3 minute read

Playday, Track, lntramurals, Conference Fill Warrior Time

"Sea of Sports" was the theme of the NU p layday this year, held March 3. Attending the playday were 16 Westside GAA members and their sponsor, MrR. Diane Petersen.

Two W HS ' ers tlarb Xo rberg and an d Lea Ann Wrlg, were m embers o f the t ea.rn Ul at p laced first In the o f mtnlattn ·e golf, relays, du c k p ins, u .ble te n ni s, and o r cageball

A n archery demonstration was presented by the Prairie Bowmen, an a r chery club In Lincoln.

Other schools attending the NU Playday were Lincoln Northeast, Lincoln Southeast, University High, and Shubert Hi gh.

H ey, are you wondering whe r e the boys are a f te r schoo l ?

Th ey' re probabl y o ut fo r track Tills year 80 senJor hJgb boys training o n tb e track field. U ntil the wea the r lmprol'es, ro n can h ear them In th e g) m

Mr. William Hoyt, coach, 9!'ld that the only requirement to go out was, "the desire to work."

H e a i '!O «aid t h at h e fel l side \\ Olll cl ba\'e a mu c h team )ear, cxec1>t f o r a rcw e\ents s u ch IL'! hu rd l e'! an d d1scus.

The first meat, In wblcb tllerP w111 be 8-l 0 schools competing, will be held at the Oll field house on March 30 a n d 31. Afte r that tl1ere wi ll be one meet each week untll May 22.

"The conrerence was very enlightening and they brought out some interesting and new ideas in the line or Physical Fitness and Physical Education."

This ' ' l e w w 11s expr essed b y 1\lJo

W agne r and l\(Jo, Marvin Nevlna afte r the ir Vl!l lt t o Gran d Is land t or th e Gove rn or's Conferen ce for Yo uth Ph ys i cal Fi tn ess, 3.

Bill Olson Vaults Warrior Cause

Warrio r s w i tnessed a gallant light to and Dodge



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Register now fo r o ur popu lar Seventee n Cha rm Co urse Reg ist rat ions token on Sa turda y, March 17th, and Satu rda y, Ma rc h 2 4th, at our upper level Jun io r Co lon y, Brande is at the Cross roads

C lasses wi ll begi the Omaha U fieldhouae. Westside's hopes were dampened somewhat In the first quarter slump with the score In Prep's favor 16·9. But o.n encouraging second quarter squeezed the point m a rgin to 34-29.

All the high schools In Ne ka were Invited and about t hundred sent Physical Eduea teaches and interested stud Joining Mr. Wagner and Nevins were Ruth Brock, J Clapper, Frank Denes, and N Ide.

After a program consistln8 Lhe demonstrations, a fi l m Physical Fitness, a ta l k by ernor ll1orrison, and a talk by Ray Johnson ot Kearney S an hour of sports was Lndu lge4 the participants.

Tonight Westside wUl wrestiJng participants in t he open Intramural Wrestling T nament Finals. The eventa climax two days of bard com lion and weeks of work-outs. mission will be free and the tllng taking place in the boys' at 7 p.m.

J u n ior Dlll Olson, as h igh score r in the ga.me, valuted tbe Warrio r cause wllh 19 points. Because of a. leg injury sutrered Ln the Fremont game, Senior Bob Garrett was unable to play.

Desp i te the earnest etror ts ot tbe Warriors In the second balr, P r ep marched on to snatch the District Tournament victory, 7157.

Coach Marvin Nevins, ove lng the program, and Mr. Ge Koch, activities director, will assisted tonight by statr aids members or theW

Senior On Three

John Luckasen, senior, has named to th r ee hon or ary All· terclty basketball teams. three teams are the Omaha W H e rald team, the Dundoo West Omaha Sun team, Sportscaster Jack Payne's W Radio and Television team. John, surprised and about the honor, scored a t ota l 195 points in nine Inte r city and averaged points game. He bas been on the v basketball team tor two y coming to Westside in hts ju n year from Cheyenne, Wyomin g


Pro m a nd Wedd in g Cen ter of Oma ha

Lano To Hawaii 1 Summer To Learn lewTeachingMethod

lr. Calvin DeLano, chemistry will leave tor Honolulu is a. study of a n ew approaeb leacb.lng high school chemistry, teport..

1e 15. He wlll be attending the IYersi ty of HawaH !or a Chem1 Education Material Study.

)nly those teachers with a s u cllful chemistry a nd teaching !kground are accepted when J apply to the National Science mdatlon.

Uso, to be accepted , the schoo l I the teacher must support the r method and be willing to try JUt.

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