3 minute read

Ve Hope Your Christmas Season • IS Jolly I

tical Parties 7:r

t Politickers W t J!J "

f American History.

reason: County Governty Government Is the time when a week Ia taken out

Tegular American History

Cor teaching students the :s of County Government. 1g this week, a series of were given by History teachere. After ne the teal and following classes divided Into two parties are the Populists Mr. B. A. Spence and Mr. Winchell). and the led by Mrs. Olara Dunn Wayue Glidden). Each primary election and de· elr candidates for each ndldatea selected reprehelr party at a convocaAmerlcan Hlatory stuopulbt candldatea were ams, Rod Anderson, Jeff :S.thy Duncan, Bill Ellers, drlckson, Jetta Grantham, ostos, Alex Orkow. Barb lmltrls Portolos, and Ta!· ·es. Whig candidates were &rg, Suzl Bray, Don Claudia Chorley, Shain ey, Tom Imlg, Steve rg, Kria Peterson, Cindl Sob Taylor, Steve Watson, Je Wright. results were not available • Lance went to press.

ub Students

Top Prizes andy Sale

, crunch, mm-m-m. These (ere heard all over Weststu d ents ate candy bars the International club. ,ndy was sold at 60 centa r the International club Ject to help ratae money or an exchange atudent •, According to Mrs. Julie ponaor o f the candy sale, will help a great deal

Warrior Clubs 'Deck The Halls'

and RUth Saunders. This window and other decorations around the school are the result of Individual and club work to decorate the school tor Christmas.

T h e Student CouncJJ ga\ e eac b club a certrun portion o r th e balls to decorate. The w alls, cc Utngs, and doors arc CO\'Cred with <' r epe paper an d h olly mAde from cons tru ction paper.

The lib r ary ta decorated with snowtlakes, a Friendship tree on which the teachers each hung a Christmas card, and the stained glass window made from tissue pape r

The stairwell by the o.IBce was decorated by the W Club. The lower hall by the Doys• Gym was done by the Z Club. EsQuires and International Club took the lower hall by the seventh grade rooms and the Student Lounge. Y-Teens, Key Club, Pep Club and others also participated In the decorating program.

The individual rooms were decorated by teachers and students.

Crabtree, Dryden Undefeated In Debate Tourney

..e(UU;B Stall ruJ

'Good Reason' Needed For Schedule Changes

All students who want their schedules changed are to go to the Guidance O.IBee Jan. 15 - 19.

Lounge Transforms To Senior Lunchroom

SENlORS, It Is coming.

3--School begins a foreign student to ules can be changed.

A lunchroom for you!

Scott Crabtree and Ray Dryden were undefeated In debate at the William Chrisman Invitationa l Forensic Tournament Dec. 8·9.

Changes will be made o nly It there Ia a "good reaaon" said Mr. Jack Peteraon, guidance counsel· or. Students wil l receive forms to be filled out before their sched- heee candy bars are de· "I've eaten two bars atClay," and "Double-dee, '8, double good candy." ere just a few of the .a given by the satisfied

"Parents' s l guatures are needed II It ·a a schedule change not arranged during the original regie· traUon last spring," said Mr. Peterson. era.

nvocation Todayi Featured

rfl•ll\as con,·ocatlon program, presented to the student bod)• ued another year of school and started the Ch r istmas r ogr&m given last nlght featured hymns and carols 'tOO by the orchestra.

( reb atra): Ann Galloway, Larry Jacobson, VIrginia lpt

Sflcltey Elley, Sharon Harding, Kathy Hybl, and Hower, Mary Johnson, Cindy Kruse, and Atlams, Pat Dunklau, Sharry Hog11ett, and the direction of Mr. Harold Welch.

4-Fre8hmen \ 8. Ralston, there 4 p m WeetsJd e vs. Benso n. bere 6 : 15& 8 p m Sock tball , W estside vs Beatri ce, there 6 : 15&8 p m

The student lounge will be made Into a senior lunchroom fo r those students who bring sack lunchea to school.

The Senate Is planning to have this room open sometime after the first ot the year. The room will be furnished in Institutional furnl· ture or used furnitu re which bas been refinished. A television set and ptngpong tables are other Items of furniture to be Inc l uded. The pop machines wm also be brought back.

Fourteen Westaldera partlci· pated In the tournament. Suzy Petersen p l aced fourth In Girls' Extemporaneoua. Jelr Par Ish placed seventh and Lea Johnson placed eighth In Original Oratory. Westside la the only school In this area Invited to the tour nament. Mr. Hansen, debate coach, says "the tournament la one of the top five In the ntttlon."

Other p articipants f rom West· side were Eldon Franz, Bob Carson, Dave Allen, Steve Curelop, Jan Latos, Stevli Wilson, Dick Imlg, Jerm Rose, and Rod Anderson.

1().-,J'r, Hig h Co n vocation 10 : 10 a m W restllng, W est:Bid e vs. Boys Town, there 8:46 p .m. Ba.skct b&ll, Freshmen vs. Ralston, h ere 4 p.m

1&-Warrlor l\-1aUn ee, J r Hig h 1 :80 p.m

18·19--Warrlo r Downbeat, Little '!'he a te r , '1: 80 p.m.

19--Wl"CStllng, W estside vs. Lln coln, there 7 p m \ Vestsid e vs. h ere

The lounge will be open to all senior high students from 1: 3 0 to approximately 3:30. Junior Htgh students will no t be allowed In the lounge at any Ume.


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