1 minute read
gs Bark At Convocation; and
n Jan. 16 were Chief Baratler'a pollee dogs. Filma trating training techniques dogs and tbelr masters hown.
Ralph Farrar, junior blgb pal, would llk e to express ppr eclation to junior high tts and teachers for tbe lr coon and excellent behavior convocations.
the first semester comes to f• juJlJor high Y ·Teena are making plana for their upg Easter projecL Tbelr "11Jlas project waa to make mats for Children' s Boapl- nt meruberahlp In tbe club
Of!lcera are Sa.lly Cockle, nt; Julle Klopp, vlce-presl· Pam Eyden, secretary; and Jutterfteld, treasu rer.
Club Preparing Crescent Hills
l WBS Ski Club Ia looking rd to another trip to Cr ea· City, Iowa, Jan. 16 About nor e trlpa are being planafore the end of February t trjll will be made by buses, leave the school at 3 : 30 fnesday. Price f or the trip, ,tng akia, boota, poles, ek et, and dues Ia $6 50 If lr eady have your equipment t is $1.50.
' purpose of tbe clu b Ia to advantage of tbe fa.cllltlea available to WHS students, y Crescent H1lla, to h a ve fu n to master the sport of ski· ers are Peyton Whitely, lent; R ena Olson, VIce Pres!· Krlsty Isaacson, Secretary; atfy Squlrea, Treasurer. The sponsor is Mr. Hoyt.