6 minute read


estside to Stage Carousel, Varieties

t.s, places, action. sel" rehearsals get under-

Top Choir wUl present econd mnslcal tb1s year, sel," April 4·7. According rector Wllllrun Kellogg, ; are fairlY well set." pc the leads will be 1\Uckb': as Billy at•d reNebraska. U. to study math w.:holarshlp granted her by .tb Institute ot the National t Foundation. scholarship was granted on or ber work there last IJ', roust'k '" a he<•Vtonl} friend. Den- Tryouts wlll be conducted niR PaBllt!" as the starlteeper, Don- ·•probably In the Jlrst week or prtnc1pal, and Dick la e<:hed11l&d for Jday 18·19.

Kathy Hybl as Julie Jordan. Cefrey as Dr. Seldon.

Suvporting roles are Candy Wheeler as Carrie Pepperidge, All Senior High dancers, singPam Mahnke as Mrs. Mullin, Chip era, pa.ntominers, instrumentalLockwood as David Bascombe, ists, talented people HlilRlil Kathy Favor as Nettie Fowler, WE GO! Mr. William Kellogg , Kenny Ploss as Enoch Snow, Ron Top Choir dir ecto r, has revealed Adams as Jigger Craigan, Char- the dates tor the talent show open lotte Jones as Hannah, Larry Pad- to grades 10-12.

Studious Warrior Finds Six Solicls Equal Six Ones

Six solids, good grief! As one freshman girl put it, "I wouldn't have time."

re WHS Activities To Include

quet, Convention, Contest, Trip

sday, the National Math sponsored by tbe A.merlthematlcal .ASBociat1on and Association of a, will be given to about tside senior high students. awards given for tbe top will 00 in the tonn or hon· de is hosting the 5th Antate Leadership Contest of tri.butive Education Clubs raska at the Town Rouse 11-12, Rigdon, state vtce-prest:will preside at the opening session Sunday afternoon. g will be an acquaintance and a contest and awards in which the students in contests such as win· play, ad layout, and busl· athe.matics. nquet followed bY dancing lllidnight swim is scheduled day night Monday mornndeis is hosting a break· owed by educational tours. rds luncheon Monday noon as a finale when awards nted and all first place Journey to Chicago for tional Convention.

American Sales and MarExecutiv es are dponsorlng

Y-Teens Organize St. Pat's Dance

TheY-Teens and Hi-Y wUl present their annual Blarneyatone Ball, March 1. It will be held In the girls' gym [rom 8-11 p.m.

Y-Teen president Co 11 e e u Vaughn and ID-Y president John Wupper wUI work together to present the dance. and their committees from the Hl-Y and Y-Teen groups will be announced later.

INS"IDE : Look for th e Student Council's reply to the editorial in the last issu e of th e La nce!

Reltearsals have begun for the J Senior O.tuss Play, "Good· b)'<', l\{y Fnucy," March 22-24, with. many sbnilar exeiama.tions and m uch CJtth usiasm. T h e p l a y i s a sophisticated comedy about a Congrcss,vonum who returns to her Alma l\later to receive a.n h on· orary degree t n the mJdst of a campnign tor re-el ection. "It's a good comedy, l\ wonderful cast," according to Mrs. Anna Clark.

The play's cast includes Suz:i Peterson as Ginny, Susie Mellor as Amelia, Sanda Smith as Clarisse Jeanne Encell as Mary Nell, and' Priscilla Young as Mlss Shackleford.

Others are Chip Lockwood a.s the telephone m..an. Art Lorenz and Ed Ervin as janitors (main· tenanoo engineers), Susie JohnsOn us Grace Woods ( W oody), Susie Tucker a.s Susan, a.nd Teni Rupe as Agatha Rood.

More seniors In the play are Marilyn Manta! as Ellen Griswold, Jean Lewis as Prof. Brideshaw, Lois Tur)ler as Carol, and Judy Nelsen as Jo. Also cast are John Wupper as Dr. Pitt, Greg Eden as Merrill, Dick Meitf aa Prof. Dingley, Jerman Rose as Matt Cole, and Bob Carson as Clude Griswold.

Sr. High Girls Compete

Westside's winner Jn the Betty Crocker Search for the Homemaker of Tomorrow contest will be announced at the Honors Convoca· tion.

Juruor Steve \\' atson, however, fulds time for them, as well as otbCI· Last semester , Steve took Russian history, Senior Mathematics 1 anti thlrll -year Gennan, American history, Eng· lish and chemistry. And b e receh•ed si."T ones !

Seventy senior Home Ec. students competed with w1·itten examinations in this national con· test.

