6 minute read

Activities Keep Many R.ushe

Pam Xellhartb-Pam Is attending University.

Patricia O'Laugblln-Pat Is attending the University of Nebraska.

Dmuel Olson-Danny Is attendIng Carleton College, where he Is majoring in chemical engineering. He attended Westside six years and was a member of Math club, Sclenoo club, HI-Y, Radio club, German club, and Key club. He received the W orl d -H crn ld scholarship, and the Outstanding Chemlstt·y Awar d.

George Papineau - George Is atte nding Omaha University, and Is planning to go Into the hotel bus iness with his father. He Is a Lamba Chi Alpha. pledge.

Steve P arks--Steve Is attendIng Doane College In Crete. He attended Westside four years and was on the football team, a XaUonal Merit Finalist, and a member of Thespians.

Kathy Pederson - Kathy Is working at Western Electric, and Js planning to take a beauty course in the near future. She attended Westside four years.

CUll Peppers--CIUr Is planning to attend Omaha University next semester, with a major In architecture and business law. He attended Westside four years.

R nlp h P erkins- Ralph Is attending Omaha University and plans to transfer to Iowa State University in two years. He att e nded Westside for slx years and was a member of the football team, and Ht-Y. He is a Lamba Chi Alpha pledge.

Chuck Peterson-Chuck Is attending Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peters, Minn. He attended Westside three years.

Judy Peterson-Judy Is attendIng Cornell College In Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and Is a member of Cornell's synchronized swimming group, the Kippers. She attended Westside !our years, and was a member of Pep club, National Honor Society, and student council.

JAnda P eterson-Linda Is attending Colorado Women 's College at Uenver, and plans to transfer to either Iowa University or Northwestern University In the !uture. She attended Westside slx years, and was a member of Pep club, Y-Teens, and the Shiel d statr.

WUma Poulson-WLlma is attending Omaha Unh•erslty.

Jo Poulson- Jo is attending Omaha University.

DO oft Ragnow- Doug attends Omaha University.

'te\re RedJck - Steve attends Chadron State Teachers College at Chadron where be may major In pre-law. He attended Westside fh•e years.

Jane Reichmann - Jane Is attending Cornell College In Iowa wbere sbe is majoring In foreign• languages. At Westside she belonged to Pep Club, Y-Teens, lnlernaUona.l Club, Junior Red Cross, Art Club, and was a member of the Shiel d statr.

Uob R eJgl e--Bob Ia attending Iowa. State Teachers' College at Cedar Falls where he is majoring In elementary education. During his tour years at Westside he participated In Hi-Y, W Club, Inter- naUonal Club, Jr. Red Cross, and athletics.

Reitan- Ed is studying electronics at the RCA Institute at Los Angeles. Jn sev e ral years he hopes to transfer to the Callfornla Technological Institute. He attended Westside for sb years and participated in HI-Y, Radio Club, Th e spians. Math Club, and Variety Shows.

Madne ReUg<>--Maxine Is enrolled at Olivet College In Kankakee, Ill. She Is attending the college on a scholarship and Is takIng a pre-med course. At Westside abe belonged to the National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll, Y-Teens, Pep Club, Jr. Red Cros s, Art. Club, and was a member of the Lan co statr.

Linda Roacll-Linda Is working for the Protective Insurance Company and soon hopes to be married. She attended Westside two years.

Rosalte Robison - Rosakt e nroll ed at the Univeraity of bras ka. where she Is cur studyin g arts and sciences. We s tsid e she belonged to Na al Honor Society, Art Club, was a. member of the W Band. attending the University of braska where he is studying a lecture. H e attended Wl'flt three years.

Jl1 117.nbotll Ruck - Liz att tlle University of Nebraska w sh e is an Alpha Phi pledge. Tet·rr nustllo, en - Terry studyin g chemistry at the ver s lt y of Nebraska. At Wes he belonged to W Club, Key c: was th e r ecipient of a Klw award, and played baseball football.

Bob Bob Is atten th e C nlv e rslty of Arizona an• majorin g In business admln Uon.

While Others Begin Working

Peggy Sanders-Peggy Is engaged to be marrled.

Ela in e Schaaf - Elaine Is attending Hastings College and is majoring In speech and drama.

George Schabloske--Ccorge iS attending the University of Omaha where he Is in ROTC and the Saber SQuad. He belongs to Lambda. Chi Alpha and plans to teach history.

Sally Schneider-Sally attends the Unlverslly of Nebraska. and is majoring in pre-medicine.

Sallr Sheppard--Sally attends Omaha. University.

