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Service Clubs Add to Yule Joy/ Thespians Plan Masquerade Ball

William Kellogg's direction.

And, attar all thls excltetnent, everyo ne got ready for Christmas vacation!

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Christmas vacation means snowmen, snowballs, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas cookies, eggnog, Santa. Claus, Christmas cards, pre11ents, vlslUng, sledding, caroling, last- minute shopping, closet snooping, Christmas stockings, Christmas candles, secret present wrapping parties, school parties, dances, gingerbread, holly, mlstletotl. and wishIng Christ a happy birthday!

Merry Christmas!

Debate Season Gets Underway

Forensics Is a. term few studante are tamiliar with, but lately many Westslders have bad an excellent opportunity to get a. greater understanding through practices In their classes.

"Debate tournaments don't in· cludo only debate ,nor do partlclpants prepare tor them onJy in de-bate or s!)(!e<:h class," el.'Jllnlned Mr. Rod nansen, debate coach. Some have l et the debaten 1n tht>l.r clAsses.

Two Westside clubs are fuU of the holiday spirit thfs Christmas season.

Z Club is contributing toys and baskets of rood to help make Christmas a more joyful occasion for needy Omaha families.

In addition, members volunteered to ring bells for the Salvation Army "Tree of Lights," Dec. 16. Z club also helped fight tuberculosis by participating In the annual "Bangle Day" at the Crossroads.

Even Santa's workshop Isn't as busy as the Y -Teens thls season.

Members have been dressing dolls for underprivileged children and collecting food baskets for families in tbe Omaha area. A Christmas bake sale Dee. 14, and church service Dec. 20 climaxed t.be club's holiday activities.

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Rave you ever envied the masqued raiders on Halloween?

Tbe Thespians are planning their second Mardi Gras Dance which wl11 give Westslders a chance to attend a masquerade ball.

The date tor the dance Is still undecided, but the club members are startlng to raise funds tor the dance. A bake sale was held at the Crossroads Saturday with Su.ste Mellor In charge.

Dudley Sauve, a. well-known actor and director from this area, spoke last Thursday as another fund-ralslng project.

Cathie Filkins and Nick Kostos are chairmen for the dance.

Mr. William Hoyt, new Ski club sponsor, bas suggested a committee ma.ke a draft or the club's 1irst constitution. Committee members are Rena. Olson, Ta1fy Squires, Alex Orlrow, and Peyton Whitely. llUVd XNOC!Id

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