7 minute read

College Is 'Fun,' 'Work/ Say Alums

"Col1ege is great but hord,11 stated Sandy Jenkins wi th an emphatic nod.

"Yes," replied Jim Moore laughing, "it's a riot, but don't go. "Serious ly/' he added, "you have no idea how much fun it is."

Special EJition

What th e alums are doing is the subject of t his special e dition of your Lan ce.

On this insert page a re capsule re ports of th e curre nt activ ities of last year's graduating class as compiled by members of the Journalism I class

Though attempts were made to "find the facts " on each new alum, they were not always successful-so the listing may not be

Additional alum information will be welcomed by the Lance staff so that files may be brought up to date.

Last year journalism classes pre pared a booklet to issue the Homecoming Tea invi- tation. This is the first year for a special Lance page.

These were just two views prese nted by last year grads as they came back to school just before Thanksgiving Th ey all seemed to agree that college was wonderfu l, but several indicated they also missed Westside.

Here ore some other comments:

"College makes you grow up in a hurry, " Lee Jones stated "I really appreciate my high school background now," she concl uded.

"Me too," AI Mack iewi cx stated, "I think college is a lot less work than last year."

"I don't," Koren King stated definitely, "all I do is study; I never sleep. Yet," she added smiling, "it's more fun too."

"I feel smart," Liz Ruck chuckled. "College is so much freer but more responsibility too."

Curt Abdouch smiled and concluded the colleg e versus high school discussion by stating, " It 's good to be bock home."

Memories, New Experiences --

J)ebbie J)a.vi&- Debbie is attending Parsons college at Fairfield, I a., and is majoring in psychology. She pledged Alpha Gamma Delta. She was in Pep club, Y-Teens, Esquires, Red Cross, and International club at WHS.

Gary Deatsma.n-Gary is !littending the University of Nebraska.

Darle ne Debrum1- Darlene is attending Omaha Unive rsity and joring in nursing at the Univ ersity of Neb raska. majoring in secretarial science.

.Tames (Curt) Chiles--Curt attending Omaha University.

'is She was a member of Pep club at Westside.

Dannie Corcoran- Dannie is attending 0 m a b a University where be is majoring in architectural drawing.

Andrea Dale--Andrea is attending Colorado University.

Carol Dea<1mtlll - Carol is tending Drake University where she pledged Delta Zeta. She is majoring in pharmacy. At WHS she was in Math club, Red Cross, and P,ep club.

Lynn Denzl er-Lynn is attending Grinnell University in Iowa. She plans to teach. At -WHS she was in Z club, Pep club, 1nternational club, and was co-editor of the Lnnce.

Ron Davis--Ron is attending Omaha University and is a predental student. His future plans are eight more years of college.

Julie Dickins on- Juli e is attending Carl eton College in Northfield, Mitmesota, where she wants to major in applie d arts. She attended Westside six years.

Douglas Diete1·lch-Doug is attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska. He plans to study Jaw. He attended Westside five years.

Neil Dieterich -Neil is attending the UnjveTsity of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania. He is in the Wharton School of Finance. He plans a career in business and attended Westside three years.

Ricba.rd Dodge-Richard works at Western Electric. He plans to go to c-ollege in the future. He att-ended Westside three yea.rs.

Dill Dolby- Bill i s attending the University of Omaha where he is majoring in chemistry. He plans to enter the Air Force Academy a nd make the Air Force his career. He attended Westside thr-ee years.

Dianne Do nald son-Dianne is a. freshman at the University of Iowa at Iowa City, Iowa. She is pledged to t"be Alpha cht Omega sorority. She plans to go into the liberal arts field. She attended Westside four years.

Jana. Doxon-Jana is attending the University of Omaha now but 1>lans to tra._nsfer to the University of Kansas next y-ear. She is majoring in music. She attended Westside five years.

Loren Drmn- Loren is attending the University of Omaha wh-ere be is a pr t-en.pineering student He plans to transfer to 1owa State next year. H-e attended Westside one year.

tAnnual .Homecoming Tea On Dec , 22

Edward Dugan-Edward works at Western Electric. He attended Westside two years.

G"yle Fial a-Gayle is attending the University of Nebraska where she is majoring in elementary education. She is a member of K appa Atpha Theta and plans to teach kindergarten after graduation.

Xristy Field-Kristy is attending Doane College in Crete, Nebr. She is taking a two-year course as background work. Her future plans include becoming an airline stewardess.

John Finnman- Jobn is attending Millard preparatory school in Langlois, Ore. He plans a career in engineering.

Mary F lair-Mary i s attending the University of Nebraska.

Diane Finley-Dia n e is attending Nebraska Wesleyan University at Lincoln with a major in bo tany.

, Connie Flemblg-Connie is attending Omaha Un iversity with a majo r in socio logy. She is a member of Alpha Xi Del ta sorority.

Sally Foro-Sally is att-end ing Omaha University with a major in art. She plans a ca1 eer In commercial art.

Jilll Forehead-Jim is in San Diego with the Navy. terry Gooclwin - Gerry trans·ed to from Ralston. resent she is considering goto Omaha University.

well Goranson.-Lowell is atg Omaha University. He t to Central before coming to [S for two years.

