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" THE GREATEST STORE ON WORTH " 72nd and L Streets

A triangular meet witb Central, South. and W estside Wednesday, Feb. 7, was h eightened with Steve Sorenson placing firs t I n d iving.

The W a rri o r s l ost the meet t o Doys Town F riday, Feb. 9.

Tourney, Bowling, fitness

The War ri or team ended up out or the nine teams, ahead Boys Town, Bishop Ryan Fremont. Bellevue High tournament.

John Clappe r bas bad has had 18 wtns and 4 losses.

Westsiders Active In Athletics

The annual Freshman Invita- Vol leybal l intramura l s Uonal Basketball Tournament will grades 7-9 start In 3 weeks. bo play6d at Westa.ldo Mon<lay and Wed nesday, Feb. 19 and 21, In the boys' gym at Westside. T he first game will start at 6 p m. and the Recond game at 7:30.

The contendin g teams !lave n ot yet been decided, but Ra l s t on and Westbrook are the favored teams. Tropb1es are given for the first and second place te!UDB Last year Westside won the tournament and North came in second. The fo u r teams in,vlted this year are: North, Ra l sto n, Westbrook, and W estside.

Planning ahead? M r Will Hoyt, rootball coach , bas o r iv. ed an after sc hoo l Pllyslcal nesa P rog ram tor his 19 6 s t Is welcome."





IDEAL FOR ATHLETICS, COKE DATES, OR JUST GOOFING OFF Com f ortable Canvass Uppers with Cus hion Insole in e it h e r Black or Whi te.

Gi rls' Sises.

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