9 minute read

Council Replies To lance

In the lost issue of the La nce in this space there appeared on article severely criticizing the Student Council of Westside

Mrs. J. Glenn Westsiders Discuss

Rides Again? ,62 s d c

High School. The Student Council wishes to make the following b) Lori Whitted reply to these allegations Cape Canaveral (after 20 de--

Th e Lance seems gross ly u nin f orme d conce rn in g t h e acti vi- lays)-Mrs. Jana Glenn, the womnn ln orbit, gave newsmen an ties of th e Stud e nt C o unc i l dur in g th e last yea r Due to la st lnten'lew today before her hisyear 's critici s m conc e rning th e lack of re prese ntat ion th e Stu - torte Olghl. When asked why she dent Council ha s ex t e nd e d more r es pon s ib ility in Stude nt Gov- bad decided to become an astroe rnment to th e stud e nts t hrough th e c re ation o f t he Se nate. nauteas, she replied. "It was the Appare ntly th e Lan ce knows nothing o f th e pro jects carrie d on only way for me to get a vacation. Sho her rigorous by the Stude nt Council thi s ye ar or has it tak e n th e tim e to trnlnlng for her task as "cleaning b ecome informed of th e m Some of th ese projects ar e th e Alic e h ousl\ c haslng m y six chlldl·en Gillogly Fund, Kathy Plantee n Scholarship Fund, Unite d Se rvic e ever)' day, arul u·ying to get in App eal, Shawnee Mission Exchange Program, improve m e nt of t.ou<'h with Co l. ''Tally" Weeks the Stud e nt Loung e , th e Club's C onvoca t ion, blaze rs for th e ( t >etm.\tlc n tAtlv e for Ven us ProJect). basketball te am, cre ation of th e Senior lunch room , purchase of Now tho hlslorle day wlll be a new school flag, activities pamphlet to b e hand ed out t o all recounted. Mrs. Glenn, after arlsnew stude nts , th e be n e fit baske tball gam e , and a Coketail Party log at 2 a.m., prepared a hearty

A criticism mode by the Lance was the lack of convocations. breakfau for ber husband and The fact -finding observer of the Council would know that the six children, and kissed her dog, Irene, good-bye (she said, "We're Council does n o t arrange for convocations but merely acts as very close"). When she reached a host the Cape, she chose her pale-blue sections two wee ks in advance. From th e r e on it was th e ir sponsibility

Furthermore th e obvious ly un informed wr it e r c riticise d th e space suit for the flight (after abs e nce of th o Christmas-tim e " food for fun " project An y some Indecision) and put on her Council memb e r could t e ll you of th e boxes of toys colle cted for make-up. She was placed In the capsule and the countdown began. needy childre n in th e ' 'Toys for Tots" proje ct. With re gard to Finally, lt reached time-minus Christmas decorations th e clubs of W e stside were g ive n a ss ign e d 30. All the world was waiting.

This does how e ve r bring up an interesting point

The Student Government could accomplish even more than

"What do we want of our Student Council?" Thla quesllon, asked of Westside stude nts , r eceived a va ri ety of answers.

The N'l>ult<; o f th<' poll .,how Jdcn arld unC'ertrunty about the PUfllOM! ruHl obUgntJou of the Council. Th l' nu1j o rlty, while havin g d <-fhtlt.c ld<'n.<! nbo u t the purpo;,(' of th!' Student Council, oiTcr no t\.'1 to h ow to nchJove lt.

According to Norm Peterson,

Students Tour

Electric Plant

Twelve Westside boys Interested ln engineering toured the Western Electric plants Tuesday accompanied by Mr Karl Pecht.

The bo)s nrc Bill Deck, Steve Brocky, Stcl""e Dolby, Rick Bolt, Ron Jon es, Terry J{vam , Art Lorenz, Bob D ick Mike 1\fom.on, Daryl Olson, nod Cooley Smith.

junior, the Student Council serve as the voice of the student body, and bring Ideas of the student body to faculty."

SQme Westsiders feel the ell has not been active Susie Baade, junior, sums up ntUlude: "The CounciL lhe students know what doing or what they have aos•--: Student Council is supposed !or the benefit of the sttlde,niiiEJ,rl the school and our council do this."

