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Warrior Clubs Experience

Speakers, News, and Trips

councilmen narrowed the total names ente r ed In the Name the New Junior High Contest to 10 Th e Councll then picked the final five nam es.

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Although the r egu lar horne economics classes utter anguished cries about shortening on the cupboards and greasy pots and pans, the Junior high boys taking cookIn g from Miss Pat Stald e r, home economics teacher, seem to enjoy the activity.

Miss Stalde r e.xl) lained that the boys are a bit messy because they only have 30 rulnutea to cook and clean up.

She added that they cook small· e r and less extravagant dishes than t he regular c lasses of gi rls.

"They are noisier than girls, but," abe snickered, ''they're a lot ot fun."

"You have to like to llsten and work with people." This Is the most important quauty ln a principal according to ltfr. Kenneth Hansen, p1:incipal.

Mr. Hansen discussed the duties and qualiftcations ot a high school principal at the FTA mee t· lng Nov. 20.

T h e principa l ot a lug ll sch ool acts as a "supervisor of ed n catJon an d a. hUID1Ul relations Dlll.JU\gor," according to 1\Ir Hansen. H e be· Ueves the most important asset in a teachi.ng career is "an ability to get along with people."

Mr. Hansen defin es a good teacher as being "some-what demanding, sympathetic and a hard worker." He also beUevea "you have to be ready to sacrUice you rself to be a better t eache r ."

Chess Club is giving the Lance

11 bit o f competition these days.

The Club has recently published two taaues or thelr new paper, News tonnd in Mate includes minutes of current m eetings, hints for beucn· chess p l aying, game9, 1Ht7.Z it•s, nn cl <lcbllls of upcoming events co n comlng chess.

Co- editors of the paper are Rick Holt and Steve Watson.

Future Medical Asslstants has thus f nr this year toured Metho· di et Hospital and Nursing School. They have plans to visit Boys Town, Omaha University Hospital and a hearing school. They also plan to go Ch ristmas caroling at an old peoples home and to have a Valentine party for an Orphan· age. President Sharrle Freed this Ia one of the best ways to l earn about rnedlclne.

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