2 minute read

Season Open On Spring Golf I Hi- Y Ball

Anyone tor baseball, tennis, Th e two return lug l e tte rman GOLF track or goU? arc boU\ juniors, Terry P eterson Senior Ken Seddo n a11d Sophoand Cb a rU e P enigo. more Steve ''filion are tbe two rt'·

These are the sports that will

The team has been working on turning let t e rmen on tile Westblde be highlighting many an aUer- 1! \ dJ Jl T their grip and over-all condition- go team. J coor ng t o m angnoon this spring at WHS. log ln the gym, and according to dAll, coach, 23 boy" seem InterestApril 13 spe l ls out th o flrst lll- the coach "should be better than W in th e team but wiU hav e to last year." 'fbe first In t ercity meet walt till the vubll c golf Un ks open te rcity b aseball gAille of the War- t h 1 1 l rior season. Practices wW begin is scheduled for April 12. to s art t e r pruct c n g.

April 1, and a meetJ.ng for everyone interested will be a nn ounced shortly. Some ret urning l etterm e n to b e watching for on tho diAilloud will bO Steve U r osevlch, Dave Auld, Ga ry Kunkle r , K e n Scl\nur , a nd Ron Stave


The Warrior tennis team, according to 1\Il". 'Bob Rademacher, coach ''shows good potential esvecial,ly in the 9th and 1Oth g r ades."

TRA OK l{Jcld n g off U1 o track season w iiS a at K ctLrn ey, Neb r on F('br. 18. " 'Pstsldo e n te red two relay wmi1s nnd t h o o u o e ntere d in tho 2 mne event p laced Gth and th o 1 mU o <> ntry pluced 6tl\ In a tle.

Dave Allen, Warrior miler, looks like a boy to keep your eye on, (if you can!) Dave won 3rd place in the state last year and Is hoping to try again thJs year for number one In lbe Stale.

Cheerleading Tryouts Scheduled For April 25

" T he 40, the 30, the 20 yard line, we're going to bl'eak right through that goa l line!"

As Spring finally b r eaks, tbe hallowed halls of WRS are once again witnessing the practice sessions of hard-working g i rls the cheerleading hopefuls. The primary tryout date bas been set tor ApriJ 25. Pep Club board members, sponsors, and the cheerleaders have worked to develop a new tryout program. Tbey feel that the new system will help to determine those girls best Qualified tor cbeerleadtng.

The following are among some of the new points or the program.

1. Each girl trying out. must be nn acl!ve Pep Club member with 18 sen'ice points.

2. In the initial tryouts, with membe r s of the faculty and adm ln lslraUon judging, each tryout couple will be requested to do any one of five specially selected cheers.

3. After this cheer, the tryout couple must do one ot two new and original cheers prepared by the present senio r cheerleaders.

4. After every tryout coup le has performed, the entire group will do "Victory Ho."

6. Each girl will be responsible tor a spilt, stag, elbow, and stmlgbtarm jump.

Twenty girls selected by tho faculty and admlnlstro.Uon judges will then proceed to the dnnl tryouts. These girls wlll be selected on the basis of ability, personality before a crowd, and eagerness to learn. The final tryouts will be May 8; the Pep Club members w lll then vote on next year's cheerleaders.

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