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PI FI Instructor

Atten.ds Meet

Omaha played host for the drst lime to the 28th annual Physical Education Convention, March 2123.

The program, presented at the Sberaton-Fontenelle bote!, lasted from 8 a.m.-10 p.m. with speakers and commercial exhibits from all over the country.

Att e ndJng th e con,,e ntlon were e ducation teachers from Oo l ot·ado, lw\ho, t h o J>ako1'ns, 8.l1d otht•r are-a &tlltes. 'I' h e co n v<>uti ou Is one ot five ln tho coWJtry. The other com'cntlo n s nrc h e hl In four dltrcrent tlliltrlct.s nt later antes

Mr Wayne Wagner, attending the March 21 session on lherapeutlcs, 6tated that the purpose o! the convention was to present new theories In the field of physical education. lie also mentioned that "they had a lot or comme r cial exhibits."

lncloor Track Meet Starts Today at OU

To d ay and tomorrow Westside trackmen will be competing Ln an Indoor InvltatJonal Track Meet at Omaha University.

Schools In the Omaha area as well as Fremont and Columbus are participating In the meet.

Dave Allen, distance man, will be detendlng his mile championahh) and the relay team will defend Its two-mile relay championship.

The boys participating In tbe meet are Jim Adams, Ron Adams, Dave Al l en, AI Beauregard, Roger Carlburg, Don Chase, Mike Beuterbaugh, Frank Dones, Bill Ellers, Eisele, Jlm Ellis. Kim Fields, Gary Gray, and Bob Grant. Others are Dick Hurst, Bill Jepsen, Hodge Jones, Doug McFarland, Gary Millett, Craig 1\Ioore, Jim Moore, B ill Olson, Phil Perry, Ken Piper, Don Pugh, Pete Ridgeway, Steve Skaug, Mike Strange, Dart Walker, and Bob Maddox.

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