4 minute read

Warriors Write of the Pas The Exhibit ... Ron . Swanda, Grade 10 And Futur

thmk it best that we none o£ them."

"Yes," said Miss Dottin, finishing her (l()tes. "Then you will have: no ahlbit on Sun clay?"

"That's right," uid Mr Mr. Uraclcett that l'm very torry, and that 1 will write him c:onfirmlllr this phonf! call"

"Thanlc you very much," Mid :Miu Dol· tin. Sllc: would have to type out her notes before ahe left for tile: djiy. It took her iWit a few minutes to type out the messatl'e on tlu: customary sheet of blue memorandum paper. She dosed ht!T typewriter and hurried to tht! orriu o£ the airpon •uperintendent. She 1•laced the message on the desk and hurried out.

Lime ricks

Who returned to !ulllll a whim, But to his surprise He tailed In his tries.

Now many tLre sad 'cause of him.

--Jnu e Moser Gt•ade

A c:urrent of air f rom the closing door c:augbt the paper, and it floated down to the edge of the desk where it dtopfle<i aiiC'ntly mto the wastt!basket.

AI 10 m. S wrtd4:r "'o"'"'l1' 1M growrul ulubit wowld opn<. -..Jd ol I p. m trogrartt t<-ld begin uoitlo stuclfes, f olltmvd by o dtnlflStratiOJ< by Blue Arl(/tls, orul /10101/y o hdicoPit!r dt'tnO'Mtrotion by tile


Superintmdent Drachtt arrived at work at 6 p. m. Sunday. He into the new resuurant for a c:up of coffee with a eoo· troller JUSt off duty.

"Hne all the exlubits urived?" aslc.-d the controller.

"Tbey were all bere last night," uid Oraclcett, "except the one !rom the Space Agency.

"Thill must be the: one that ume in about

S a. m " said tltc controller. "EYickmJy their ndio lconlct!<l out-or ours did, br!eOy.

V.'e uw it com-e in but when we lired to contact it all we got wu at a tic."

"Where is it?" asked the

"Oh, it's 011er th,.,-r in /Itt right piau I guns," said conlrolltr. "It's rtOt t oo far

Noon ... Stev e Watson, GraJe 11

"The st upid old fool! Imagine, giving me this rat's paw and saying that it would destroy the earth at precisely noon. Ignoran t savage! 1 had almost forgotten that such a primitive being still existed. He should have been wiped off the face of the earth along with ltis Stone Age brothers many thousand s of years ago. He has no place in a realm of scientific discovery and understanding. Why, even the dullest urchin who walks the streets could tell you that a rat's paw co uld not possibly destroy the earth at noon or any other time! Besides, it's nearly noon now; there are only five seconds left, and nothing has happened. There I It is now exactly noon and nothing has " frqm tile plorc you rn.d for tlu!

Srau Agt'"t'y, Wt 1()()/ud at tltt lo)V>WI ,.ow (Javr us ""d si"tt it u.u al><>ut wltcrt.' l3y 9:30 n. m. the t>ublic began to arrive.

1/ shbN/d bf', t<'P didn't /x)thu to srnd on)'<'llt.' tn:" lo tr/1 tlt rm to tfWf:r."

"1'11 look mto it right away," said the superintendmt- but M didn't. Two air aces dropped in, nncl by the time he had &'f'Ceted them, the maHer bnd &litljle(! his mind.

In a sho rt time, the terminal nnd exhibits were nil crowded.

The moet popular dem<tnstration o£ all, howevt!T, the area act uide for the Space Agency. lt "as earc:Cully roped oH .Mt:'n in •trange-looluog IUitS refused to let a">"'"' entt:'r tht! area. The spectators were deli&llled. Thosr tulto w•rt {a111ilior t11ilh I"Cit moltN"s {rlt tt wiu /o tile from tilL

IHoutt/ully btllll stou sl»p. JI Wt:U shc.prd liJu o J110NI sJt,..,. top. Its nolc'<'tll 1111'(ou ut'tnrd 10 ql- briglll11 •n ''" "'"· "\Vbat 1 to know," commmted one onloolce:r, ''11 wbcre did they find all those midgetS who know bo...- to fly 1 Look bow abort they are I "

Two of the crew were visible on the out· aide o£ the tpcu:e abip. They kt!pt patrOlling the rope- emto.ed area to a« that no a... stepped inside Occasionally, tbere •'OIJ!d be a bummtn& noig from the craft, but that was all. At 1 p m the cc:remorues began. The superintendent welcomed iltc: crowds and WllS relievttl to tee iltat c:vt'rythi ng was goin¥ smoothly, Tht' crowds were thinning out around 4 p. m. when Miss l3oltin round hun.

"'lt'a juat "onderluJ," &he Aren't you pleucd 1 And to think that the Space Agency came oftcr alii" "Wilal do yo11 ml'a aftcr a/If" said lhe suptrilllr"clClll. "Their display is the bul i" 1/1r shtnv."

"Didrt' l :you grl tUiud M;.ss Doltirt. "Mr. Fridoy o{lrrtf(10ft orul soul """ «.vNid M no Stou Ag.-.cy disf'loy. ."

She wu auddenly running behind her boss as be ran townrd thesilvc r vehicle. Strange sounds were from ioJide the ship. 'Ihe two guards were motioning !or the c:rowds to at.lnd haclc as they gathued up the rope Krambled up the lad· der. lmmediatrl) the: abiny c:raft bqran w spin.

It I'06e into tht! air and darted "Uddenly to the west. It pau ed mommtarily u an air· !mer took oH into the dusk. Them with in· c:red1ble at>eed, 11 disappeared. 11., S11f'tnrtUttdnf/ «.;u o l 4 PM-n, till tltt' lwa"""· llr z,.,..ud," 1)1'1 mr w '""''"'"

"I«," lie {IU/'td tdtns tile '""" i• tltr t<I'Wrr' O><n<·urd," d1d you tlult tlli"fl "'' il 11'/11"

"Well, in n way we did," replied the ton· troller.

"What wu message?''

"No mu•ate at all. Just a 10ft or wierd bugbter. \Ve ell heard it up here."

Haiku Poems I ''H a· hd '' appy 1rt ay

('fhe Hn.lku ls a. fonn of ancient Japanese po<>t r y s tudJed by senior EngUs h cltt.-.sc.'S. According to 1\lni.

Helen K e ll y, senior lnstntctol', rules for wrltlng Haiku nrc quite rigid. £al'lt poem contains three lines of 17 &yllAbl es portJoned 6-7· IS. In conte-nt the poem Implies a oomparl.Mm b etwee n two seemingl y diffel'('nt thlogs: a v ls ttnl image

In the fir<.t two Unes and a more g('nernl con t"e pt In the third Une. reader to complete th e ld('nUty of The rea ll y good poem requires the the two.)

• • •

Foot tracks In the sand

From th e end11 of Ute dC'fl('rt

Th<> story of mnn.

• • •

-'louse in ntUc

Squ eaks nnd run s wttJ1 no purpose m ovement.

--John Wupper Grade 12

• • •

The future IK'cms close:

Close ns Imaginatio n

We grnsp Hs clean band.

-Oigt Tfce Grndc 12

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