'Vaclo Wright, junio"l', th e Ooune ll against this sta tln.g, " I feel that a great l ee has been done to the as a result of the Lance eaJIIAIII UJ T11e job of tbe council 1s to <'ommon problems. The co11]Mj• an organizntion fo r and by !>Ide <rtudents and is as it has, if it has the cooperation and ideas of the student body; sorry, Mrs. th e a ttitude of the s t udents should be one of participation an d Glenn, you loft your blue eye n ot o f c ri t ic ism shadow n.l qome) · · · .4 · 3 2 •.• 1--i&nltlon lift ofll

Respectfully subm itted,-- Wests ide H igh Student Counci l

Ron Adams, President

The editorial about the Student Council 1D the last Issue of the Lance waa meant aa constructive, not malicious criticism.

Council aeeompllallmenta wt-re omitted becaVM" I did not r 1 ttahould be to "ctlg up'' any of worthwhile t.a w., Uuu -.uu;; • .,:ll lt t.tue thal some were t.be ldeu of the tuultt or ot.llu orguluUoau!

How much l.1Jiw doea It requlre the Student CouueU to collect money or buy a tlq7 Doea the CoUDeU h&Ye a goal to toward-=ODe wbleb will really lmpro,•e the school and not be soon forgotten?

Some Council members said that the "Toys for Tots" was not as successfu l na the Councll wished. It would show better leadership on the part of the Councll to a r ouse student interest in projects when they nre introduced rather than to criticize them when the proj ects fail. Ou r critJci.Sm sho ws c.bat the Lance ls interes ted in th e Student Council and th e sci1oo l. 'l'o pt'Ove this we o1Yer Lance space in eac b issue wWcb will be devo t ed to the Student Coun eU.

Teacher Grizzell Exhibit Works At Joslyn Show

.1\f re. Glenn's fu'St comment after blast b\ g oil, "I lett my glasses hf m)' other pnrso I " .-e aow f:roel their tem1 papers: c:atch.ing up on homewo rk and s leep they negl ected all 2:30 a..m. i s pretty late.

The seniors have been busy, too, working In class and gettlng cars stuck.

After doing the latter a. group ot senior girls went to a filling slntlo n for a tow truck. When they reached th ere Joanie Olson asked the attendant tor tp.e name of a towing service. The man replied. "I can give you a name, but It will coat you $6-$10.

Surprised, Joanie answered, " Just for the Information?"


Pub li dl e d Se mi- Mont hly

By J oumo lis m Cla sses

W eml de Hig h School

87 t h & Pac if ic Sts., Omoho, N eb

Edit« Su%y Tlchoc;ek

Monog•ng Edit« ..••••..•••.• Joan Olson

Business Monoger •...•••.•••. c:Mryl Bird

Advert ising Monoger ...•••••. Cothl Eaton

First Poge Edit Of •••••••••••••• Pot Miller

Second Page Editor .•••••.•. Karon Ko:tok

Third Poge Editor ..•.••.• Connie Colli ton

Fourth Page Editor. • • ••.• Priscilla Young

SportswrltorJ ......•••..••... Dove Allen, Ron Adams

Feoturo Editor ....•••....... Lori Whitted

Circulation Manager •.•. ...••• Koy Fuchs

Jr. High Columnist S. J. Johnson

Photographer •...••. ••• Peyton Whitely

Stoff Reporters •••••...•.•.• Judy Nelsen, Jon Wright, Borbl Clem

Artists ..• Nancy Simmons, Candy Wheeler, Phil Freyder

Adviser .••..•..••••. Miu Marilyn Miller

HtwS U PORTE IU: Beckie Amls, SUe

Boode Undo Finks, Chynne Koser, Judy McClendon, Tenl Moron, Jorry Neoly, Tedl Roseuboum, V1rg1nlo Sei9ef, P-vton Whi tely.

AD STAFF : Solly Allen Corot Bloom, Dick

Diegel. Cathie Filkins, Shain Humphrey, Krlsty lsooaon, Bev Klein, Cathy Loughten· schloger, Carolyn Ronkln, Judy Thomas.

Mr. Kenneth Grizzell is one Westside teacher wbo bellevea that one learns by doing. Mr. Grizzell, a graduate of Wichita University with a Master of Fine Arts degree, and an art teach e r at Wealside, enters many '>f his own works In competition.

Right now he has two works on display at the J(Jslyn Me morial Art Museum in its Midwest BIennial Exhibition. They are among the 187 selected for showing out of the 1,100 entries. One Is a metal sculpture, done with an acetylene torch, called "The Captive." The other ls a figure drawlog in ink and stick called "Buchenwald Figure."

"A, 8 , Z's" for Warriors

"L" is for Lan ce I The Lance is the Westside paper. The Lance is for Warriors to read. Read, r ead, read. The Lance is for businesses to buy ads ln. Buy, buy, buy.

