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estside Invites . Return of Its '61 Alums
ollowing are latest reports on ent activities of the class of 1.
e AmlBtrong-Mike attends University of Nebraska.
om Austin-Tom is attending College at Springfield, Mo.
tteYe Baado--Steve is gofng to Military Academy at ongton, Mo. He was on the or roll first semester and is rl ("Doc") Baldwin-Doc is g to school in Washington. pex Barrett--Alex is majoring music and hopes to be either a ert pianist or a music teachave &xter-Dave is attendOmaha University and is a med student. nsty Bend orf- Rusty is ating Wheaton College, WheatIll., and is majoring in geol- alt Berris--Walt is attending l Diego State College and is r ng general education and sical ed11cation
Eing of teaching history.
' ' e Dernstetn-Steve is atthe University of Nebrasand is taking business admintion. At NU be is a Sigma AlMu pledge.
Sob Borgeson - Bob is worklin the tile business.
1larry Brewel'--Barry is attendthe University of Nebras ka is taking business admlnistra- eryl Brown-Cheryl is ating On1aha University and is ng business administration. rcy Brown-Larry is attendLuther Junior College al Wawhere is is majoring in enering. He plans to go into the h ematical field of this work ent to Westside six years and icipated in stage crew and 1spians. otm Bucholz--John is attendPrinceton and is taking the and sciences course of study. attended Westside six years was active in debate and Hie went to Belgium on the S plan. fom Burton -Tom is attendIowa State University this r wher-e · he is majoring in ical engineering He went to tside four years and was acin band, International and lio clubs. erey Busskolll- T erry is in Merchant Marine Academy at gs Point, New Yol'k, where r four be w1ll get an enraring degree and graduate as .He went to Westside r years and belonged to Key and Math club.
,Jean Oajacob- Jean is going to Hastings College on an art scholarship. Sh.e thinks the art departnlent at Hastings is tenitlc and bas decided to get a teaching certificate in art She went to to Westside .four years and was fn Pep club and art activities.
L ynnae Callaway- Lynnae is attending Omaha University and is continuing her ice skating. She plans to teach figure skating in two years When she attended Westside six years she belonged to Pep club, Y Teens and International club.
Na-ncy Campbell-Nancy is majoring in elementary education at the University ot Nebraska this yeat and plans to teach. She went to Westside four years and was in Pep cl ub, Y Teens, International c lu b. and Junior Red Cross. Nancy was voted Best Personality of tlle girls in h e r class last year.
Robert Campbell-Bob is going to Iowa State this year and is taking architectural engineering. Bob attended Westaide two and one half years after transferring from Des Moines. He belonged to Junior Red Cross and Math club at Westside
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Terry Campbell- T-e rry is taking journalism at Omaha University. He is now planning to go to Australla after grad u ation. He went to W-estside six years and was on the stage crew Vito Caniglia-Vito has joined the Marines.
Sharon Church-Sharon is attending Colorado State Women's Colleg-e.
Barbara. CoCks-Barbara is ma-