3 minute read
Win Col After North, Beatrice w· Team Faces Prep Tonight
Westside topped North 1irst Inter-city victory, 6 the Warrior gym, Jan. 12. Westside's big guns for night, Luckasen and Garrett cumulated a total of 32
By Oa.tlue FUkins
Have mid-semester tests left you without any enthusiasm? Do you think that your term papers wUI never get done? Let professor Cathie give you a quick tonic to lift your a knit slack outfit.
The perfect material, cotton knit looks smooth, 1s easy to wear and isn 't scratchy. It Js warm enough tor winter sports, yet not h ot in summer. Completel y washable, Knitmaster h aa designed a whole line of junJor sports clothes.
The tapered leat-prinl slacks compliment the pullover blouse with tie-in waist Plain colored slacks can be easily topped with crew collared blouses. Separates with stripes add var iety to the collection. Combined wlth your own baste sports clothes, they give zip to a wtnter wardrobe
The colors ran ge from beige to bl·ight blue. With many styles and colors to choose from, come ln to the Nebraska and try my quick tonic.
Coach Jim Tangdall and bis team are to be congratulated. They are a true example of our school's spirit and hopes. Although statistics say we've had a losing season, most people concerned know that things are looking up. Congratulations, Warriors!
Reserves Win Over Beatrice
Westside Reserves have won 4 of their last 5 games, Including a 47-41 victory over Beatrice Saturd ay .Their loss to North, 44-41 Friday, ended a winning streak that lasted tour weeks.
Victims of the "Reserve Reign" were Benson 33-31, rentral 42-40 and Abe Lynx 61-51.
Westside' s losses have been at the hands of Columbus 54-43 and Lincoln 50-42.
Th e Reserves depend mostly on their defense and take prlde in a good Coach Jack Peterson says, "They have worked real hard and improved tremendously on defense."
GAA to Bowl Jan. 25
Again this year GAA will sponsor a bowling league. The bowling Is open tor all girls who are students at Westside.
The le!lgue will bowl at the Ranch B:owl, starting Jan. 25, (rom 3 to 5 p.m.
PLAZA APPEALING! Because she hos thot
All those inteNlsted are requested to from a league rebowlers and 1 s ubstitute , and submit the names of their team members to Mrs. Diane Peterson, or Pam Steinert.
The bowling session will last for 10 weeks.
26 07 South 90 t h 391-9811
Westside outscored the first and third quartel"' bring Warriors their victory ot the season by a of 52-45. The Warriors ragged others.
John Luekasen had good night by scoring 30 Playing main detensJve roles, coming through with cruclal kets were Bob Ga-rr et, Jerry sen, and Jim Adams. The Warriors are now on a game winning streak and looking forward to a win Prep tomorrow night tor number 3.
Black Tights
Spice to Drill T
Have you noticed a the drlll squad uniform? Our football of the season on a very cold night. The Pep members were shivering in heavy sweaters and the drill were Black tights were the and besides keeping them they caused unexpected n., .,., ,_ The over-all comments were taring to the effect that the tights In contrast to their shoes made their routine more tective. This resulted In wearing the tights again tor Central Ba.aketball game. At moment they are considering idea of adopting the tights as ot the unlfonn.
Drill Squad has been an zation since 1957. Every new members are selec!ted the places of the members. The girls trying shown a routine to practice when the tryouts come they spond to terms such as " f ace" and "to rear march ", rally the best ones are chosen the drill squad members. In first have them every summer for the lowing year.
Many mornings at 7:15 you find the girls practicing out on the footb all field these cold days in the The girls work hard all week have five minutes to perform.
Jrta.ln, Dave Auld, Bob Gar· John Luckasen , PhU Ho ll y, Brian UerriR.
,tary Club Aids reer Selection
'lan now for the future!" is a popular topic tor dlson among high school stu-
"Wbere are you going to 1;e?'. '"What career do you are common ques--
To help answer them, Westhas added a. new guidance 16 new progriUil, tntroduce(l n.t a Jan. convocatio n , t fo rwa rd by t h e W est Omu:Otary club. Un der thts p rostudents a r e oft'ered the h e lp perts, who have achieved suein business and p.ro f es·
1dents have been given a dlry which lists various voca, and the names of business who can be consulted. Howstudents should contact these ers through the Westside rnce department. 10 issued were infonnatfon ;:.s couce rnlng v ocationnJ prer-e, to be tille d out und ro'() to the guidance omoo. U d erab le interest is s hown J n •ocatJonal area evening meet· sim.U.ar to the ones previous1<! tor students intore6ted in a n d e n gi n eering, wut be g ed.