5 minute read

Students Busy With Academic Activiti

By Susie Baade

Student.a of Westside are do ing other lhtnp beside club activities. A few forget th1a but actually everyone La here to learn and mo1t students are letting a little knowledge soak Into their beads.

One of the bigger problems of th e Juniors is g e tt:Jng their term papera done before F eb 12. Notecards t\lld outlJnes have been checked and those who haven't co mpl eted these are, teachers say, "In bncl &h upe. "

To go along with term paper completion Mr Glidden, history In structo r, ha s s lowed down assignments for his classes.

Instead o f outside reading he plans to give a se ri es of ftlms on the clvll war along with lectures which etudents must tak e notes from

In tb e Belence Department tbe Physiology student8 have also written t enn papers Mr. Hardi· I!IOn, elence In sa)'S that now that classes have gotten rid o f th e rata thAt they are Just stud).ing from the book about hntnrul digestion

In the Chem istry and Physics Departments molecules and waves are ftylng about.

Chemistry stu d e nts have just ftniabed an experiment, chart, or a mod e l molecule for projects In partial r eq uirem e nt of the course.

'Mr. Holmquist, physics instructor, reports tJmt his stud ents have completed nearl y b.a.lt their book whJeb d e alt mostly with simpl e waves and Ught.

Students from this class chose a book pertaining to physics from o. llat made by Mr. Holmquist and gave a report on It for partia l req u irement. of their lint semester.

He Al so lnc:luded that the classes thls yeu W Cl'e doing better as far as progress than Ia.st year's students.

In the English Department acUritJes 'Va.r)'. JunJors are

IDanger-Do Not Reed I

by Beth Burlingame

Putting out this newspaper bas really overworked the managing ed itor, Sue Baade, because she Is startin g to call th e ed itor, Dick Diegel, "Honey." By doing this she Ia kee»lng the journalism c lass In high spirits.

To tbJB storr, I bad to go stwnbllng around the hall s for l nto nnatlon.

I tried to get Into Mr. Winchell's c lass to ftnd out U he really tells funny joke.a but I j uat couldn't get In!

Announcement: Kenny Ploss got a new ea r That ' s why he keeps swinging that gold key around tor everyone to see.

I learned from the merchandisIng teacher that a gtrl In DE was working when a customer asked her where the men ' s room was; her reply, "I don ' t know, I've never used lt." Now that 's a good answer.

Nlct Straka goes wlld when she hears the chee r "two bits," so that she loses her voice.

Charlotte Jon es a nd Donnie Meyer a r e really getting to be known by having their pictures in the paper while wearing Can-Can sk irts

Nick Koatoa tried to explain the modern way of buffalo hunting to the c l a1111. Having done that the clua tried to get hlm to do a Tarzan yell, but be just sat there with hla face red.

A bit of poetry: The Senior Lance Staff Try and try and try But the Junior Journalism c laaa Came alo n g and now all aenlors sit and cry.

Engllsh Lite rature, memorh:lng poem.s, and ln some classes cl18c:ossing whAt education is reaD)' about.

Mrs Susan Ball, who has junIor English and eighth-grade core,


It's the TWIST!

'"I think its the greatest th in g since saran wrap," said Mickey EUey, sen ior.

But de scrib ed formally it Ia a r apid gyration of the lower abdominal and pelv ic r egions "while the a r ms (according to Time) thrust in, out, up, and down wlt.h the plstoniJke motions of a battled bird keeper llghtlng off a flock or attacking blue jays "

The followlnr have their own descriptions of this new craze

Bill Truhl.sen, junlor- 1 think. it will be r eplaced by the A r apahoe Stomp.

Don Newman, aenlo r-U nd escrlbable i\lrs. Clark-It's ao way out that one has to do It to know what it is and my vertebrae won't take it.

Paul Matt, Junior-It's a conglomeration of movement.

Patti Hauscltlldt, fres hman- A weight r ed uc in g exercise

S n Bie Roberts , Junior- It looks like a pagan war d ance.

Created by Chubby Check e r It spread to the Peppermint Lounge and became the hottest th ing since the Char leston.

Now some Weslaldo r s are trying their hand at this new fad SemtentbualasUc aupportera of the twist are nnmeroua at the aock.hops.

With its POpularity lncreulng It seem that those juat. watching will be soon be left atandlng In the dust.

Future advice : If you don't like standing and you don't like du st, learn to TWIST!

Japanese Paper Exchanges Views

Are American h i gh schools In foreign countri es any dllferent from our own? By looking at tbe high school paper of Narlmasu High School In Tokyo, Japan, you would find the answer Ia no.

Most of the atudentl, whose parentl are lD some branch of the American mllltary service, have Interests very almllar to our own.

Their football team wu the Far Eaat High School champ i on this year Their newapaper, Tho Dragon's Ro.r, which the :t.nce receives as an exchange paper, Includes current U S. Cads, apotllgbUng leading senlora, club news and spo rts coverage.

Many of their thoughts and Ideas were truly American, a lthough they live In a n other part ot t he world. This shows the almUarlty between American teenagers the world ov er.

feels students should have guidance rrom schools so they face the world more prepared. feels that studenta need som who they can go to with quest that they are nnllkely to someone who isn ' t close to This type of disCUSsion, though not completely aead Jen d s a :realistic view to work and why students l earn th e tb.lngs the y are s trncte d.

Seniors in EugUsh Compost h ave b een writing per sonal ea w hich have do with some th ey hav e e xperienced or know great deal about.

Earlier In the year they required to write a research pa on something pertaining to uage They been kept b writing other papers, a ah story, and reading essays A wide field of aub j eet.a taught In the Westside e lum. Equipment and l.ru!truct are needed and cost parents this district man y tax dollan.

Students going to college 1ze the great lmporlanoe or school work in giving them varied background before on to blghe r education and a c lallzed field. Tbls Is th e time of We when you can 1 these s ubjects and it ls 1m110 to gain tbls lalowledge wblle Cl\11, Knowledge is not sometb gai ned In a day and We stside dents are Pl'Oving this by con tl log to plod thro ugh pUes of per, notecarils, typewrite r te and books.

Seniors Rank As Regents Finalists

Nebraska AU-state R egent. allsla. They were Marilyn Mu and Dave Allen. They com with seniors all over the state ranked In the top 13.

When asked bow she felt Ute honor , i\larilyn exclaimed, feel won derful!" Her only ad to Btudents who want to p l ace o n th e ex ft.Dl was to "get a n.lgbt's sleep." She nlso ad stu dents to stu dy to lea.rn, not. grtHl es. "U yon really want loom," she said, "good grades come naturally." Marilyn etu about six hour:s a night, but Interests aren't all academic. loves to horseback rid e and enj being ln the Omaha Sympbo Chorus. MarUyn will go to con and hopes to study actuarial ence.

Dave sai d he waa prlsed" by tb honor.

When asked wblcb part of be folUid most dJtfic:ult

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