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)r. High Student Council Holc:ls Dance, Picks Names
by ConnJe Colliton
Junior Rlgb! Be on the look· out tor the Reindeer Romp!
It 's coming to Westside Dec.
1 6, at 8 to 11 p.m. in the girls' gym. The Christmas dance 1s sponsored by the Junior High Student Council.
Also coming to Westside for the beneftt of junior high students are a policeman and a trained pollee dog. Filma and demonstrations on the training of a. police dog wlll highlight the convocation to be h eld sometime in the future.
• • • or the 300 names suggested by W H S junlor highers for the new junlor high under construcllon at 89th and Arbor, t he ftnal ftve were sent Nov. 28 to Mr H Vaughn Phelps, who will present them to the school board.
The tlve names are West Highland Junior Hi gh , Palladia, Woodridge, Arbor Heights, and Westrid ge.
A commlltee of junior high
Seniors To Select Class Superlatives
Primary election for the Senior Superlatives section of the yearbook Is set for Dec. 11-13, accordIng to Kay Melchiors, senlor edi· tor for th e Shield. The voting will take place 4th hour outside the cafete ria The final election will be held Dec 18-20 in the same place.