4 minute read

Welch Visits WHS Voices Heard in Windy City Play, Top Choir, Debate, Speech

Jllllate JOur date wW arftJik JOa otr to th e S lterHot t> l T h ere, nn· .rtUKhtll, you'll dance to of Eddy Haddad. And JOII'U ftnd out h ow w ell KoYarlk and h er oommJttoo ea tile deroratJ ons. about lhla prom Ia llt!..-114 to be apectal. With the toaUDlttee ehalrmen that ,. - lltltldlcl, how could It help 111! Nacllne Berc Ia In charJe bmtaUou: Carol Bloom is the ol tlae ballroom committee; Jle1er Ia In charge o f the Uoda Dlouhy 1.8 to charge ,.,.IUD<IDt:a;· and Mary Mead In in dance was

Mr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, and Mr. Jac k Peterson, guidance counselor, also attended. They lnt.en•lewed nearly 36 freshmen who graduated from Westside last year.

The former Westsiders have an Engllsh grade average of 6.2 In the advanced course. Nebraska 's grading system runs from 9-1; a 9 Is the highest rating.

The conCe r ence Is designed to Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of Westside's college preparatory program.


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"I enjoyed the Senior Class 'Vestslde's Debate Team parplay very much," said Bob Gar- Uclpated In tho Lincoln Southeast rett. This was the oplnton of Cosmopolitan Invitational Feb.9, many students when asked how where Bob Carson won first place tloo In Chicago the week of March they liked the play. In the Interpretation or prose llt16-20.

Mr. Harold Westside orchestra Instructor, attended the Music Educators National Conven- l\leetlngs, co n certs, tm d ex hibits tilled the Ume: "It was vel')' rewarcllng ," acco rdin g to 1\fr W e 1ch.

Mr. Welch found the "miles of exhibits at the Conrad Hilton" and other d emonetrat.lone very much worth the time and energy. o ut st.andlng gronps, both hJglt schoo l and professio na l , gave pre ()Dtatlons for the convention members.

Because of previous plana, Mr. Welch returned two days early to participate tn the Omaha Symphony. "It was all good I r eally hated to leave," he comme n ted.

Safe TeensMeml:)ership;

French Club Speaker

According to President Greg Eden, the Safe-Teens organization at Westside will bold its midterm rm.embershlp drive the week Of April 2-6.

Greg explained that, "Anyo ne wishing to join should fl ll out the cards passed out to them In school. They must have a permit or driver's license. There a r e no other obligations except safe driving. Each new membe r will receive a membership card and a bumper tag."

"Inter esting and unusual," 1s bow Kathy Lierley, French club secreta r y • treas ur er, described slides o f Paris and France, shown to the club members March 12.

M r John Hackett, former pres!· dent of Alliance Francais, presented the program.

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"Goodbye, My Fancy" rec e ived a good review from Herb Armbrust in the World-Herald after Its first performance March 2 2.

Though the play went ott ve1·y well, there were a few amusing inc idents known only to lho cast.

At one time the stage crew forgot to ring the phone and the actors had to ad lib for three minutes. Then, as a picture was being hung , the cord broke.

As one person said, "It's a shame more people couldn't have seen it."

Omaha's Symphony Orchestra and Westside's Top Choir joined effort Sunday to present a conc.ert at the Omaha Civic Auditorium MtuJic hall.

The Orchestra, under the direction of Joseph Levine, accompanied the Top Choir led by Mr. WUllam Kellogg, vocal directo r at Westside, in songs written by artists ranging trorn Tchalkovsky to Richard Rogers. Featured soloist on the program was Mr. Kellogg.

Westside placed second in the DlsLrlct Speech Festival at Central High School Feb. 16-17.

Jel't Parish received a superior ra.tlng tn extemporaneo us reading and an excellent r ating in original public address.

Eldon Franz received and ex· cellent rnttng In poetry interpretation, Cam Lucas and John "Mllne excellent ratings In discussion. and Greg Eden the only superior In Radio and TV Kewscasting.

Westside placed 2nd in the Dis-trict Speech Contest March 16-17 at Central Hi gh School.

Speech and drama students who completed In the contest were Rod Anderson, Dob Corson, Greg Eden, Buddy Johnson, Nick Kostos, Cam Lucas, Jeff Parish, Ken Ploss, Sanda Smith, Susan Tuclter, and John W upp er.

Also the same week-end Rich Vosler, Steve Wilson, Jan Laitos, and Les Joho11on took 4th place at the :Bisholl Ryan contest Others in the contest were Scott Crabtree, Ray Dryden, Steve CurlOll and Dick lmig.

by Cathie Fllklns

Here It is! The spring edlUon of the Nebraska Notes will feature the clothes that you wlll be seeing and, I hope, wearing this season.

T. J. does lt again. They have designed another wen -tlCrfeet o ut-fit. Have you ever b eard that j e an bemmdiL'I and l ong shirts look s l OPl>Y? u rprise tho complainers; wear T. ,J.'s new, tidy outfit.

Uncle Oscar Hlmmelberg Ill has willingly l ent bls shirt to American girls. Although the shirt was Uncle Oscar's, the fit will be exclusively yours. hundred per cent herringbone Oxford gives the familiar "daddy'' shirt a new look. The choices of color are red, blue, or olive.


Rip-J>-p! Another pair of jeans beco m es bermndas. Do "YOU throw away tho bottom hah·es? The an· swer to thl'l waste of denim is T J.'s Dluo J'oohs. Ript>ed to jnst tho right length abo, e the knee, tltcy aN> guaranteed to rip no fartlte1·.

This twosome wlll take you almost anywhere that your spring vacation Ideas may take you. But don't wall until spring vacation to own this outfit. Create your OWll vacation after school wi.th your D lu e Pooh's and Uncle Oscar sh i rt.

· P. S. Don't miss the informal style show given by Gloria Gelfand, vice-stylist and vice-president of the House of Suburbia. You have just enough time to see the showing this afternoon and evening at the Crossroads Nebraska.

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