3 minute read

Warrior hitt-icisms-------

by Lori W llltWd

Chimpanzees are coming! Look out! Look oul! This may be the cry throughout tho United States durtng the next rew weeks. According to the Chicago Tribune they have not. only preceded man In space but also bnve taken over in his comic strips and T.V. Even the President realiz es that concessions have to be made His longer hair was probably adopted beca u se ot pressure from t h e chimp lobbY.

At W est s ld o th e rhlmp .Influence hns j ust begu n to become noti ce> )fickey E ll ey, Ron llrent \ Van-en, J oe Cob <'n , Bruce fo'ra.•.er and some of the othe r male Top Cho.lr m e mbe r s are growing o u t th e ir hnlr. ('ou l cl thls b0 th e chimp 's influe n ce o r t s It "Carou-

Items in Chuck Hester's collections, such Items aa a. Jal)anese tombstone and a stalagmite must have been procured by means of a non-humo.n agility.

W h e n tlle l ower c ln.sses of the po pu lation w ere be ing dlscnssed I n Par East c JIUtS, Dave Allen said,

Bookkeeping Students

Face Adult Dilemma:

The Income TIX Forms

Parents of Westslders have decided that tf they are going to suffer Income tax woes so are there children. Mr Bob Rademacher has put additiona l emphasis on 1t in his bookeeplng ciMSes.

Students are laboring over the various forms. each more difficult than the preceding on e. They take John and Mary Doe through progressively more compltcaled forms. First John Is n college student making $GOO, then be marries and has tho responsibllties for a wite. A family Is added to make the task more difficult.

Both business and personal tax forms are included In the course. Social security Is also being given g re ater emphasis

Mr. Rademacher says many of the students are having trouble with the more difficult forms. Be hopes, however, that all will Jearn the basics.


Pub lish e d S. mi- Monthl y By J ournali sm Clones W esui do High School 87 th & Pa cific Sts ., Omoho, N eb

Ed• tor • • • • • • • • •••. Suzy Tlchocek

MonOQII'O Edi tor •... • .• Joan Olson

Business Monoger •. .•. Cheryl Bird

Advert ising Monoger .•••• •. Cothi Eo t on

Flut Pogo Editor •. ....• Pot Miller

Second Pogo Editor •. Koren Kozak

Third Pogo Editor Connie Colli ton

Fourth Pooe Editor .•••. Priscilla Young

Sportswriters .•••.... .• .•• • Dove A llen, Ron Adams

Feature Editor • .••• •. Lori Whitted

Circulation Monoger •••• • •.•• Koy f uchs

Jr. H igh Columnist S. J. Johnson

Phot ographer •..•••. Peyton Whitely

Stoff Reporters ...•.••••• • •• Judy Nelsen, Jon Wright, Borbl Clem

Artists •. Nancy Simmons, Candy Wheeler, Phil freyder

Adviser •.•• .•. •. Miss Marilyn Miller

HEWS REPORTE RS : Bec;kie Amis, Su.

Boode, Lindo Fonks, ChynM Koser, Judy

Terr i Morgan, Jerry Nealy, Sus•• Roberts, Tedl Rosenbaum, Virginlo l\! r s J udy :Krhoune k returned to clu.ss on e d ay and f ound Clark Cumpbell mlsslng. Wll c n s h e uskcd where b e was , tile others saJd lle had to clean up a tray h e h ad broke n. As s h e opened the to p u t her tb e nn os Jn it. a voi oo said, "Bl. ?tlrs Krb ounek."

Seoger, Peyton Whitely.

AD STA FF : Solly Allen, Corol Bloom, Olck Diegel, Cothlo Fllklm1 Sholn Humphrey, Kristy ISOOC$On, Bev Klein, Cothy Laughtonschlager, Corolyn Ronkln, Judy Thomas.

"E\'eryon e is a membe r of the unw ashed masses."

Susie Petersen exclaimed, "Now don't call me an unwo.shed mass!"

I doubt, however, It even the chimps have bad anything to do with the t act that Barb Belmrod wore her skirt sideways a while half day, or that Caro l and Linda Dresher wore each other's tennis s h oes an d bad to sit down on the steps to change them.

Three guesses as to who It was I i\. chimp , of course!

I feel it best to end with a. tribute Congratulations, Mr. Glidden on cleaning olr your desk. Has a nice top, d oesn't It?

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