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Visits at NU

Febr. 9·10, 47 Westside Symphonette members, conducted by Mr. Harold Welch, participated in a "A Week-End With Music" sponsored by the Extension Division and Music Department ot the University of Nebraska.

T h e s tude n ts were giTen a live per<foi'IJUlnce of Mozart's "OosJ Fan Tutte" present.ed by th e UnJ · v ersJty of Nebraska student or· c h estra.

They attended lectures intro· duolng them to modern trends in music, such as "Contemporary So und s," which Is music produced artlftcially by electronic machines.

Another- hJgbUgltt of the trip w as the participation of the Westside S ympb.onette with the Lin· oo ln YouUt Symphony.

Saturday morning, the symphonette presented an hour long conce r t featuring pianist Woo dy Hovland as so l ois t.

Welclt fel t that the trip was " m ost ed u cational. " for each move.

Jim Durham: "I thought it was real interesting and hope that we get Invited next year."

Larry Jacobsen: "I enjoyed everything, especially the ope r a."

MAl')' Johnson: "I liked the electronic music the best, and I met a lot of Interesting people."

Jan Rolick: "It was all very enjoyable-...eapecially the speeches."

The club plans to attend the Annual City Team Tournament at the YMCA which is coming up soo n

Thtr ty members traveled to St. James' Orphanage Feb 11 to flntertain the children n 2-ll year-&

The 'West.alders put on a I'L.u written by Pat Maye r and Sbarl • .After the akit tbey games.

'l'he Westsfders were. then g\y en a tour through the orphanage.

The annual International Clu b banquet is tentatively planned for April 9. AU language c lubs will partic ip ate. Those who attend the banquet will come in costume.

M.r and Mrs. J udaon and Dr and Mrs. Don Bucholz, representing Amelican Field Service, will be guests. Faculty members wUl also be invited.

Top Choir Adds Singers, Show

M'ustc audiences may detect some new voices in Westside's top choir. They belong to new members joining the group this semes· ter.

These students include Ricky Bergstrom, Kathy Favor, Jack Morin, Judith Toll, and Di ck Van Til berg.

In addition to n aming new members, Mr William Kellogg, music inst r uctor, announced that the annual Variety Show will be held May 18 and 19.

Tryouts will be held the first week in May and are open to all Westside senior high studen ts. The show will be limited, lasting from one t o one and a hal f hours.

Vtu·!uty u eo awrs ..r e1r .t'ai'IBll, Crull Lucas, sustut P ete t-se n, and Greg Eden h o ld trophies won this yt>.ar and l Mt by d eba te teams.

Greg Eden declared, "The abilIty to converse intellig-ently with one's fellow man is essential in toda y's society; debate likewise provides the in centive to think. " He aclde d slyly that debate has given him "the ability to give the announcements over the loudspeaker system, as well as a smoother line!"

J elf and Greg agreed tbat they e njoyed debate trips

Faculty Visits t.

•l<We llt the l&rKest bo,plt.oJ '9f88t of Cbtcage, and that their graduatee receiftd top ac:ores In Nebruka on their eDJDII tor nunlng certl· llcatea," stated Mrs. Lois Lucaa of her trip to St. Joseph's hospital, Feb. 21.

Mrs. Lucas, alo n g with Mrs. Mary Conner, Mr. Ralph Farrar, 1\'lr. Kenneth Hansen, and Mr. Karl Pecht, were guests ot honor at a luncheon at tbe hospital.

T bey toured it to get guida nce material tor i n terested students

Mrs. Lucas added tbat she learned a deal about the opportunities for men In nur sing.

"There are tremendous openings !or bo ys to go on into phychlatrle nursing, anesthetlc work, or hos· pita! administration work," she sai d.

The purpose f or the tour was to show coo.nselors a more realistic view of nursing, as well as to tell counselors about the facil ities o.t St. Joseph's. Co u nselors from all over Nebraska will be Invited to tour the hospital.

It's a pleasure to shop at BEN FRANKLIN' S 5 & 10 Westgate Plaza

Since all but seven of the 31 debaters are under-classmen, West· side hopes to add an advanced course next year ln persuasion and platform-speaking for those now taking beginning debate.

13egilmlng debate im' olves gath· ering information, r eading, preparing briefs, and fundamental debate in tllo city during t he ftrst s emester. The n th ey attend out--of· town tournaments the rest ot the year, poliBhing 1ndh1dunl syles.

They also study interpretation of prose and poetry, Interpretive public address, original oratory and radio and telev:laion news-

Language Students Compete at OU

Stx Weslslde students will compete In the foreign language speaking contest at Omaha U ni· verslty Feb 27-Ma.rch 1.

The partlci,Pants will be quizzed in oral Individual competition in the actual language itselfFrench, German , or Spanish. The general topic wlll be "Famous Cities of Fore ign Lands "

French: Barbara Montes and Rjchard Theis German: Steve Watson and Steve Wilson. Spanish: Barbara Bdzzee and Phil Freyder.


The senior s will be for caps and gowns at 12:30 on :llarcb 14 in the Little Tbcarer. Seniors, in order to get an d order a. cap and gown, mu st pay the rental fee of $3.50 on l\lal'cb H.

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