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Red and Black to Try For First Win

By Dave Allen

The South High School Packers with a record ot two wins an d tour losses, are the Warrio r s' seventh opponent this week. The Packers have beaten Central and Thomas Jefferson, while losing to Benson, Prep, North, and Tech. A strong team b u t capable of being defeated, they are Westside's fourth Intercity League opponent.

In the past they were the only League team to lose to a Westside team. In 1969 at Municipal Stadium, the Warriors were able to down South in the first year of competition in the Omaha conference. Then, as now, neither team had been successful previously. Weatslde Is looking tor a win and may find It at Muny Stadium with South the vanquished.

T h e past two w eeks hav e b een mnrke d by eft'ort and frustration.

Warri o r attempts to n pset North and Fr..uuont were fallOJ'es d es· plte improved play and e nthos:lasm. \Vestsid e was w ell prepared and in high spirits when North invaded the Westsid e tleld Th e w ell contested game wa s ridde n with injuries on both s ides. W est · si d e l ost Brian Bel'ris, Ron grune, whlle North lost Krause tutd Jim Olanton.

Tbe Westside attack was peded by a s trong defense b e the d ecidin g factor in n ly contested game Tbo sco r e on three b ig plays side's only touchdown crone 66·yard ktekoft' return by end Jim Ada.ms. was 19-6.

T h e journey t o yielded a heartbreaking ter hope tor victory seemed lized. Westside scored first seemed to be well In command the Tigers early In the game. mont passer Ebers took to the one touchdown in the third ter. The Warriors came however, and got the toll Ctltdon required to even the score, failed to convert on the point. Thus Fremont' s two downs were enough to a 14-13 lead through the quarter.

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