1 minute read

hristmas Bells Chime With Yule Greetings

usicians Form

Vind Ensemble

rwenty-e ight members or the f'lor Band, under the dlrecof Mr. Tony Snyder, have a. symphonic wind enble called the Warrior Winds. e explained lbat partlcipa.Ln the Warrior Winds "Ia an exvel'lence, comparao Westside's advanced courses is tory, science, and English, students who are capable or ying more advanced music the Warrior Band, because size, mtght attempt."

parUclpatLng tn the War· r are Carol Hunt, nute; )OOY Hovland, Lea Johnson, Lagerberg, and John Piper, clarinet: Rich Vosler, Elarinet; Connie Sasclle, bass et; Tim Gerber, oboe; Phil tyder, bassoon.

telth BeU and Mickey Elley, J sax: Greg Trupp, tenor sax; dy KusleUa, baritone sax; Ca.Ciea>es and Steve Levine, ch horn; Bruce Bachus, Ricky ptrom, Dick McKenna. and rt Sunderman, cornet-trumDennls Adams, Jim Brown, Erdmann and Wade Wrlgbt, mbone.

parke Powers, baritone; Jack kn, tuba; and Greg Eden and Lorenz, percussion.

e Warrior Winds meet evThursday during seventh bou r e band room.

· HS Graduates hieve Honors

om '60-Tom Ia on lbe 's list at Harvard College, l was a. member of t.he treshb baseball team. He Is also a nber or the Young Re\ ubllcans dy Peaker '60 - Judy made honors group at the Unlverot Washington.


07 South 90th 39 1-9811

Christmas Trees, Dances, Carols Junior High Buzzes With Christmas Spirit

Mrs. Rosemary Splittgerber's Beventh grade students each selected a foreign country and prepared a. rolder containing pictures, coins, and stamps of that country and or the U. s.

They mailed the folders to the American ambassador In their respective countries, asking them to g iv e the folders to students or their own age.

Seventh grader Bruce Moore won $6 for lbe winnlng name In tbe "Name tbe New Junior HJgb" contest, sponsored by the Jr High Student Cou11cU. Arbor H eights

Jr. Wgh. was chosen by the school board at the December meeting.

Jr. High er& romped It up at the Reindeer Romp, Dec. 16.

Jr. High Y -Teens gave to the Salvation Army Tree of Light.

Dec. 19, over 200 students participated in the Jr Hlgll Chri stmas Convocation. Mr. Tony Snyder directed the band and Mr. Harold Welch, tl1e orchestra.

Miss Doris Cordes' seventh graders sang In the chorus and the junior high Drama and Speech Club gave a. skit under Mrs. Anna Clark's direction. The orchestra and band combined tor a medley of Christmas music, followed by the Freshman Chorus under Mr.

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