Sob Gotchci'-Bob is attending University of Nebraska. He tctive in band and plays at prir concerts for the faculty.

Groft'-Nancy has moved exas where she re si des with family.

·e Rakan-Mik e is going ine Navy Dec. 18. He attended two years afte r transf-erring !h Benson.

Hallqu.ist-Linda is atOmaha University where is majoring in a rt. She is a ber of Sigma Kappa sorority.

· attended WHS two years af&nHf"el'rtng trorn Benaon.

Larry Hammer- Larry is attending Omaha Untversity where .he is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Larry was active in basketball at WHS and was Sweetheart Prince in 1961.

Sandi Hancock-Sandi is attending Omaba University where she is majoring in art. She is a memb er of Chi Omega sorority.

Gary Hanniba l-Gary is attending Omaha University where he is a member of ROTC and Lambda Chi Alpha. He plans to enter business or engineering.

Terry Hinz.()--Terry Is attending Peru State Teachers College.

Holly Hansen-Holly is attending Iowa State University where she is a member of Aipba Delta Pi and is majoring in home economics.

Caro l Hoe m an-Carol is attending Concordia Teachers College where she is a member of music stepettea,

Sheni Hmnpbrey - Sherri is studying at Omaha Univ-ersity.

Bette Harding-Bette is attending the University of Nebraska.

Ron J essen-Ron is attending Wentworth Military Academy at Lexington, Mo.

Arnold Jolmso n -Arnie is attending Nebraska Wesleyan. He is majoring in political science.

El'Vin ,Johnson -Ervin is an accounting major at the University of Omaha.

Gary Jolm s on-Gary is attending Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. He is a liberal arts major.

Dave is a student at the University of Omaha. He Js also working part-time. at Thull's P harmacy.

Larry Rani-Larry's major at the University of Nebraska is business administration. He is a member of Delta Tau Delta.

Linda K a ul-Linda is attending Lindenwood College for Women at St. Charles, Mo. She is a sociology major l\larcla Is workIng full time at Brandeis and plans to be married In the spring. l\IarUyn l\fit.:bt>Jl- Marllyu Is at the University of Nebraska majoring In elementary education. She Is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority.

K e llogg-Scott is a preveterinary major at the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture.

James Kemplin- Jim is a law major at the. University of Omaha. He is also working part-time at Safeway.

Nancy Ken nedy - Nancy is a pre-med major at Rollins College, Winterpark, Fla. She is a member of Alpha Phi.

Snsau Kerr- Susan is attending Oberlin College, Obel'lin, Ohio.

Linda Kimm e l -Linda is majoring in journalism as the University of Nebraska and is a pledge of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Xll>l'en King- Karen is attending the University of Nebraska where she is a pledge of Alpha Phi.

Donald Francis--Don is attendin g Omaha University where he i s majoring in architectural engineering. He hopes to attend Iowa State University or the University of Nebraska next year.

James F.reelin-Jim is attending Omaha University were. he is majoring in business administration. Football and track keep Jim busy this year.

1\fichael F r eeman-Mike is attending Arizona. State University Jam es Gaeth-Jim is attending Denver Technical College where he is majoring in engineering.

J n di Gendle r - Judi is attending Omaha University where sh-e is majoring in speech.

Harry G ilb ert--Ha r ry will be going to Scotland Dee. 28, with the Air Force. He has been training in T exas this fall.

Kt'.n Kozai-Ken Ia attending the University of New Mexico on a scholarship.

William Irovai'--Bill la attendIng Omaha Unh•erslty.

Rosemary Kuncl-Rosemary Is attending Lindenwood College for Women, St. Charles, Mo.

Ann Is attendIng the University of Nebraska and is In the elementry education teachers program. She pledged Pi Beta Phi, and was Sigma Chi Derby M:a l colm Is attending Omaha University.

Do n 1\Iagdanz-Don Is majorIng In electrical engineering at Kansas University, Lawrence, Kan., where he Ia a member of the marching band Is a pledge of Theta Chi.

Bill l\Jarqoardt- Bill Ia attendIng Cornell College at 1\lt. Vernon, Iowa, where he may decide upon taw or history. He has been active In three theatrical productions-acting in two and directing the homecoming play.

JndJ l\Iason-Judl Is attending the Uu1veraity of Nebraska and is a speech therapy major. She wants a teacher's degree and plans clinical work wltb young children as a speech therapist. She pledged Cbt Omega.

Stove 1\lc lloi'--Steve Is attendIng Drury College In Springfield, Mo., where he Is a member of Lambda. Chi Alpha fraternity.

Sandra l\fichat> J- Sandy is In nurses training at the Nebraska Methodist hospital.

1\llxon - Eld has moved to Florida.

Gary l\lorcy- Gary attends Omaha University where he is a member of Sigma Phl Epsilon fraternity.

Sh errill l\ l orltr.t- Sherrill attends the Methodist Hospital School of Nursing.

1\l lke Mudgett- Mike attends Hastings College where he majors In business admlnlatratlon. He Is a member of Gamma Gamma Gamma fraternity.

Chuck M u m m a - Chuck is working In Omaha, plans ultimately to be a history teacher.

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