This is the filth year Westside has participated In the National program; more students have reg<. laterad this year than ever before.

"I'm going to start tralning so I can cllmb the Washington monument tllJs year," chuckled Mr. Gerald Koch, activities director, as he referred to the annual trip for Modern ProbleiDS students lo New York and Washington June 2-9.

U e indicated that tbe pla.ns tor thfs year's trip include attending a nJght c l ub, tou:ri.Dg tbe UN, bav· ing breakfast with Nebraska's C•mh'l'OSsmen , visiting the White House, road viewing the New York Stock

Roa$t turkey, baked apples, honey cakes, figs, and dates are only a part of the seven course meal planned tor the annual La.Un Club Banquet, which will be held March 8 In the Girl's Gym from 6-9 p m.

The b a nqu et w1ll be in true Roman style wllh costumes, a slave auction (slaves will be first year foreign language students). "and perhaps some juggelers, dancers or a. gradttorlal combat," added Mrs. Julle George, Latin teacher. Stud ents will do all performing and catering.

All Latin Club membres and Latin students are invited. Tickets are U.

Steve decided on tbJs schedule because "I just want to get all much as possible in high school.

To me six soltds does not seem like too much. It's all Cree." He spends three-and-a--half hours per night on hls homework.

Steve Is secretary of Chess Club and vfce president of both ! lath and Science Clubs. He enjoys chess, reading, listening to c lass1· cal music, and campaigning 1n a cotton judge's wig tor county government.

About. his future plana he says, "I'd like to go to Yale and major in physics."

March Memoir

8--Strlng m uslc clinic at Bellevue. Latin Clu b b an· quet.

• lQ--1\.Iardl Gras in the G i rls' Gynt, 8 p.m

8-lo--Btate basketball tour· na.tnen t.

9-Jazz Concert, Little Theater, 7:80p.m.

12--Englneers' meeting 1n the Little Theater, '7 :80p.m.

15--Basketball and Wrestl.lng Cou vocation , 1 0:10 a.JTI.

16--Guest soloist &Dd Warrior BAnd program, 8 p.m.

1 7-Y-Teens St. Patri ck's Day Dance 1n the Girls' G)'JD, 8 p .m.

All senior high school glrl s were elig ible to enter. Each par· ticipattng school bas a winner. Th.is girl m u st oo certified a.s to character a.nd repu tation by her school principal before she goes on to the State Homemaker or Tomorrow contest.

Every girl writing the examination wUJ receive a COI>Y or the pamphlet "Betty Crocker's Home-

Hot or Cool?

maker Proftler and Guide to Homemaking." The winM1' fl'om each school will receive a Betty Crocker "Homemaker of Tomorrow" A ward pin. The winne r of the state contest will receive a $1,500 Betty Crocker scholarship and an invitation tor herself an d a. female faculty advisor invi ting them to partlci11a.te in an educational tour starting In Washington, D.C ., at General Mtlls' expense.

From the State winner an All· Ame rican Homema k e r of Tomorrow will be chosen who will re<'eive a $6,000 increase in her sclao l arshlp.

Tbis girl wlU be chosen on the basis or the examination, personal observation, and an Interview.

Musicians Offer Jazz Variety

Like yonr music hot? Moody?

Folk songs? Dixieland? You name it, and chances are it will be played at the Jazz Concert, March 9 in the Little Theater.

According to Bob Carson, the main feature will be a concert jazz band that will play about nine numbers. There will also be four other groups performing, showing the evolution of jazz from folk songs to progressive jazz.

Rehearsals have been under way for about a month and half under the direction or 1\fr. Darwyn Snyder. A. full dress rehearsal will "probably be given to the junior high on the afternoon of March 8."

Tickets went on sale Feb. 26. They may be purchased from any band member at 50 cents tor students and $1 for adults. This price Is with or without activity tickets. U the tickets sell rapidly, Bob said, they may give a performance March 8, also.

Thespians Don Costumes For Mardi Gras Dance

Thespians hav-e announced that Jim. Rhelngrover, Mickey Elley, Ron Adams, Dick McKenna, Pat Moore, Susan Peterson, Susy Mellor, Connie Co!Uton were chosen Regina and Rex candidates tor the 2-nd annual Mardi Gras, March 10.

The candidates for the costume ball, who bad to be senior Thespian members were chosen by a commit tee headed by the sponsor, Mrs. Anna Clark.

Greg Eden, Thespian president, stated that awards would be given to various outstanding costumes wblch are to represent song titles.

Tbe ball will be held in the girls' gym from 8 to 11: 3 0 and the cost Is $1.90 per couple.

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