However, The Lance Is not to wrap garbage tn. No, no, only Jack Paar would do that.

H e l en K e ll ey was discusslng the or igin of evU in W o"l'ld Ut clns!J. As she t.al.ked, she kept looking at one part of the room. Ft.nal l y, s he said, "What ls the origin of evU?" Stel""e Sydow spoko up from the corner, "Don't l ook nt mi.' I"

Students tn the first hour chemIstry class got, In addition to chemistry, some guidance from Mr. Karl Pecht. Reba. Fosler and Sunny Durham were mixing solution with fee to make it freeze.

Mr. Pecht came over to them and exclaimed, "Make mine weakIt's so early In the morning."

Skip Sorensen ha s JD1Ulllged to so lve t h e t>robl em of foreign aid in lndln. When food fo r the Indians WRS be ing ru scussed in R Psycllology group, Sk:lp f elt that the solu· tlon was "to get eno ugh stomachs to feed the food."

MEDALS: Instead of the Distinguished Sen·ice Medal Col. Glenn has received, two Westalders are going to get a placque.

Mr. Glore has vowed to get a pla cque dedicating the wall between Rooms 233 and 236 to seniors, S. J. Johnson and Art Lorenz,

The boys were shown a mo\•ie, "Project Mercury," and then divided Into groups of four, each accompanied by nn engineer, and toured tho plant.

Th o e ve nt wns h el<l in pt\rtlcl[ll\tton or ln t e r nntlo u nJ. lllngl n ccrl ng tlve statements, however. Sally Allen summed up this tlon by reporting "When tloned Helen Townsend wltb, 'Tho !unction of the Council is to fultill-' but with, 'I don't know.' Here we a problem to work on."

Week, nnd l\[r. P echt tulded thnt It "certain l y WMI very lnfomtntive."

Andreas, Students Plant White Pines

A sunny Aprll day wlll ft.nd Paul .Andreas , hiatory a bltt!) rrew of Wat.llde at worlt adding to the .-..

Altbouth Col. John Gl nu bu landed Westalders are iuat going oft into orbit PROGRESS REPORT: One gum chain bas reached ten feet!

"Bright clothes and large purees illustrate the outgoing personality or Suzy Tlehaeek," stated the W o rks hop World, the Journalism State publication at Nebraska Unlvenlty lnst summer. More proot ot Suzy's frlendllness was offered when her fellow "Jstaters" elected her "1\:flsa Congeniality," au honornry UUe awarded at the end of the 1961 workshop.

"Working on the Lance has been a wonder!ul experience In more ways than one," declared Suey, Lance editor thls eemea l e r "I have grown closer to the other staff members, learn ed responsibility, and gained a better knowled ge of newspaper work by experiencing it," sho continued.

Suty plans to go on with newspaper work. Next year she plans to major 1D journalism nod minor

H11ntorou s speeches are one of Carolyn Fnlkenroth's Interests that make her famlltar lo everybody. She gave "Dotty at tho Daseball Game" two YCII.l'S ago In the variety show. She hns also given speeches at a Pop Club banquet and an International Wallber League convention.

Carolyn .18 cnrl't'n tly the president of the Waltl1er {;('ague lu St. Mark's Lutb4?rtUl Church and woe secretary for Ulo Walth er in Omaha.

She baa been accepted at Valparaiso University where she plans to major 1D education.

Here at Westside, Carol)on Is active In Pep Club, Z Club, FMA, and FTA. In her "spare" tim e, she sews and works at Hlnky-Dlnky ln the check-out stnnd.

HC81Js o( w year·a lng project found it order 25-30 additional white this spring. Several of the ordered last year could not used because they had sprouted before their arrival.

In political science at Kansas vers1ty.

Hobbles? "I'm afraid I lng the school year," Suzy, who 1a active ln Pep Quill and Scroll, Z-Cl11b, Dr111 Squad, and FMA, besides work on the Lance. She also part time at Fran's Gift Shop.

Horwich, Ticha Falkenroth Sh Interest In Mat Writing, Speaki

Allen Horwich, known to classmates as Doe, Is taking a first year calculus a.t O.U. and explained that graduati on he hopes to go Princeton and "probably nu••u1• math" although be Isn't sure.

"Unlike many studen ts Mked what b e liked abou t side, h e commented on the ' faculty and the interest they In their students."

In his spare time Doc play basketball. H e stated hls fault was his horrible hA1nrhrill lng, then laughed and added didn't play football very well ther.

een·atlve CactJons, "Doc" strated hls Interest In and alasm for politics by the ment, "Goldwater in '6!"!-'

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