5 minute read
Rank on Junior High Honor Roll
MneFarlnne, Don Marquardt, Bob Mcintyre, .Hnrry McLnugltlin, JefJ Meyers, Greg Mil· ler, Lindn Miller.
Connie Morey, Mike Muller, CliH Mumby, Rundy Nogel, Marilyn Novak, Stan Ostrow, Jim Parker, Patz, Kurt Peterson, Candy Pettengill, Janis Barb Phalen, Cleve Pue, Michele Rachford, Roger Rchurelc.
B3rry Roberts, Paula RoS<!n, Paul Schegel, Pat Schmalberyer, Mike Sheehan, Nnncy Silvennan, Cynthia Sokol, llarb Stein, Rita Tarpley, Doug Vercoe, Barb Williams.
7th gro.de-M3rk Abrahamson, Mike Armstrong, Dave Andersen, Riek Anclcrson, Riek Backhaus, Allen Bllch, Ann D3rmore, Betty Barton, Bruee Brown, Kny Brown, Jim Bruns, Wendy Bwldcn, Stacie Cnrpenter, Don Carson.
Mary Chase, Jan Chrislenaen, "Sen Cohen, John Cramp, Chris Curelop, .Mike Currou, Bob Difinbaugb, Potg Duffin, Deirdre Eaton, M ichallne Eden, Kristine Engerbretaen, Ter· ry Ericksen, Dianna Ervin, Belen Fanch· boner, Roger Franz.
In case any one of tbese students are unable to attend, Carol Bloom, Cathie Filkins, Dennis Shannon, and Rich Vosler have been aelected as alternates.
Each year two boys and two girls represent Westside at the University of Nebraska for one
April Almanac
APRIL week of intensive study and pracUce of Nebraska government. They Jive on campus, attend lectures, and hear government officials speak on different phases of state legislature. All students then run for ::m omce on state, community, or lo cal government level. Vigorous campaigns a re waged and the winners visit. the office to which they have been elected.
1-(Su.nda}'), Specla.l School Day - Aprll Fool! grades 10-12, Girls' Gym , 9:10a.m.
4-Carousel, J1·. High matin ee, Girls' Grm, 1:30 p.m.
5-7-Carousel Girls' Gym, 7 :30p.m.
These students were chosen tor their academic ability and personality by the faculty and admtnistrallon. Any junior teacher could recommend students but a board of English and social studies teachers the final choIces.
13 WHS Speakers
To Com pete at 0 U
Mrs. Anna Clark and Mr. Rod nanseu have c hose n their entries from the drama and debate classes.
T ltc nr<.'ns e n tered b y the s tud ents flrc fn te r t> r c ti ve Public Addr ess, EncmtlOraneous Speaking, Po e try Rt>l\dlng, Oral Reading of DMlrrul, Oibcnss lo n , and Original Public Address.
Gibba, Dd Gordon, Patli Groves, Con· Jbmm, Linda furvey, Steve HiU, !il)"D Holcomb, Cbm Hopkins, John K:u. .., Dick k W'ing, Jean Kennedy, Jim !ley
Others: Holden Aust, Leigh Bovett, Jamie .HAIUefl, John Ruby, Carvl Thomas, Cindy Wheelu. Jim Killerlain, Tim Knight, Kurt Koet· ttr, Steve Ladwig, Rob Laitos, Dave Larlcin, Nancy Lincoln, Lonna Love, Sandy
Omaha U Regents Offer Scholarships ance, Shield Positions Available
Thursday, April 19, 8:30-11:30 a.m., and 1:30-4:45 p.m., the U niversity of Omaha w11J hold its Regents Scholarship Exams.
12--C-onvoc.ation, grades 1()-12, Girls' Gym, 10:10 a.m. ;rr. High Talent Show, Girls' Gym, 7 :30 p.m.
18-Midland R e lay at 1-'remont Lance l\l"rh·es!
13-23-Sprlng V acatlon
The students attending are Bob Carson. Steve Curelop, Gregg Eden, Eldon Franz, Les Johnson, Nick Kostos, Cam Lucas, Janyce McConkle, Susie Peterson. JeJ! Parish, Ken Ploss, Sandy Smith, and John Wupper
Lance Editor Captures Award; WHS To Host Pres s Conven t ion
20 advertlsl.ng salesmen. With the exception ot t he advertising staft's, applicants should be able to include journllsm in their class schedules. Shield staft meets 5th hour,Lanoo start, 6th hour
Starting today, applications Needed are approximately four typists or editorial assi stants, two n ext year's Lan oo and artists, three photographers, and who have bad no priol' PerieDI:!e, Mld )fiss l\larilyn l'tiU-
anks from Africa
eatllde's Inte rnati ona l club lved a letter rrom Allan J. m for t h e text book$ the club t them recently.
