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Swimming Team In Workouts; Wrestlers To North Tourney
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ng s wl.mmers are Van J>c l t, George, .Pe terson, Ourel op, anll WWte l y, Coac h Bill said.
"Although this Is the team as It now stands, additional boys are wanted," he stated. Any Interested students are to contact one or the above members.
1\Ir. Kenneth Ranson, principal, added, "\\'estsld e erpect.s to nave a poo l within two years."
According to Bill, tbe outstandIng diver Is Steve Sorensen. " H e Is expected to do something at state this year," concluded Coach Hill.
The team has been working out Cor one month at the YMCA; their first meel wlll be ln January.
W res tl ers Start Year
Woelelde's wrestling team again partlclpaled 1n the North High Invitational Wrestling tournament.
The following boys represented WHS at the tournament: Rand y Randy Baughman, Mike Bauman, John Clapper, Bruce Clough, Phil Dugan, Jake Grabow, John Girard, Hodge Jones, Bob Maddox, J im Moore, Marshal Metman, and H a rland Schuett.
The tournament lasted from Nov. 30-Dec. 2. Bob Maddox and Phil Dugan made It through the semi-finals Nov. 30, but lost out Dec. 1. However, Coach Marvin Nevins Indicated he had great faith in the ability of the boys, and hopes tor a promising seaso.n.
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