2 minute read

'arrior Debate Team rins Benson

.ved: That Warrior debate won fhe Benson tournareveral weeks ago.

ps participating included :urelop and Dick lmig, Ricb and Susan Reid, Chips Jerry Stevens, and Bachus and Mike Davis. and Dick tmig were ated for first place, and Bachus and Mike Davis

;o r Class

Cl Workers

ts, bake sales, and car all add up to ways of makey by the junior class. The quota is $1,200.

money was previously by a. splash party this sumjunior class play, style and tbe frequent ca.r washes lt e sales.

the n ew .-emodellng of lounge, an i ce-crerun fe and candy macltine w ere

Tbe proceeds will contri• kenting the seniors with the of tht year, the Junr Prom, is stimulating mess and money-making 'May 11 is the blg day be juniors will "reap the ! their labor."

D the junior :fund.


took third.

West fdde took second in total swee}>StRkes poJ n ts at the Nebra..'>kn \Y<>.sleyalt tou rnam e n t. Jefl' Parish a11d Dn'le JUlen, and Cant Lucas Rlld Greg Eden cotn peted; the Lucas-Eden team reached the fi n als. Jeff Parish received second p l nce in origln n l Ol'lltory tmd Greg F.den woo third pJnce in rndlo-newscastJng.

The debaters attended the tournament at Riverside High School in Sioux City, Iowa, Feb. 9-10. They also plan to compete iu either the tournament at Hastings, Nebr., or Denver, Go1o , Feb. 16-17.

"Debate is not intended just for the academically-minded. Actually, students who are suceessful debaters are usually popular and active in other activities, as wen, such as school politics .A. debater must enjoy discussing issues and associating with people,'' explained Rod Hansen, Westside debate coach.


Fullrace Engine

New Point and Tires, Cust omized

Excellent Condition

See John Samson

1Carousel Cast1

For the fli'St Lime since its formation In 1954, the WHS Top Choir will present two musicals in one school year.

'rh t·ee months ago t h e ch oh· pr•esen ted "Oldahonut." The s how proved so pOJlula.t• t h at an extra performnnce was gh'eu.

Now the group is hoping for the same success when they present ' ' Carousel," April 4, 5, 6, and 7. Mickey Elley and Kathy Hybl will head the cast, and Candy Wheeler and Kenny Ploss will costar Mr. Williatn Kellogg, 'fop Choir instructor, wil1 direct.

A mnsicaJ -comedy-ronm n ce set in a Fnnall town, "Car·ouseJ" i s in maJlY ways like "Oklahoma," wi t h one big exception-tile em·· ousol. Not only a. m eeting pbtoo for l overs, t h e ca t·otlSel is a sym· ool that stand s for all t h e obstacl es that t h e hero has to con· quer. I t i s there that be nnd the l1erolne meet, nnd after thek marri age it is the ca rousel that seems to hl'in g about the movJng events whlcl1 fo llow

Tickets will be sold by Top Choir members tor $1.

English Seminar Is Successful

"The English Seminar has been a success to date," commented Mrs. Judith Hoyt, seminar instructor. "But," added, "1 feel that it's still in the experimental stages."

Eldon Franz, senior, commented , "J think it's been of value, especially composition-wise. • I know I spent a great deal of time revamping many individual sentences."

by Cathie Fil:ldns

dy snowfall welcomed

By skiers. Although a akiog machine is 1!-Vailable cenl Hills, rowa, snow from Is less icy and more fun. 't hard w tell w h e n W e!ii:J. skilng. The next day are llmi>S and bruiSes, xet t smil es A ll the skiers

"Wilen can w e go again" is statement on the way g by lhe fireside drinking relating triumphs or t big fall p r ovide the pertlng for cotton knits. Made tch w1lb the athletic move-

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