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Warriors Break Into First Meet SUccessful For New Swimming Team

Westside bas found early suecess in its newest sports venture, swimming. Norris Junior High High School pool was the scene of the meet between Westside and South, won by the Warriors 5639. Not only was th1s the first time the Warrior marine men have performed , but the first vietory eame on some spectacular performances.

The Wa1'riors took command from the onset, then exchanged leads, and finished with a rush to nail down the victory. Two events showed outstanding performances. Steve Sorenson took diving honors with a beautiful exhibition. The best performance ot the meet came as Peyton Whitely splashed to a 100 yard tree style victory in one of the state's best eloeklngs, 57.1.

Other lndlvldual winners included Gary Peterson, Dave George, and Jan Laltos. Team vietory was finished with relay triumphs in the 200 medley (Gary

Peterson,. Steve JenklltS, Steve Curlop, John Van Pelt) and the 200 free relay (Rob Moore, Dimltris Portolos, John Van Pelt, Peyton Whitely).

Luckasen Sets Individual Record

John Luckasen had a sizzling 21 points ln the 4th quarter to add to the 15 he had accumulated through the first three, to set an tndlvldual single game scoring record for Westside, with a total of 3 6 points. The previous high was 8 2 points set by Jim Anderson in Even with Luekasen's record, the Warriors were unable to put together the scoring punch needed to enable them to keep pace with the high scoring Benson Bunnies.

Central, the top contender on Inter-city and state lists, dominated over Westside 90-37 In the Norris gym, Dec. 22.

Westside's John Luckasen hit 25 ot the 37 Warrior points.

E'rom The Sidelines

By Shain Humphrey

"Westside beat North and Beatrice last weekend." This is a common phrase being used by most Westslders this week.

What would you say caused the sudden change In Westside·a basketball squad? How could a team win two straight games after losing seven in a row? Some people say North just had a. bad night and Beatrice Is a small out-state team.

Everyone that saw tl;le North game can tell you Westside looked like a new team .As the Warriors came on the fioor they knew, deep in their hearts, that they could win. They played not just to keep up with their opponent but to come out victorious. And they proved they could.

U you don't play on the team, you don't know 'vhat Jt's like to go otf tlte court seven ttmes, defeated and discouraged. It takes mo r e than a talented, fabulously skiUed squa d to wt.u You must pl ay as a team with one purpose in min d, and that purpose is to w ln It necessitates a secure feel· tng that you do have the ability to play the game weU, and can give it aU you've got.

The Warriors found what they have been looking for. They knew it the season was to be any kind of success, they must win, they must not be discouraged.

With t11e b acking of the stu· d ent body, Pep Club and faculty, tlte Warriors will co n tinue to be a s u ccess throughout the rest of the seaso n. Give th e team and coaches encouragement. They would be proud to lmo\V that e veryone is b e hind them.

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