6 minute read

Dunklau to Dallas For National Contest

Elacb eighth grade English and social studies class elected two eighth graders.

In their English c lasses the Freshmen elected two people also.

On October 16. a separate convocation was held Cor each of the three classes. A three minute speech was given by the candidates to their resJ>ective classmates.

October 17 marked the final balloting.

Six people [rom each class were elected, making a total of eighteen Junior High Student Council members. These members will elect their own officers.

• • •

This year the Freshman sponsors are Mr. Wicina and Mr. Whitten. Eighth grade sponsors are Mrs. Kerlakedes, Mrs. Morey, and Mrs. Van Amburgh.

Since the seventh grade classes are selC-contained the respective home-room teachers also sponsor the class.

Club C!Jatter

If the spooks and goblins don't get you, the "jumpin' " juniors of '63 will!

"What are you going to do on Halloween?" Here's what the junIors bad to say Dennl!! Shannon: Nothing-slowly.

Nadine Berg: r plan to TP to my heart's content; or until I get rid of the seven rolls I have Je!t over from last time.

Dave Johnson: Dress up like a witch and scare all the little kids who come to the house."

Donnie Jones: I'm going trick-ortreating!

Rich Vosler: That's a good question!

Connie Sachse : I'm going to be a good little ghoul.

Bill Eilers: You don't actually think I'm going to study?

Phyllis Sharp: Having two wisdom teeth taken out.

Sherry Paden: Studying.

Wendel Messner: I plan to cry a lot.

Girls, bow would you like to spend a week in Dallas, Texas. with expenses paid?

Lucky Pat Du nld a u , W estside juni o r , was abl e to a resu lt of winnin g t h e first annual l\Iiss Teenage Ne b raska. con test. She l ef! Omal1a a11d travel ed t o Dal· l as to co mpete in the n ational co ntest there, Oct. 15-1 9 Pat won her title after being selected as one of the 12 semifinalists in Nebraska; she is competing with 109 other girls for the national title. All girls, 13 to 19, are judged on talent, character and personality, and, of cou r se, beauty.

P at's winnin g tal e n t act was a mo d e r n jazz da n ce rou tine I n adclitio n , she could ha;ve s nng , or given a t a p , b ulle t , baton, or acrobatic perfol'Ulnnce, too Pat is a dance teacher, and even bas her own studio in h er home.

She is using a. combination song-and-dance routine, "Baubles, Bangles, and Beads,'' for the Dallas competition

On P at's arrival 1n Dall as, she received a free forma l from the con test sponso r She also parti cipated with all con testants, in n unlet•ous "partHl es, to u rs, and b anq_n ets, besides t h e 1inal ,judging and crowning of M i ss Tet>n age Amel'ica."

Pat's reaction to winning the contest was "very much surprised, and very hapl)Y about the trip."

Pat will be busy on ber return from the trip, since she has the role of Miss Pologa in the junior class play, "Tl1e Fighting Littles." She has been in two variety shows, per,forming dance routines in each.

Pat has also been acUve in Top Choir for two years, and is now taking singing lesson&, too. S'he had the part of Liat in "South Pacific " last year.

Stuclents Attencl Combinecl Classes

Will "team" teaching benefit American history students?

History teachers hope so. as they conduct such an experiment.

cb year, high school journalpublications throughout the !d States are judged by the

anc:l Scroll tiate Members

!my activitles have kept jour-:m students busy since school ed this tall.

nd-working journalists aTC reteivi ng nation-wide credit 1 EditOl· maga7lne. •gn1tion comes from an a'l'tlcle .\'cst.')(tle's nules for Pubfica}mt. tO<(t:thc•· tu:>t yca1· in beIng journallsrn Newsvaper Week, S-14, th& .new members ed last fall to the Quill and 11 were fnitiated and recetv-ed 'l"hur.sday, Oct. 12.

rnid the scun•y of tlii.JlCl' and hook editing there is still to stt in on conventions given he benefit of hi,gh school jonl'!lll depa1•tments.

l Lincoln l\1U1licipal Stadium

7, Pat Mayer, ediSunny Durham, Kathy FilSusie Baade. and Miss Milenjoyed lectures on yearbook lcation. FIRST WESTS ID E BA NK td facilities in C1·ossroads 222 SOU T H 72 N D

DE to State Meet, AFS Pupils Talk to I Club

FMA Initiates Members, Musicians Do Extra Work

DE club officers will attend the annual delegate assembly, sponsored by the Distributive Education clubs of NebraJika, tomorrow at lb.e Kearney (Nebraska) High $chool.

