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Senior Girls Plan Houses

NJ• ly, ambitious 7th and 8th grade boys are seen practicing ball In the girls ' gym. Mr. Marvin Nevins stated tbat after a few games are played, 25 of the best player• will be selected for further training.

Westside Hi gh once agaln made t he news as 9th grader Betsy Raskin won the World-Herald's student writing contest. Her essay on her 14th birthday was published In tbe Sunday World-Herald

Westside produced four ftnallst.s In tbe freshman-sophomore wrestllng meet at Bellevue over Cbriatma.a vaeaUon.

Ablllty was a standout in the lH lb class with Westside domInating. Bob Rose copped champion honors while Mike Hotz ftnlahed r unner-up.

Ji m Moore and Btll Robinson took runner-up trophies 1n 145 lb. and 127 lb. classes.

Westside flnJshed 3rd of 10 teams. Bellevue won the meet.

0 U Sponsors Fund For K. Planteen

Westalde bas donated almost $160 to a. acbolarsblp fund 1n

Kathy Planteen' s name at OU The donations were first asked tor at the Pep club meeting a.nd lt was decided that the rest of tbe school should have a chance to give Any mo r e contri butions wlll surely be welcomed.

Kathy Planteen, a former WHS student, was fatally injured 1n an automobile accident, Jan. 6.

S he was a member of t b e Cbi Omega. So rority at Omaha University. S h e was studying to be a physical therapist for handicapped children.

JOB OPENING for student to wol'k 8-5 p.m. a.t School District omce Call 891..()646, Mrs. FJelstead

The Home Economics De partment ls bustlin g with activity all hours of the day.

Senior girls are especially busy putting together required notebooks.

The n otebooks Include pi ctures, tabrlca, and prices of every Item Included In the house they are decorating.

They must Include th e family meant for the bouse, the floor plan, and all ashtrays or vases setting on a table

"Completing this project takes quite a bit of tlme and causes a few sleepless nights, " d e clared Miss Swartabaugb, home economIcs tea.che r , when pointing out that interior deco rating will be otfered as a whole semester elective course next year

W estslJers to AttenJ

Annual Math Contest

Are you lntereated In ftgurea?

Then the up and coming Math Contest Is to r you. This ia one or the bi g aca.demtc events for all students at Westside, as well as all over the na.tlon, who have a special In ter est In mathematics. This year will be the 13th annual contest ,sponsored by the Mathemattea Association of Amerlco. and Society of Actua.ries.

The contest In the form of a test wlll be beld at school Mar 8 , with cerU11cates going to the three students with tbe blgheat scores. The purpose or thla contest is to stimulate Interest In mathematics

According to Mlu Anna McConnell, Weatalde baa succeeded in making the state honor role for the past three yeara , and hopes are high for that a.cbtevement a.galn this year

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