"We bave t coplel o r eaeh In our library; hant taken whole sets of some the boob and uslgned them to delltll Ia nrloue cla&&ea. Other )OJI:s we have distributed bemllar- of teacher s. You may be -' book ta being usedelub for Its Interes t In -ldlld gift."
AppUcanta should fill out and return 1n an application form to l'tWler no later than April 18. Sel ootlons will be announced 1n tJ>.e May Issue ot the Lance.
Miss Miller, hoping tor many applications, stressed the importance ot publications to Westside - "1 can think of no better way one ca n contribute to the school and d evelop hls own abilities."
First year journli sm will again offered to juniors next year.
Tile value ot t h e schol urshJps range from $270-$324 for th o ftrst year, a nd t h e r e will be tJu-oo given to en.eh p u bU c higlt school in the Omallll> ure n •
This award will be made for one academic year (two semesters), and may be renewed tor succeeding semesters to a. total ot eight, provided the bolder maintains a standard or work satisfactory to the Scholarship Commlttee. The c urrent minimum l.s a cumulative average ot "B."
Those in terested s hou l d report to 1\fr. Hansen or Mr. Pecllt prior to Apr1ll2.
Students recommended ror the exam must be in tbe upper fourlh of their graduating class and must be definitely considering the University o f Oma.ho. o.s their college choice.
Pep Club Ho/Js Fund Drive, Tryouts
Sunday 75 Pep Club girls will join in the annual Easler Seal Campaign drive for crippled children. Mrs. Clara Dunn, Pep Club sponsor, was very pleased a.t the large number tba.t signed up for the project. Only two other Omaha. schools a r e j)artlclpating.
These gt rls will be assigned certain blocks in thls neighborhood for a bouse to house campaign from 1 -3 p.m. Each one participating will receive a point.
• • Mass pr&A: ticea Cor drUl squad will be held at 7: 30 a.m. starting next week. The tl')'outa wtU be held in AprU sometime before the cheerleading t r y ou\3.
Correct t-'Chniques and turns will be demonstrated and practiced. Durlilg tryou ts, drill squad prospectlves ,vm have to do straight maiebing, iknwheels, and turns to a record e d march. Also a dance routllle to "IU! Interlude" and flag precision work will be required. Glrle wm trl OU t in g roups of about 10.
Westside has again captured tbe editorial a.wr.nd of the Omaha University Journalism Clinic!
Lance editor Suzy Tichacek won the award for her editorial on the Student Council. Last year, Linda Kimmel won the same award for her editorial on the Studenl Lounge.
Suzy won over several schools tn th e Omaha area. Thet>e schools submitted articles which were sent to out--of-state judges to be eYaluated. Suzy stated, "I'm I co uld keep it at W estsi d e I ' m ' 'e ry honored."
Miss Marilyn 1\iiller, journalism sponsor, stated that she wns very pleased with Suzy and added, "although winning awards Ls not our only purpose, It's Dice that good work can be recognized."
Westside journallsm students will host the regional meeting of the Nebraska High School Press Association at WHS, April 14.
Between 150-200 students and advisers from Omaha schools and n earby cities and towns will attend small group meetings held simultaneously. The groups will discuss various facets of high school journalism.
Among the special guest speakers will be Mr. Jlm l\icGaftln, WOW-TV; Mr. Herb Armbrust, Omaha World-He rald ; Mr. Brent Douglas, Douglas Printing Company; and Professor Jame.s Morrison, Nebraska U.
Miss Marilyn M:iller, Westside journalism adviser , emphasized, "Anyone can come. This wUl give a. good idea of what work on school publications involves."
1-Ciu h Convention
Do you have a problem? You can now soh·e It by attending the International Club Banquet on April 9 at Caniglia's Venice Inn, 72nd and Pacific. Tickets are available from any language teacher and are only $1.75. There will be a slave auction, wlth members from all clubs up for auction. Each club will also present a skJt. All are asked to wear costumes, but they are not required.
Committee members are Rena Ol son, Kathy Lierley, Dave Johnson, Linda Keating, Pam Pat z , Claudia Gresham, and Sherry Paden.
OU Co n vention Award for WHS?
Westsidera stu!}yi ng biology, chemistry, physics, or physiol o gy may show exhibits at the Junior Academy of Science Fair; Science Club members are required to participate. The fair will be held at Omaha U April 7, and is open t.o lhe public from 10 a.m. to 1:30 1>· m.
Everyone Is !nYited to a telalecture given by Mr. Isaac Asimov "Borderland of Lire.'' He is "quite a scientist," according to Mr. Bruce HolmqUist, Westside physics teacher. Mr. Asimov has also wrltt.en science fiction.