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WHS Junior High on TV1 In Talent Show1 Grows

by S. J ,John so n Stop! Look! and keep an eye out for the monthly newsletter put out by the Student Council! It will be distributed to your classes and read there. Its purpose i.s to inform the student bodr of Council activities, proceedings, and pJ·ojects. In charge of the publication are Nancy Eaton.

Clubsters Hustlin•

Y-Teens ha-ve big plans for this semester. March will feature the annual Blarney Stone Ball, and a gala Cashion show will be given in April.

Hi-Y and Y-Teens members donned ice-skates Jan. 19 for a skating party given at Ak-Sar-Ben from 8 to 1(} p.m. After an evening of skatipg, Hi-Y :President John Wupper invited party-goers to his home for refreshments

"It was a lot of fun and 1 hope we can make the party tradition- • al,'' Y-Teens President Colleen Vaughn remarked enthusiastically.

Plans for the future Roman banqnet of the Latin club got under way Feb. 8 The banquet is planned tor sometime in March, but the date is uncertain. As more plans are made, more information will be released.

WHS in NU Music-Fest

The West$ide orchestra, led by Mr. HarJd Welch and Mr. Darwyn Snyder, aud Mr. Paul Parker, instrumental supervisor of Westside Community Schools, participated in "A Week End witb Music" Feb. 9-10 in Lincoln. Nebr.

Nancy Ide, and Barbara McKellar.

T h.ircy-five members of i\f.rs. C harlo tte !lleadows' 7 t b chili'S }lerform lu rut c ho!·al reading progrmu Feb. 21, on IDl'.rV, at 12: 4 0 p.m. "A Sa· l u te to \Vashington" will b e the t h e m e. " All numbers will be comt>lilne n tary to W as hing ton and h is nunn ery," l\u•s. 1\lea<lows explained.

Due to enrollment increase, an addition was made to the faculty A welcome is extended to our new 7th grade tteacher, Mrs. Connie Hancke!

SpOJlSOred b y the "\Vest. Cad ets, th e ann ual Jrntior High Show is to b e h e ld April 12. Tryo u ts will be t h e first week in (the s p ecific da.t.e will be announced Inter).

The West Cadets will perform with t1:1e Cadet Band in an program at Westside Feb. 22, at 7:30p.m

Ji:clward l\fm s ur h as C011• cln cted a survey amoug his s tu· d ents to determine -reading favori tes. Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry l<"inn, Treasure Island, n nd Seventeen l ea d i n t h e book division, while Satu1·day Evenjng Post, Life, Look, and Reader's Digest Nm"k high us ntaJ:tnzl:ne the priceless look of knits

Andr ea Raskin, senior, agreed and added that the experience "helped me in learning to organize a paper, also to budget my time. The hardest part was chosing a topic."

Allan llorwicb, senior, !eels it's good experience but "composition is important too especially since you work with many types of writing rather than just one."

This semester there are 11 lora jn the advanced English class.

The event was sponsored by the Extension Division and Music Department in cooperation with the Nebraska String Plan, a divsion of the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education of the University of Nebraska.




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I wish to thank Eaton for her help in gathe1·ing news. Nancy will be a permanent "gobetween:" for us fl'om now onand contributions from you will be apJ>reci.ated and used whenever possible. This is YOUR COLUMN use it!


WHSBowler Gets Praise

January proved a valuabl e month to Westside bow ler Steve Cor nish, 8th grade.

Ste ve's bowling ability won hlm much praise duri ng th i s mo n th. J an 7 he appeared on t h e TV show "Everybody Bowls," winning $10 and a bow lin g shi r t. J an 21, be again bowl ed on TV

The World - Herald praised Steve's exceptional scores in the J an 30 Papio Cl assic, whe n he ta lli ed 246, 232, and 209 , to total 6 87.

Steve, who has been bowling two years, estimates his average to be "about 180."

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