Included in the program will be a general meeting, group dlscuasion, and election ol officers.

Going from Westside are Dave Rigdon, Bonnie Jensen, Diana McNeal, Dennis B. Young Jim Wilson, and Glgi Tice.

Mr. Dale Fuerst. sponsor, will go with the group. Resaid, "I reel this delegate assembly provides a wonderful opportunity for DE students. It also helps to .formulate plans for the state eonvenlo be held in March."

Debate Season

Get s Under way

Senior Dave Allen, Cam Lucas, and Jeff Parish were judges at a pracLlce debate tournament with BensQn yesterday, here at

The debate teams from Westside which took part are Obips Elias and Dick Imtg: Eldon Franz and Sleve Curlop. Three novice teams also participated.

Thursday, Oct. 5, an exhibition debate by the Omaha University debaters was held here at Westside.

According to Mr. Bod Hansen, coach, Ralston will be here for a. debate on Oct. 26 Try

Tasty Beef

French Fries Thick Malt B

Sunny Durham a.nd J eff Parish were guest speakers at the first International Club meeting. Sunny and Jeff told the club about their trips this summer to Turkey and Jap:w.

Approximate ly 200 stud ents )ltt.ended the m eeting h eld Oet 9 Club spo n sors h op e tl tat a ttendance w ill remain thls high t h roughout the year.

The club plans to have other SI>eakera this year. They also have many other activities planned throughout the yea,r old members wore signs like •'Kick me!'' and "Hit me!,'' while new members were bandaged as if someone had cooperated w1tb the signs. The occasion was the first annual initiation party at FMA President Shari Freed's Get. 10 Officers were somewhat better oft', wearing signa such as "Tell me I'm beautiful!,'' and "Tell me how wonderful I amJ" as they helped serve refreshments to the inltiates.

Mrs. George stated that she felt the first meeting was a sucCei!S.

1\irs. Kelley, Mrs. Freed, and Mrs. Holly, the club's sponsors, were present.

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1 3th and Willis 346-0282

"Outside work will be requJred this year for all top choir members who want a grade above

3 "

So announced Mr. William Kellogg, Westside vocal music instructor, to the choir.

Outside work considered will be voice ' or piano lessons, small group participa-tion, or lead roles in a musical.

All members m mt either read the book, to R41>ad. Music' ' by Howard Shanet, or attend a <;oncert withln the 10week period.

This, it. i.s hoped. will improve music interest and appreciation.

Thespians Induct New Members

Pantomimes highlighted the Thespian induction ceremony Oct 12.

Mrs. Anna. Clark, sponsor 11 sen.ted the ofilcers, Greg I!AHln. president; Dick \'Ice- · president; Rod Anderson, trea surer; Con:nie Colliton, secretary; a.nd Kathy I{yble and Susie Mellor, recorders, their cards and cerWicates.

Greg Elden then presented the t.wenty- one member$ tneir membership cards and certificates.

Mobil Service Center


24 haurs o day 7516 Pacific St. 393-0268

Mrs. Dunn conducted the first of the several proposed lectures September 5 , first hour, in tbe Little Theater. Her purpose was to broaden stud e nts' understanding of the Ootonlal periou. When asked h<-.r opiniQn a.l.!Mit t.he Jecture 1\fr:s. Dunn l'Cplted: "The student!> W(•ro ver y r<'CE'ptive for the fh'St one "

Aitea· individual teachers instruct t h ei r J>up!ls, aU of t b e classes asselllble while o n e teache J• summa.t·lzes the details to g i ve a b t'Oadet· view of Ute stu died n:t.att>rial dging of yearbooks Is based division pages, and ra.l content. Division pages the faculty section of the d rated high; suggestions made for improvlnJl: layout. te Lance received praise in lng the change from offset to rpress ])roduct1on. iss MiUer, journalism instrucsavs, "The ra tinga reflect : kind ot job we do, and they as a gulde for improve-

Othex· lectures wlll be given as stud-ents study ci1anges In basic philosophy of history. Future I!Penkers 1nclude Mr. Glidden. 1\fr. Speece. and Mr. Winchell.

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