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To State

"Doth boys have a r eal chance of being state cba remarked the Westside wres coach, Mr Marvin Nevins. It about the two varsity wr Bob Maddox and John Cla ancl a r e now entered ln the W t·esUing Meet at North t onight at 7 p. m. an d sat urda 1 p m. and 8 p.m.

Warriors, Knights To Clash Tonight On Lincoln Court

Warrio rs and Knights will clash ton i g ht as Westside meets Lincoln Southeast t h ere at 8 p.m.

'l' he W estsi de tea m hopes to avenge the on e point suitared last year at the bands of the Knights.

State Tourney

For Swimmers

Westside ' s swimming team will journey to Lincoln Feb. 16-17 to pa r Uclpate in the State Tournament. Frt day, Feb. 2, tbe Warrior fi nmen met wltb No r th H igh School. J an L aitos, sophomo re, took t wo ftrsts In the breast st r oke a nd Individual medley.

Other medal winner s In consolation 1Ughts Crom W es we re Jack Grabow, 120 lb. c Bill Foste r , 112 l b. class; B Clou g h, 138 lb. class; and Du gan, 95 lb. class rrom W brook. All of boys wo n p laee medals

W i n or lose the amateur athlete must enj oy competition and t h e struggl e f or victory. , At Westside a.s anywhe re, thts Is the n ature of the ath l ete. Too orten the Warrior fan fails to r eallze tbat the Warrior is driven by the exhlleraUon of competition and elation or victory to a far g reate r extent than by poster$ in the h all s or e lab o rate c heerin g.

Bob Garrett led th e Warriors in the score column with 14 points in the Westside-Benson game at Omaha Uni ver sity, Feb 9 The W arrio rs rece ived a sou n d beating as the Bunnies tri umphe d over the Warrio r s by 90-69

T he War ri o r s came back at the Westside-Tech game only to be plagued by 3 1 Couls. Varsity lllayer Bob Garrett, Eddie McCurtain, J im Adams, Btu Olsen, and Dick Hurst all fou l ed o ut

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