5 minute read

Coach Hopeful

ForTennis Team

w Warri o t· unJt w o und up the season in filth place o u t of eight. Inte r c ity teams. The Warriors topplell South Cor the i r Inaugural contesL. La.ter, they dereated thO Packers again. The team pulled another vlctot·y over Tech. Central, Prep, and North beat Westside, and In the season's final meet, Doys Town walloped the Warriors.

Mr. Robert Rademacher, tennis coach, is hopeful for this yea r 's tennis team. He says, "I feel we should be top in tennis, If tbe turnout and interest ln tennis Ia abundant."

;'\lr. Rademacher will pl'Obabl y

Um1t. his squa tl to 1 2 boy tr, bu t 6tnte>., " I want m any to try o u t."

Spedfically stated, )lr. Rademacher said he w o uld like more fresh· me n and soph om ores; expertcnco i s not required The "Latter System" may be used, be noted. The system is orby lnter-team competttlon in which Mr. Rademacher rates the1i'l\liltltis o r the t orun rrom t b e No. 1 player to the :w.:. ,.lac •ru; er, OtltUn« Jlror.oas, he cuts ure bottom two or three playera. This sylltem ia alao used ln Interlllty competltloa to det e rmine which teams compete against each other.

Freshman Tearn Places Second

Westside's freshman basketball team placed second in tournament play and tied for third with Benson in Intercity play.

In the tournament, Westside defeated Ralston by one point, 5453. However, in the final lap they tailed to beat Westbrook, l osing by a score of 47-43. D uring tho season the A team won 6 games and l ost 8. The 13 team won 6 and lost 5.

The A team member tor the season are John Buller, Eric Hultman, Vyto Vaiolunas, AI Zimmerman, Bill Dewhirst, Barry Zoob, Bob Rahe, and Terry Clautr.

Tbe B team members are Terry Johnson, Ray Cusick, Rich Young, Bryan Vercoe, John Andreason, Don Ehlers, Jim Durham, John Coe, Lynn Miller, and Rich Ide.

Ranch Bowl

1600 South '12nd Street

Phon e 3 9 3.-WOO

This columnist takes pen in band to summarize the season of Weslslde's basketball efforts berare the determination of Red and Black tntc In t.he district tournament. Whetbet· or not the Warriors are ellll In contention as this brief comment ls read, it was a. aenaon of efforts, little success, and much disappointment.

T he S<'aso n ·s emo tio ns wer e 8()co mlltUl.led b y a can for nnitr \\ h OI\ f rl c Uon mounted. It is unf ortun ate thA t a team of limited m ost be h e ld equallf accountable fo r Its social o pinions.

' ln every loss there was something mlsslng. The lack was not alwaye, n • o1ren often, found In the uctunl team performance.

Le t 118 now \'lew the basketball team in the wa y they play the game.

W lt b tb notable \1!

''"! Hi d e u scares, l he lUI wo ll llll their lt has been declared the team never approached Its potential. Perhaps, but whoever accomplishes au tbat be can? Any observer must agree that Westside teams always had sp i rit and drive. There were always five men :running, jumping, and r eboundtng at an admirable pace. Knowtng little or the mechanics of basketball, this columnist can only otter his sincere sympathy to a team whi ch deserves more than It r ece i ved

\Vhfon tbe margin 18 narrow , th e teams are us ualJ)' p resenting th e flam e l\f Jstakes and chance f\1'0 s lgnJl)CADt In s u ch con tests. Westi! lde had more than an even s hare o r and poor fortun('.

Sportsmen To Be Honored at Assembly

Warrtor basketball players and wreatlera wllJ be honored in a apeelal awards convocaUon March 16.

The baaketball boys will recetn thelr letters. Team captain and Outstanding Player will be named , and the Kiwanis award will be presented

A fte r pinning o Southeast wrestler in a speedy 58 in his first match, Westside's single wrestl ing state r, Bob dox, en t ered the second match fo r a nar row 4-3 loss to A lliance matman. Joh n Clopper, W es t side's othe r w re stli n g resentative f o r state, was unable to compete d ue t o a n inf ecti

Warriors ·Fall To Tigers 59-63

Another close battle tensed Westside fans Saturday night as the Warriors lost to Fremont, 6359.

The game remained neck-andneck at the end of the tlrat period with the score 17-17. Fremont leaped in front at the hair, bowever, 36-27. Warrior etrorts were stltled during the r est of the game, and could not overtake the Tigers.

The Westside olayf>d Prep last night :tt tho Omahu tJ. 11elijhot11J6 Duo to clrNunP.fn'1 B .;r cuutrul, the scores wore not al tJrCIIl time. The winner wlll ro to the State Champlonsblpll. All games are pl ayed In the Omaha U. lleldhouse.

Hendersen Selected For All-Star Team

Pat Henderson, senior, haa been selected to be a member or Omaha's All-Star Bowling Team. He and his teammate11 will be bowling In Lincoln, Minneapolis, Minn., and In different bowling establishments In Omaha.

Pat was one or 300 boys selected to be In Omaha'11 56-member Junior Classic Bowling League. From these 56 boye, he and six others were chosen to be on the .All-Star team. lie was vote d onto the team by bowling proprietors and the J unior Classic League team captains on his ability and attitude.

The All-Slar Team Is a relatively new Idea which clUes are adoptIng to Interest teen-agers In competitive bowling.



1 3th and Willis 346-0282

For those who core • • Rockbrook Barber Shop

Derrell A. Small, Prop. 10803 Center Omaha N eb raaka ln nil. lhls year 's wres tll season ended on a promising forecasting a possible bright lure for the new sport at side.

Jn t h e first meet of the

\\'estslde won a qu meet held tn Lincoln, agatnst coin High, Tech, and Lincoln X. During the same week-end , Warriors downed A.L., a.nd HlSiDOI• Ryan, but lost to South in quadrangular.

W estb ide'" Int e rcity record tht'f <'O n c; lu s iou o f th& season t•lghf ten sl tuafUI th e m In an admtrabte fo urth plMe.

"I wou ld say It was a real season except f o r the tlnieb State," chuckled Bob Maddox. was chosen "Most Val u able tier" and team captain for year.

Wrestler Johnny Clapper selected by the Omaha \V (>rJoll-.tlft'•J aid to be a member of their Intercity Wrestling Team. bers are chosen trom each division; Johnny represents 145 pound division. His record for the yea r was wins, four losses, and one Ue.


8734 Countryside •• Omahe

S 61 Grads at NU

n of the facu l ty a ttendr ln clpa l -Freshm an Conat Neb raska Univer sity t.h K. Hansen, princi pal: eht, guidance; and J ack guidance, vis i ted the nd Interv i ew e d Westside enrolled as Ireshdeter m i nes ! r om t ervi e ws whether Wes tsi de ng adequate prepa r atory f o r s t udents l ate r att endt,ege. " rt has helped in the Ja n cou r ses needed," said ansen exp l ained that the o r the p r og r am wa s "to e our own pr ogra m" and de n ts, besides Improving ool-u n i versity r e l atio n s. p t Look t and loca te an of th e literary Lance ng Ma rch 30t

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