2 minute read

Drama Class To See OU's 'Li'l Abner

Approximately 33 drama students will attend the Spring Fine Arts Festival at Omaha University tomorrow.

Lectures and presentations will precede a luncheon given to all participants and eponsors In the Festival. Afternoon sessions will continue after the luncheon. Also scheduled tor the afternoon will be OO's production of "Li'l Abner."

Interest groups wlll Include talks on Mode r n Acting Tech· nlques, Theatre Production, Publie Speaking and Debate, Modern Dance, and Art.

Library Week Contest

Winners Announced

Seventh and eighth grade winners of the "Read and Watch Your World Grow" contest for National Library Week, April 814, have been chosen. They are as tallows: Diana Ervin, Hale Aust, Jim Bruns, Nancy Lake, Terry Eriksen, Glnl Roe, Joanne Saechl, Leslie Moore, and Tom Ross.

WHS Jr. High Marching to the Top by S. J Johnson

Here's some more on clubs:

Art Club: The purpose ot this club Is to "develop and maintain an interest In art'' for 8th and 9th grade students. President is Jan Bachrach; sponsor, Mr. Kenn eth Grizzel.

Hi-Y: "The purpose ot Hi-Y is to strengthen the boys spiritually, mentally, and physically." Any boy in junior blgh may belong. Among the activities undertaken by the group bas been an over-

West Loveland Barber


2607 South 90th 391-9811 night at the YMCA. Projects Inelude the sale of safety stickers, the profit of which went to the Salvation Army. Officers: Allan Bach, president; Roger Herring, vice-president; Jon El11ot, secretary. Sponsor: Mr. C. N. Robinson. Student Council has rescheduled the annual "Swing Into Spring Dance•· for May 5 two more sock-hops are planned before the dance See you at the Talent Show April 16!

Westgate Drug

Loca t e d at WESTGATE PLAZA FREE DELI VERY 3427 South 84th Street 393- 140 4 393-140S


3014 St. Mary's 341-3444

by Catble FUk:ins

Exciting, mysterious, and full of fun wlll be this year's prom. The juniors wlll look forward to the culmination of a of work. The bake sales, car washes, the style show, th,e play, and the Warrior mascot tor 19 6 2 wlll all be long-remembered projects ot the Junior Class.

To the seniors the prom is more t.h un a da n ce It is a Onll.l trib ute from the juniors and the unde r• classmen. It remains In a cloud of anticipation, as the underclassmen l ook toward the future.

The main problem, but the most run, wlll be the choice of the perfeet dress Soft lights and a taint breeze wlll glve a new look to the gauzy chiffons ot every rainbow color. Mirror-like satins will re· fleet the gaiety of the evening. Gold and silver brocades wUl s hine from every corner of th.e ballroom. The magic of the night wlU be represented as silho uettes of black appear.

Know n to r Simple e l egance and origi.nAl St}'lc, Mr. Mort adds t wo flui d panel s of bla.ek crepe to soften tho skirt o f the featured dress. Made of rayon and acetate, this young sophisticate will go euslly to all soclal functions

The Nebraska, lon g patronized by prom-goers invites you to choose your lovely dress from the ...convenient Crossroads or Downtown Nebraska.

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