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Feeling Is Strong About Sr. lunchroom Privilege
When students were asked " What do you think of the new Senior Lunchroom." there were varied replies:
Susie Bray: I don ' t think It's fair
Carol Beese: Next year 1t. will be O.K.
Bev Lindgre n : Juniors shou ld
W antecl: Snow!
Tomorrow from 7- 9 p m. the Y·Teen a.nd Hi-Y Clubs are planning a Tobogganing at Memo r ial Park for members of the clubs and their dates, announced Colleen Vaughn, president of Y·Teens
After tobogganing, the party wm go to the house of John Wupper, Hi·Y president, tor refreshments. If the weathe r Ia not favor· able for the party Ja.n. 19, 1t wlll be postponed until Jan. 27
Y·Teena have their next meetIng planned for Feb. 1 and HI·Y, Jan. 23 be allowed to go to lt because they h e lped make It too l\Uke Baum an: Juniors should be abl e to go.
Tom Talt)': It 's neato!
Ol a u.dJa Oroshmn: It's good but should be opened next year if it is taken care of this year idea.
Dinah Donovan: It' s a good
Lynn lllcKJbben: They ' re gonna have a lot of fun lto unne Freeman: I 'm not gonna tell ya
Lewle Doane: It's O K , if you like lun c hrooms
Go rdon Deines : It's a SenJor Espresso House
Jean Swanson: I think that it Ia a tradition well worth starting. Weatalde Seniors have few tradition• and this wlll help boost the total.
S h e JT)' Paden: It's cool. Sunny DurhAm : The cokes will be fun and W iJU. 346-0 ZU