2 minute read
Getting 'lridependence'
-- Goal of Debate
"Our goa l in debate Is to allow 'I are those projects coming ? t for the record, the projects r the contest which will be cted durlng National Book
• Jr. Highrching to the Top by S. J. Johnson
April 8-15 bY the school r y. he theme wW be any project bh to presen t in the artistic that will be relative to the or story or a book." Posters, objects, sculpture, r>rtraits are a f e'v of the pos- es. 1 students In 7th and 8th: ades may participate.
Etries will be judged tor artistic ability, matter and neatness. [th and 8th grades will be separately. of participant an d grade rth teacher's name must aceach entry. entries must be in during arch! es wlll be (iven for the best most ou"'tanlllDS entrtea, so go, and really represent our 1es in this!
:Jut, Mom, t jllirt wear skirt any morel" 'hes e jeans are too small .•. :•
Rmd famillar? Here's fOur 1ce to do sometWng with all wearable clothing you can't
titement High As reethea rt Crowned
xclted Swee th ear t cand idates ned to their places as the proion began. TbJs was it! The !Its were totaled and jitters dn't be helped now. be clim.a.x of the e vening beas th e unknowing Sweetheart juT WHO WERE THEY? pAN OLSON and JOHN DKASENI th e Sweet)lea.rt and Prince are ll students with interests and lnts much llke any other. But bey are dtfrerent-they are ofply the one and only Sweet·
Prince to be g lid ed down the td liDed path to their thrones. ppped wtth her crown and ofUy honored a princely , our sweetheart sm111ngly ac;ed her reign wl tb the apra.J. of the "people."
II the honored pair ftoated on dance floor, the evening was ta hetght.
Prince for 1962! rhanks are due to the Pep Club the beautiful decorations, and W Club !or cleaning up p- the dance. Their combined made the evening a memoe one !or all who attended. Styled
Palgn Ar E
u se--o r stand-tlu1t's only taking up s pace in your closet, and h elp someone at the srune tbne
The Junior High Is supporting a "Save lhe Children's Federation" campaign with everyone in grades 7-12 who 'rls bes to participate the student to formulate his own opinions. in order to be less de· pendent on others," stated Rod Hansen, Westside debate coach. "Debate promotes a healthy attl· tude toward competition through Improving poise, and encouraging sound , logical thlnking," be added
Wearable clothing will be col· lected and sent to children underprivileged because of ftoods, landslides, and other M r Ral pb Farrar, assistant principal, has stated that this aid "will not go o u tside the U.S." Bring your articles to the omce starting Monday.
J eft Pnri.!>h listed some rewards of hi gh !!Chool debating as "a. num· be,r of friendsWps with my op· J>O u e n ts, knowledge of and momentous questions, a great d eal of frustration from perennial se· cond places, and some satisfaction from an occasional first."
Chess ClubWhips Central, Benson; FMA Cheers Young Orphans; International Club Plans Banquet
Wests ide ' s Chess Club has been successful Ln winning their match e s. Westside beat Central by a score of 16·3 and Benson by 9-
T he Club members play games between each othe r and are then rate d by the games they have played, won, and lost. The players al !'..!ve. a epee<! wtlere tluty are gt 10 eeotula