4 minute read
Pep Club, All Sports Feasts Highlight Year
Tomorrow night the annual All Sports Banquet given by the Pep Cluo will be held In the careterla. All those boys who have actively participated tn a sport this year will be guests of honor.
Football coach Robert DeVaney !rom Nebraska UnJverslty will be the guest speaker.
Pep Club officers and varsity cheerleaders wm serve.
Committee chairmen In charge of t h e banquet are: Programs, J udy Ne lsen; decorations, Sandy Clifton. "We hope the banquet will be a great success," exclaimed Judy Nelsen.
It's a busy time o f the year for e n thuslosllc Pep club members w h o are hoping to be f utu r e drlll sq u ad members. IDnger prospective& have been meeting In mass g r oups to prepare themselves tor tryouts which will be In April b e f ore cheerleadlng tryouts May 8. Plans are being made to highlight the year with a MotherDaughter Banquet , May 3, In Pe-
Girls Tennis Team
Wins First Game
The hard-hitting girls' tennis team won their flrsl game of the season l ast Friday against Thomas J efferson. The score was 3 to 1 and took place at Westside.
The eight member team baa been practicing togethe r after school. Practice began on March 26
After a season of team competition wilh other schools In the a.rea , Individuals will compete In the Intercity Tennis Championships.
Girls participating on the tennis team this year are Lee Bovett, Tlsh Heacker, Gayle Hubbar d, Kristy I saacson, Judy McClendon, Rita Peterson, Kathy Rees and Margie Rlngwalt.
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13th and Willis 346- 0281 ony Pa r k's ballroom. Each year members who earned a letter, bar or chevron a re hono r e d at the nun u al dlllner. I nvitations are also extended t o seniors, who have remained active, with tou r points this semester. Ente r tainment wtll be provided b y club members and new omcere will be announced.
Track Aprt1 1 S--Dual l'leet Relays
21-T J RelAys
24-Dual Fremon t theJ"e 28--Dutc:h Whi te Belays
Baseball Aprll 1 S--Westst d e, North at Boy d P ark
2'7-Weststd e, Oentral at B:rown Park
28--Wests lde, A L at Oo. BloJrs Golf Aprtl 16--West.<J l d e, A L at Ebnwoo d 19--Westafde, Lin co ln at Elmwood
2'7-West.'>id e, Lincoln a t Pion ee r SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
Jr. High Takes AAHPER Tests
Pull-ups! Now sit-ups! I don't know It I'll Jut
What. Jumping? You say running? And do It mighty fast?
What next will they think of to cause me so to ache?
Don't they know l ' m fragile? Woh knows, why I might brenk!
Perhaps the reason for some of these student groans is due to the AAHPER (Association of American Health, Physical Education, and Recreation), tests now being given In the junior high boy&' and girls' PE classes.
According to Mr Wayne Wagner, boys' PE teacher, the test consists of seven parts. They are pull-ups, sit-ups. standing broad jump, 60-yard dash, 660-yard runwalk, soft ball throw and the shuttle run.
Mr s. Diane Peterson, girls' PE Instructor, relates that her classes have been working on an "intensity program," ot four timed exe r cises designed to improve the scores on the AAHPER tests.
It's a pleasure to shop at BEN FRANKLIN ' S 5 & 10
We st gate Pla za Try
Jim Moore Sets Hurdle Reco r Tracksters 3rd in OU Meet
'The Clowns' Take Bowling Trophy
"The Clowns" have copped the champlonshll)! This GAA bowling team, comprised ot seniors Marsha Rosenblatt, Jan Rollck, Sally Saklar, and Judy Welstead, won the most games and bad the highest series over seven other GAA teams.
Sponsored by Mrs. Diane Peterson. girls' physical education teacher, th e bowling groups competed at lhe Ranch Dowl tor a number ot weeks. Last Thursday was the finale tor the activity as each member of the wtnnlng team received a trophy. Senior Marsha Rosenblatt commented, " I t was a fine expe r ience. Bowling is a wonderful type of good, clean competition, and J know I learned something about good sportsmanship through lt." *
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Sophomore Jim Moore made new WHS record for the 120-ya high hurdles at the dual-meet wi Bellevue last week-end.
At the Columbus track meet I Saturday, the Wa r riors round up only 8 points, and pi next to last In Class A competltlo Westside snatched third pia In the Greater Omaha Invitatlo Track Meet held at the Om University fteldhouse two ago. Ove r 20 teams participated 'frackmen to watch are senlo Mike Beuterbaugb and Dave len, and junior Bob Grant. M broke the school record ln shot-put durlng a practice slon, and Dave is ranking v e high in his running performan so far. Bob Is rated among l top In the state for the 100-y dash.
Last Tuesday, Westside co p e ted in the lfldland Relays Fremont.
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Ral s t
elsen 1 lmig To Host AFS Pupils
a'he long and short of It" w111 rep re sented next year In the p r ogram at Westside.
ren Nelsen, sophomore, and family will host Marla. Escogo ntiago, Chile. She Is 4'11'" listed driving and swimming ng her favorite sports. She be a senio r contrast to tiny Marla Is