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Reserves Merit Attention FOOTSTOOL QUARTERBACK
In the game with Lincoln High, the Warriors were deteated 2016. The Red and Black met Abraham Lincoln yeste rday Octo 19
"Good backfield speed, balance, and depth are the contributing taotors to the Reserve Football Teams' two win and three loss record this season," stated reserve coach Bill Battey.
Looking forward to a successful season after a 13 - 0 romp over South, the junior Warriors lost a heartbreaker on an intercepted pass In a 7-0 loss to North. On the next outing, Lincoln Northeast put back the Warriors 13 - 7. A morale booster came with a 12-7 wiD over Benson in an aerial battle. In the next game wJth Tech, t.he down-town team showed speed and rocketed to a 27-20 defeat at the Warriors' exp@se.
M embers of th e team are D en· nie Osbo rn e, A1 Beauregard, Gall Burbridge, Lee Commins John
Athletes of the W eek
Demgen, Steve Dolby, Do u g l\lc·
Fn rla n e, l\fike Serpen, and Charles
S nyder as backs. In t he guard position are B o b Boyd, T o m Dohn, R oger Emery, Frank Bulac, Steve Hungerford, and Dennis Wheele r
E nd s are 1\fike B 1•ands , Brian Halla, Jerry Jansen, Charles Per· r:lgo, Gary Peters on, Stan Saklar, Steve Skaug, and Di ck Wyman.
Centers are Doug Adler, John Al· l en, Gary and Bob Rose.
1\like Hotz, J oe Jones, Gary Kopecky, George M e d l ock, Chr:ls Petersen, and Cooley Smi.th p l ay tackles.
"No cuts" was the theme for the reserves because "the newer players to the game shou ld be given a. chance to prove themselves," says Coach Hatrey. Good team spirit and aggressive n ess have proven to be assets to the Reserve Football Team.
Ron, . Craig Star
Six years that's bow long senior halfback Craig Moore has been playing football at WHS.
About the team he comments, "Man for man they size up better than anybody in this state."
Craig also reels the team is out to have .fun as well as to win. He feels that they nre not always going to come home wHh a victory even though they want one.
Besides football Craig is out tor track. His other activities include Key Club and W Club.
When asked about hobbles, he Wd, "Who has spare time?" He does, however, find Ume tor hunt.w golf and bowling.
Craig wants to go to college at either Hastings College, Hastings,
Warrior Band
Has Many Units
" Few people understand the re1ationshJp between the parts of the band," commented Mr. Snyder, band sponsor.
There are six parts to the band; playing members, drum major, majorettes, Squires, and the Warrior.
Of the ll'"egiatered band .mam· b."!ttt fS o.r alwaya ln u.niforrm ,_ Jm Junior Ja«!lt Moran, iilld: the rna· Hbfora Paa Manlike ani lAd& lead tbe band. Tb1B year their untforms are alike. Squires Carolyn Falkenrotb, Linda Finks, Reba Fosler, Cathy La.as, Terry Moran, Mary Beth Percy, Linda Randall, Jane Ross, Helen Townsend, and Mary Gay Westering idenuty the Warrior band with cards, banners, or swords.
P r eceding the Squires is Westside's figurehead, the Warrior. Senior Candy Wheeler carries the sword and shield this year.
Nebraska, or Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.
For three years Senior Ron Aue r bach has been an asset to the Warrior varsity football team. Playing fullback on the offensive unit and linebacker on the defensive is this letterman. Another of Ron's duties Is centering the football for Warrior punts.
Obviously, Ron ' s favorite spor t is football.
"Our opening game with Benson is the one which I consider the best so far this season," claims Ron. The reason for this, he said, was "because we were all really up for Ben.son. It it weren't for the bad breaks ln the game, we would have won. Our passing was really good that night."
Ron said that "the team spirit has bad its ups and downs but as a. whole, it has been especially good."
"It's real fine," said John L uckasen, Wa rrior right end, about the Wests ide varsity football team. "I 've played on a team that' s as much of a as this one."
A transfer student ln his junior y ear !rom Cheyenne, Wyo-. John has played football "since 1 was !n :tttli t;rade.' ' H e hiuo participated In high school football s.ince ninth grade.
.JobD, tald.ng five solids, bas also been l'ery busy with e xtra.cUJTtcular activiti es at Westside. This ;rear h e l s president of the senior class and vice-president of the Student Co un c il. B e Is also in ){ey Club, \V Olub, and National H o nor Soclety, among other thities.
3 4 17 So uth 8 4 t h St reet 393- 1404 393 - 1405 b yRon Adams
Westside invades Northeast Wednesday night, tor a game which could make a. success out ot Lhe Warrior season Currently ranked number one In the state by some experts, Northeast has shown a diversified attack and a stingy defense.
Their only weakness seem s to b e the S lOW• n ess of t h e line. Hastlngs, last wc.ek, capitalized on this weakness a nd the Lincoln lads were nearly toppled from their l ofty by a far inferior team.
Northeast is not the best team In the state. Furthermore they are far from unbeatable. Oct. 25 could be a good example of t h is fact.
Two notables In the Westside football picture the past two games have been Barry Halla and Pete Ridgeway. Barry's tough defensive play, especially In the Fremont fracas, kept the Fremont ground game from getting started more than once. Pete has shown himself the most improved player this year. A member of last year's reserve team, his determined and hard charging type o f running has brought Warrior fans to their feet repeatedly. Keep up the good work.
• • •
Tomorrow night, the South High Packers host the Warriors at Omaha Municipal stadium. Led by Nick Crum, South plays a hard nose type of ball. Westside, after lostng a heart-breaker to Fremont, rides In on a live-game losIng streak to thls game.
This last statement does the Warrior season llttl e justice. This writer, having seen South twice, will go wlth Westside on the basis ot more talent and a certain soothsayer.
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