think ot the Wn r rlors' school apirlt? "I think 1t Is as good as it ever wns-it"s always good here and there is always support whether we are winning or losing.'' When asked what be thought ot the team this year, Brian replied, "We have no outstanding plaYer. It takes the whole team to accomplish something , whether good or bad.''

The sports Brian participates in are football, buketball, and track, and his favorite sport is "whatever sport Is in season.''

Brian has had his share of injuries in his !ootball career. DurIng his sophomore year, he suffered a broken finger that had him out tor half the season. So far this year Brian has recovered from a sprained ankle that kept him out of the Prep game.

• • •

Senior Jerman Rose, ottenslve guard and defensive tackle on the f ootball team, ls no stranger to football.

Lowry Plays With WHS Band

Cla.rlnetlst Bob Lowry played with the Warrior Band. They performed a. routine called "The Licurlce Stick Story." ln this piece he showed the use of the clarinet ln lbe development or popular music. Such clarinet greats as "Let's Dance," by Benny Goodman; ''Woodch«Ulper's Ball," by WoOdy Herman. and Artie Shaw's "Begin the Beguine," were used in tell ing this musical story. The Tall Glrlsj Marching Squad did a routine during this presentation.

This was the llrsl time Bob Lowry bad ever performed at a halttime program with a high school band, according to Mr. Darwin Snyder, music director. Mr. Snyder and Bob Lowry mel at MornIngside College.

The hal!-tlme entertainment preparations received a serious setback when U1e g ame, scheduled t.o be played at Westside, was shifted to Municipal Stadium Mr. Snyder !eared tbat the distance rrom the performers to the spectators would be too tar for the band and Mr Lowry to be heard., since the football deld, on whlch they would play, ls lald out across lbe baseball outfield. However, tbts problem was surmounted by 11lactng the band in the lntleld. Mr. Lowry has a built-In amplifier In his clarinet so the football fans were able to enjoy his performance after all.

lie was a center tn seventh grade. a tackle in eighth, a member or t.he troab team, and student manager his sophomo r e year because o! injury. His Junior year he was oul because of broken ribs.

"I guess I've been playing football ever since I could walk " man even 11ortr ayed a football player in the Junior Class play, FA"c-r Since Eve.

His other school activities in· elude Math C1ub, Key Club, WClub, and Hi-Y. Jerman has partlclpated in swimming, wrestling, and track as well as football. He "goofs around with yoga" i n his spare time, and enjoys reading and drawing.

• • • Ron Stave, senlo r , well deservps the honor of athlete of t he week. Ron plays olfenslve tackle and defensive linebacke r for the Red and Black in his year on the Varsity Squad. Ron Ia the only returning regular on the Warrior team.

Other spo-rts and activities Ron has participated In Include baseball, where he plays third base, and W-Ciub, In which he is an active member.

When asked his opinio n of the team, Ron replied, "We ha-ve h ad some bad b r eaks this year, but out team as a whole fs goo d-not so individua listic, and everyon e works hard and tries their hardest dnrlng practice and games.''

Games, Sports, Fun At GAA Overnight

Camp Brewster will be the site of a GAA overnight for all GAA mem bars and interested girls, Oct. 26.

The cost of the overnight is $2. The girls will meet at schoo l by 6:30 p.m., Oct. 26 , and will embark !rom there in cars.

"It's tor the girls to get to know each other better," said Dian Peterson, gym teacher and GAA sponsor, "and t o dnd out about GAA activities.'' atJd

The deadline for reservations is Oct. 26. Anyone wfsbfng to make one should contact Mrs. Peterson; Pam Steinert, club president; or Kathy Zoraya, treasurer.

GA.A meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:46 p.m. to p.m. In the girls' gymnasi um.

.Among the sports they participate In a r e tenn1s, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and softball.

Footstool Quarterback

by R{)n Adams

Tonight, at Warrior Stadium, the bi9JY underrated North High Vikl)JtS wlll display one of the potent attacks tn the current Cornhusker high school football campaig n Led by the sharp passing of Bob Churchlch, the power running or Rick Davis, nnd the speed of Dan 'Miller, North has compUed 4-0 season thus tar. All of this and a strong defensive Una makes North real tough.

• • •

"\Vhat's wrong with the footbnll team?"

How many of you have a sked o r thoug ht about that question lat-e l y?

The an sw e r to tbJs perplexing question i ii actually very uncomplicated and slm ple. However, l et us answer lt by reviewIng and ebecld.Dg th o data. we have at band on this perpl exing qu estion. We ha''e a ftuo Jl assing grune, a couple of power runners, a speedy and elu.slve lullfba.ck, and a tough d efensive line. Isn't our ans we r seU-evtd e nt then?

"Ther e is nothing wrong with the foot bl\11 team!" Furthermore, tbe an swer is that w e have a great Also our answer 1$ t hat our guys b a.ve played th ei r hearts out for us; but what's more lmportant, they're going t o continue to d o it. So ftnally our aru;wer is that the r e be a goy or a gal, who w h e n t hey l cavo that game tonight, win, lose or dmw, won't be able to hold t11elr h eads a. co uple of inches higher tmd "I go t{) W'estsfde tmd I'm a Warrior!"

• • •

An interesting sldenote Is that the Westside War rior defen.sivi:l Une, l ead by 245 pound Marshall Meima"D, averages a hetty 191 pounds. "Marsh" is a little on the strong sld e of his 190 pound goal.

Ulne Jay tackl es as h<' oompletes " 'arrior

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