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Student Council Announces Warriors For Exchange

Here are! Westside will lose six prominent students to tbe nation-wide Shawnee Mission exchange pro- night. If a ticket cannot be used on the nigh t specified, it will be honored for an y performa nce. "All tickets will be made good," said Mr William Kellogg.

Originally they were to make the trip this semester, but due to unfo r eseen complications the trip wa.s postponed unUl second semester.

The Senior High Student Council nominated thirty-six students, twelve from each class, on the basis of grades. personality, and character. The administration se· lected the six finalists from these thirty-six nominees.

Mr. Ke iJ ogg, Westside music instructor, will direct both chorus and orchestra in " Oklahoma!"

Dress rehea1 sals will be held Nov 20-23, and th1 ough Thanlmgiving vacation.

Aching feet and painful moans of m a n y a weary cast member testify to the many long hoUl·s and the hope that this show will b e one of credit to WHS

Dusty attics and dar k storerooms are yielding up their precious stores fo1· p1·ops and costumes of the frontier period - high-butto n shoes, pantaloons, square-dancing dresses , and cowbody attire

Campaigning Gives Juniors Experience In Goverment

"It Is the best possible way of informing high school students about their county government. The campaign gives the student true-to-life experience of" what lt would be like to run tor an office in the county government," commented Shari Freed senior, when what she thought about county government which begins Dec. 1.

Kathy Llerley, senior, said: "It Is very good because It acquaints you with county government."

Mr. Wayne Glidden says, "Of all the areas of knowledge about the area least understood is the county. This Is unfortunate, because county government affects us more directly tban any other unit ot government. It Is our purpose in this study to become better acquainted with t h is locale of government."

Donnie Jones, a junior who Is looking forward to county government this year, said, "It's going to be a lot of fun and an easy way to learn about county government.''

This yeal' county government will run somewhat different. From Dec. 1 to Dec. 7 American History students will attend lectures condncted by Mrs. Clara Dunn, Mr. Glidden, Mr. Bert Speece and Mr Dick Winchell, aU American History teacpers. During the week ot Dec. 11 the students wil l be tested over the lectures. start their cam· paign, and have the election.


Ap plication f o r th e March

Nati on a l l\Ieri t tests must b e mad e o u t imm e diatel y. Th ese tests w i ll oo given o nly once, 1\lr P echt warne d , and app Ucatio n s must be In b y D ecemb er No special qu a U ftcatlons are n ecessary , o utslde ol ooin g e nroll ed as a J nnlo r To apply, l eave yon.r nam e 1n tho gui d a n ce o ffice, TOD AY! These coll ege r e presentativ es will b e at Westsi d e durin g No· vem ber an d D ecember : H astings ----·--....Nov. 21

To top oft' these activi ties, sometime during the week of D ecember 18-22 campaign w i nne r s will visit the county court bouse.

Seven Senior Boys Comprise Seminar

Four years of tentative planning paid otr this year when Westside's new Science Seminar g o t und e r way.

In 1 0t> '7 a gro up of students started o n an accel e ra ted math a nd science 1>rogrruu. Out of t hat gro u p B UJ Beck, Yale Finkle , Cam L u cas, D ick Mc K e nna, Gl en Pard ee, Jo h n Scb e nke u , and John W up per s u ccee d e d in attaining an t\v(}rnge of t h r ee an d sh o wing continuing l n ter est in science T h ese boys comprise t b e Scien ce Sem.ina.r gro u p.

The boys are studying PbysicaJ. Sci e n ce Stu dy materials This mat e rial consists of books on different subjects and the boys choose a topic which is interesting to them. and then give book r eviews on lt.

lt1st rn cto r l\lr. Bruce Holmquist said U1 at the b oys al'e planning to spend o n e d ay a w eek in the sho p s. T h ey \vill oo bnllding in· divldu a l science eq uipm ent tor special ex1>erin1e n ts in the classroom.

They are also measuring t h e radio activity in the air along wlth other physics classes.

Mr. Holmquist recon1mends t h e Science Seminar tor peopl-e with S])eclal aptitudes In science who are planning a career In t h a.t fi e ld

Train To Hastings Or Grand Island?

It's up to you!

According to ll!r. Gerald Koch, acUvitJes director, there wUJ probably be a train to basketball games at Hastings, Dec. 1, or to Grand I s land, Dec. 2.

Howe' er, l\lr Koch says there w ill not be a train unl ess a great deal of s tuden t. inter est Is s hown

At least 300 passengers (students and parents) must be signed up for the train to be chartered. Cost for round trip Is estimated at $4.

Faculty to Show Basketball Ability In Special Game

November countdown-13, lt, 15, 16, 17! It's here.

Today ls the day when .Adolf Rupp, allas Mr. Farrar, meets Dr. Phog Allen, alias Mr. Hansen, in the fund raising faculty basketball game.

Adolph challenged Phog to a basketball game claiming that the J unior High taculty can beat the Senio r High faculty. They plan to keep their lineup a secret until t he last , minute: but we found o ut a few of the playeJ's: William H affey, Emil Wicina, Tom Eastlack, William McCormick, J ames Vammen, Wayne Wagner Rex Steinkruger, and C. Robinson. The female faculty will be the cheerleaders. Half-time will feature outstanding wrestlers of lbe teachi ng statf coahced by Mr. Nevins.

Proceeds from the Uckets wUl be split between the senior class and the basketball team.

Ski Club Hopes For Snowy Season

As winter approaches, membe r s o f Westside's Ski club hopef u lly w atc h for sno w

T he Ski club was organized last year under the sponsorship of Mr. P au l Andreas.

Ren a Ol son , pres id e nt., s tated , " Til e a1m of Sld c lub Is to m ake u se ot t acllitt es aro un d o ur community, t o p rom ote in terest in outdoor ac ti vities, bu t most l y j ust to h ave a good ti m e." S h e added that mem b e r s didn't ba"e to b e f' xpe r t skiers to join

A tr ip to Crescent S k i Hills in Crescent, Ia., was the highlight of the season for skiers last w1nter.

A ski Instructor f r om .Aspen, Colo., gave lessons to beginners.

The group had a lot of f un and a few bruises and sore muscles as a r esult.

ThUI n e w sld s l ope b n.s a sno lv ma chine whJc b provid es s now fo r the hlll , bu t t he mn c bln e alone canno t pr o\lid e e n 01(gb, so as yet th e cl nb hns n ot b e(l.Jl a ble to m oot or make pltUl.S.

As soon as the club gets under way again, new officers will be elected and more trips to Crescent Sid Hills will be planned.

Since Mr. Andreas Is unable to b e the sponsor again, the club is looking for someone to replace h im.

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