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Who? What? Where? See Page 3 And 4 For Special Alum News nato ( Hruska To Speak Seniors On Senate

accordJng to l\lr• .TeiT)' Koch. !\lociern Problems teacher and chair· man of tho Social Stu di es D e partm ent, "sin ce they are now s tudy· h ag th o fu n c ti ons of the Federal governm e nt.

Mr. Koch also stated that this visit Is an annual one for the senator. "We are very honored that he takes this time out," Mr. Koch emphasized.

The senator has recently been on a trip for a congressional committee to South America.

Mr. Knrl Pecht, guidance counselor, bas announced that a meeting for all prospective pre-med students will be held Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m. In the Little Theater. This is the second meeting ot tbls type to be given tor premed students at Westside this year.

"Plans are underway to have similar meetings for engineering students. Any sophomore, junior, or senior Interested In engineerIng should watch tor announce· ment of such a meeting," stated Mr. Pecht. "All parents are Invited," be added.

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