Lot•lnda Slertr-Linda. Is attendIng Carleton College a.t Northfield, Minn. where she will possluly major In history. She attended Westside Cor six years.

l\f &niha Slertr-Marsha is majoring In English Literature at Omaha University. She plans to become a teacher.

,r.uu es SUYenn.an - Jim is attending the University or Nebraska where he Is Ln arts and science s. He pledged Sigma Alpha fraternity.

Dennis Simmous-Dennls is attending the University of Nebraska where he Is majoring I.Jl civil engineering.

To Realize Future Plans --

\VIlllam Tari'--Bill Is going to Omaha University and Is majorIng ln chemistry.

Bill Tayl oi'--BIII is attendlng Nebraska University and Is a. member of Beta. Tlleta Pl. He Is enrolled In arts and sciences.

l't on Tegtm oiet'--Ron Is attendIng Dartmouth.

Martha T h otlU\.S-J\1 u rph is attending the Univers ity of Nebraska and Is majoring In elementary education. She Ia a. pledge of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Carol Tbom&Nl - Carol is attending the University of Omaha.

P h}'Uis Thompson Phyllis bad a job working at an Insurance company this summer.

Ron Tborngreo-Ron Is attendIng Dana College In Blair.

Snsan TohJU--susan Is attendIng the Clarkson School of NursIng. She traveled In Wyoming this summer.

Darbara Torpy - Barb Is married and is now a homemaker.

Sherrie Ulters-Sberrle ls attending Omaha University where she Is a member or Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, and a member of Jndlannes. She ls majoring in German and secondary education; she .Plans to teach after graduation.

Linda Utiger--Linda Is attendIn g the Capitol Beauty School In Omaha. She is engaged to be married.

Kathy Vau!e&-Kathy is attendIng Lindenwood College tor Women, St. Charles, Mo.

\ ' icky Veechio-Vicky ls attendIng Omaha University where she Is a pledge of Sigma Kappa sorority. She is also a. member or Feathers and WRA. She ls planning to become a nurse.

Joyce W olf-Joyce lB attending the University of Nebraska. and is taking business administration. She plans to transfer to Omaha University.

Tom W oUT- Tom Is attending Nebraska University and is planning to be a lawyer. Tom played freshman football at Nebraska. He Is planning to transfer to Omaha University next semester.

'l'ay lOl' W oodland - Taylor is atte nding Omaha University.

Craig Zamww-Cralg Is majoring In electrical engineering at Iowa State. Be was voted the Most Talented of his class at Westside because of his performances in ''South Pacific" and "The King and I,.. and other productions.

Henry Zyck-Henry ls attendIng Omaha University where he ls taking a business course. He pledged Tau KappA Epsilon fraternity.

Janis Soderl und-Janls Is taking a practical nursing course which Is affiUated with St. Joseph's Hospital. She attended Westside six years.

Rogel' Stan way- Roger Is attending the University of Nebraska where be ls majorin g In business administration and hopes to go Into law.

Jerry Switzer-Jerry Is attend- lng Iowa. State University w he is maJoring in architecture. Omaha University.

Utwt·y !;U'Uyk - Garry atte Kearney State Teachers' Coli Be plans to go Into coaching.

Tina Swan<;on-Tlna Is att ln g Bradford College In M cbu s etts where her family moved.

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usicians Stage 1y anc:l Concert

By S.

)ening night!

te last prop lB p l aced on stage, e steps are rehearsed for the time, the ftnal touches or &-up are applied, costumes aro ously checked and re--checked orchestra sits polsod; stage and assistant!! stand ready Btage. Tbe cast. wtu a nuuly a d luck!" and hurri ed h etu ·tLscurry to t h eir I)Ja,ces, t(t iiJ)• r.way a l ast wave of stage• at. director's band Is raised, a befalls the audience, the muswells, and the curtain goes up show is on, and too soon f

"Oklahoma!": the dancers eir gay dresses, the "surrey the fringe on Lop," the deF audience, the grand tlna l e , congratulations. The laughter fe11et, the regret and teara is due to 1\lr Harold !:h. for the tim e and patience o. in lnstntction of the orchcs. and to the many people!'!, property, and Ughting fB. teachers and etage callers rgie ' s Town &Country Famous for Tee1J Fashions

Ito spent their tim e and enon the show.

!ld next semester? Why, "An· r Opening, Another Show"!

Hovland, senior, was sololst at the Westsid e pbonette Concert given at p.m. In the Llttle Theatre day and Tuesday oody, who also playa clarinet be Warrior band, played the imanlnolr Plano Concerto No. by the SymphonHarold Welch directed the :Ieee Symphonette, conalallng oembers from both the band orchestra of Westside. e concert was given to ralae Is for the orchestra's futuro eets.

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