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Baughman, Garret - - Allen's Answ-er Wrestling, B-Ball Take Up Ti

By Dave Allen Anxiety

Is again evident tor the West· side basketball team. The team has lost five games and faces a. state leader In Centra 1 tonight.

Perhaps a. typical sentiment Is sympathy for a. team that comes so close but bas not found suecess.

This attitude Is common but Is neither sound nor beneficial to the team 's etrorts. We can be sure that the team desires the support ot the student body. We must be equally certain that they seek no condolence.

When Westside believes I.D the possibllity or a. decisive victory then victory is easUy attainable. The team la competent and well coached.

"1 first became interested In wrestling when Mr. Morrison was gym teacher here. That was about rour years ago. We had Intramural wre'atung then," explained senior Randy Baughman.

This year Is Randy's third on Westside's wrestling team. He also played reserve rootbaU "about two years ago." W-Club, hunting, and practicIng tor wrestling matches, "usually about 21$ to 3 hours," lay claim to most of R andy'a leisure time.

College Ia a. part of his future plana but pJ'o-wrestllng is out!

"I eat and sleep basketball," stated Westside senior Bob Garrett, forward on the 1961-62 varsity basketball team.

Bob also participates in track and Is a. member of W Club. He says or this year's team,

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