1 minute read


tra! Extra! - Cub Ec/ition

extra- new issue of the Lance Is here!

What's new about It?

s taff The wiry, wily cub reporters of Miss Miller's Jour- fa I class have searched every nook and cranny of Westside to

Did you read about the twist In the Lan ce Just a glance to lhe right will tell you the latest on this discAnd while you're reading you can feast your eyes on: photos. All the last-action photos In this issue of the were taken by the cubs' own pb.otographers. After you have been ughly entertained by such 11lustr atlve delicac i es you can turn more sober:

Extra.-new editor iAls. Sizzling hot ott. the press, and wri tten with l Interests In mind, these tlroely pieces tlrst awaken and then !of· You r editorials, student opinion articles, are included too. r his is the extra-n e w Lance. lts aim Is not only to bring something and clifferent, and to show what variety the Lan ce can have, but present you, the student, as well.

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